Make your girlfriend love you more

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to KEEP Your Girlfriend! | 5 Ways to Make Her LOVE YOU!
Video: How to KEEP Your Girlfriend! | 5 Ways to Make Her LOVE YOU!


If you are concerned that the fire of love in your relationship has died down a bit, or that your girlfriend just doesn't feel the same way she did in the beginning, you will have to work harder to win her over and take care of it again. that she stays with you. If you're just not meant for each other then that's one thing, but if you really love your girlfriend and can't imagine life without her, then you'll have to work to make her feel like you love her. by being a more considerate and tactful friend, and continuing to kindle the fire of love. If you want to know how to get your girlfriend to love you more, read on at Step 1.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Make her feel special

  1. Compliment her more often. If you want to get your girlfriend's attention, you have to show her that you really care about her. While superficial compliments about her appearance or compliments just to get her to like you won't get you much further, giving a meaningful compliment at the right time can show her that you really care about her. gives. If you're worried she's not going to be able to stir up her feelings for you, chances are she just doesn't feel that way about you, so let your girlfriend know you care by sharing what makes her so special .
    • You can compliment an impressive side to her personality. You can say something like, "It's really great that you can start a conversation with just about anyone. How do you do that?" Or, "You're such a hard worker. I wish I could study as long as you can."
    • Pay attention to her and notice when she's wearing something new or when she's got her hair cut differently. Say something like, "I really like that new sweater. It brings out the color of your eyes a lot more," and she'll be impressed that you paid attention to it.
  2. Do something for her. Another way to make your girlfriend feel special and win her over is to do something for her and show that you care. This could mean bringing her lunch if she's had a busy day, giving her a lift if needed, or helping her clean up after a party. Just taking the time to make her life a little easier will make her appreciate you more. Of course, you are not supposed to become her messenger boy and make her feel like she can use you, but try to help her when you can, except that she does this for you too.
    • She may answer in the negative when you ask her if she can use help, but if you find she really needs your help, give it as much as you can.
  3. Support her in her goals and interests. If you want to make your girlfriend feel very special, then you shouldn't treat her as something to show off. You will have to care about what she cares about and want her to succeed. If she loves soccer, go to her games whenever you can. If she's trying to find a new job, you can help her by practicing a job interview together. Show her that you want her to do well, care about the things that are important to her, and she will be moved by how thoughtful you are.
    • If she's upset, you should be there to reassure her and talk to her when she's ready. Don't get frustrated if she's in a bad mood because of a setback.
    • Cheer her up when an important day is coming. Wish her luck and tell her you'll be thinking about her.
  4. Ask her questions about her life. You don't want your girlfriend to get bored or think you really don't care about her. As you open up to each other, you can ask her questions about her life, from childhood to friendship relationships and the relationship with her parents. Also ask her about her goals for the future or what she has next week. Show her that you care about who she is as a person and her personal growth.
    • Show that you are genuinely interested in her and that you are not just asking for something out of politeness. Make eye contact and give her your full attention when she tells you about herself.
    • Ask her to tell you more about her hobbies and interests, even if you don't know much about them.
  5. Get in touch to ask how her day has been. If you want to show her that you care, you could get in touch at least once a day, whether texting or calling her, to ask about her day. Show her that even when you're not together, you still think about her, something that will mean a lot to her. You can get in touch because you know she has just been through something drastic, whether this is an important exam or a football match. Show her that you care, even if you are miles apart.
    • Of course you shouldn't overdo this and check every five minutes if everything is okay, because that can be a huge turnoff. And if she's been going out with her friends, give her a moment to herself instead of reaching out every time you get the chance to get in touch or she might think you're jealous or possessive.
  6. Be affectionate. True, most men are not fond of walking hand in hand or unabashedly showing affection in public. But that doesn't mean you can't show her love and affection when you're together, whether you put an arm around her, run your hand through her hair, or put a hand on her arm or knee when you talk. to be. Just some physical attention can go a long way in showing that you enjoy being with her. She may seem aloof because she feels like you don't care enough, and showing some affection is a great way to change that.
    • There's no need to hold hands all the time, but holding her hand every now and then is a great way to let her know you care. If you're in the cinema together, squeeze her hand from time to time.
    • You don't have to kiss in public, but giving her a kiss when you see her and when you say goodbye will show that you care.
  7. Take the time to really listen to her. Most people are allowed to work on their listening skills, and guys aren't exactly known for being so good at listening. The next time she talks to you, you should really absorb every word, put aside distractions, and look her in the eye. Don't interrupt or try to solve her problems, but work on just being there and taking the time to understand what she's telling you. This will show her that you really care about her.
    • When she's done talking, ask more questions to find out how she's feeling. If she asks for advice, make sure you have all the facts before giving it.
    • Put your phone away when she tries to tell you something. You drive her crazy if you keep checking your cellphone while she's just trying to have an important conversation with you.

Part 2 of 3: Be a better friend

  1. Be a gentleman. If you want to be a better friend to your girlfriend, you will have to work on being more of a gentleman. This doesn't mean you should become some sort of Cary Grant or pick her up in a carriage, but it does mean that you should try to treat your girlfriend with a little more attention and respect. Whether she gets into your car or you enter a restaurant, keep doors open for her. Slide her chair back so she can sit. Give her your coat when she's cold and try not to be too raunchy in front of her.
    • Don't worry, being a gentleman doesn't mean pretending or acting overly. Just by treating your girlfriend with more care and attention, she will see that you are a real gentleman.
  2. Improve your communication. Many boyfriends are notoriously bad at conveying what they want. If you want to be a better friend, you will have to work on telling your girlfriend honestly but kindly what you are feeling, and learning how to have a conversation without getting angry. How to learn to compromise instead of getting annoyed because you don't get what you want. If you manage to develop better communication skills, your relationship will flourish.
    • When your girlfriend is upset, work on understanding what she's really upset about and try to address her concerns; if she's angry with you for being late, for example, it could mean she's angry because she feels like you're not putting enough energy into the relationship.
    • Timing is also important if you want to have a serious conversation. If you want to have a good conversation with your girlfriend, try picking a time when she's not too tired or distracted for conversation.
  3. Spend more time with her. If you want to be a better friend, you will have to be there for your girlfriend more often. This does not mean that you are available to her 24/7 and have to do everything she asks and at any time, but that you make enough time to strengthen your relationship; for weekly nights out or calling her to watch a movie together. If you're never there or prefer to hang out with your mates instead of her, she'll likely start to feel neglected.
    • That said, she may also be losing her loving feelings because you are becoming too dependent (for example, you are always around her). Have a life of your own, time with your friends, and time for your own hobbies and interests. While you want to make time for her, you also want her to see that you are an interesting and dynamic person.
  4. Respect its independence. While it's important to make time for your girlfriend, it's also important to respect her time and space. Let her hang out with her friends without getting jealous and call every 5 minutes; don't do everything she likes, from running to volunteer work, with her. Let her be busy with her own thing and support her, and go along if she likes it. You don't want her to feel suffocated or feel like you don't like it when she takes a few steps away from you.
    • If you start clinging to her, she will feel like you don't trust her or don't trust her in the relationship. If you are comfortable enough to let her get on with her own thing and interact with her own friends, then she will feel that you are confident enough and confident enough in what you have together.
  5. Be nice to her friends and family. Her friends and family are important and can be the way to her heart. Don't push them aside and don't stop at nothing without taking the time to really get to know them. Ask them how they are doing, tell them things about yourself, and show that you really care about them. Even if you only do this because you care about your girlfriend, it will make a huge difference, and they will be more likely to praise you when she talks about you.
    • If your girlfriend invites you out with her and her friends, give in from time to time, even if this isn't exactly your idea of ​​a good time. This will show her that you really care and are doing your best.

Part 3 of 3: Spicing up your relationship

  1. Do new things together. If you want to keep the love alive between you, you will have to find new interests to pursue together. This could include watching every Hitchcock movie ever made, taking tennis lessons together, or hiking. Whatever it is, try to find something that the two of you can do alone and strengthen your relationship. If you just continue doing the same, well-known things, then the excitement of the relationship will inevitably fade away.
    • You can also take hip hop, karate or painting lessons together, if that's your thing. Obviously, don't do something that doesn't help you.
  2. Try to add variety to your dates. While dining together and going to a movie is fun every once in a while, you should try to keep things exciting by mixing things up every now and then. Invite your girlfriend over to your house and cook for her, instead of going out to dinner together. Instead of watching a movie, take a sunset walk together and have a picnic. Go out with the two of you on any Tuesday, instead of the same Friday night all the time, just to get the blood flowing again.
    • Make an appointment to go wall climbing in the gym. Take kickboxing lessons together. Doing some kind of exercise together can be very sexy.
  3. Interact with other people. While spending time together is the best way to build a lasting relationship, in the end it won't work out if your girlfriend is the only one you hang out with. Occasionally hang out with mutual friends, each other's friends or family, or do your best to make new friends together so that there is always something to do and your relationship doesn't get dusty.
    • Being in a group or alone with people can help to appreciate each other on a completely different level. Even a double date can add a fun new dimension to your relationship.
  4. Be spontaneous. While it is great to plan something new for the two of you to do together, or to arrange an exciting night out, there is something to be said for doing new things spontaneously as well. If you drive past a restaurant that looks great, stop and see if they have a table available. If you're suddenly bored on a Saturday night, grab the car and drive to the beach without planning every second of the day ahead. Just by having the opportunity to jump up and do something completely unexpected can keep your relationship exciting.
    • Is there anything you and your girlfriend have always wanted to do but never had the chance to try? What time is better than the present?
  5. Don't make it too easy for the other person. While it's important to show your girlfriend how much you care and be open and honest with her, it's better not to put all your cards face up on the table if you don't want her to get too smug. The second time she calls, don't pick up the phone, have other appointments on your calendar, and don't overload her with your love while still letting her know you care. If you don't make it easy for her and make her have to chase you, she'll be much more interested than if she knows she's got you wrapped around her finger.
    • If she doesn't feel like you are available to her 100% of the time, she'll cherish the time you spend together more.


  • For romantic dates:
    • A midnight picnic
    • An overnight trip to the beach
    • A chic restaurant
  • Tell her you love her every day and give her a hug.
  • For cozy dates:
    • Watch a video at home
    • Make a dinner for 2
    • Bowling
  • For fun dates:
    • Run through the park and take pictures with random people
    • Picnic on the beach
    • Chasing a large flock of pigeons or gulls with an umbrella