How to grow eucalyptus

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to grow eucalyptus trees from seeds, how to sow eucalyptus from seed
Video: How to grow eucalyptus trees from seeds, how to sow eucalyptus from seed


Some types of eucalyptus can be grown indoors as a houseplant, while others will only grow outdoors. These types of eucalyptus require a warm climate. It is a beautiful herb with aromatic leaves that are often used to make medicines and oils. Eucalyptus growers know that they prefer temperatures slightly above freezing in winter and moderate temperatures in summer.


Method 1 of 2: Outdoor Growing

  1. 1 Research literature and internet sites to find the type of eucalyptus that works best for your area.
    • Choose a species that can survive in your climate. Some varieties are more hardy than others, but eucalyptus will only grow into a tree in warm climates without frost.
    • Choose a type of eucalyptus that, when grown, will blend in with your landscape. There are varieties that grow up to 6 or even 18 m. There are also varieties with a thick or thin trunk.
  2. 2 Choose smaller trees for replanting. Plants with a large root system do not transplant well.
  3. 3 Choose a planting site that has good sun and good soil drainage.
  4. 4 Plant eucalyptus in the ground.
    • Dig a hole 10 cm wider and deeper than the plant's rhizome.
    • Remove the plant from the pot.
    • Plant the eucalyptus in the hole and cover with earth.
    • Water the hole well.
    • Add more soil to the hole if necessary.
  5. 5 After you plant the eucalyptus, water it well for the first year.
  6. 6 After the first year has passed after planting, you do not need to water it. If, however, there is no prolonged drought.
  7. 7 Fertilizing the soil is usually not required.

Method 2 of 2: Growing Indoors

  1. 1 Choose an indoor eucalyptus cultivar.
  2. 2 Use potting soil rather than garden soil.
  3. 3 The plant requires a lot of sun, so keep it in a well-lit area.
  4. 4 Water the eucalyptus when the top of the potted soil is dry.
    • Use water at room temperature.
    • Pour water until it flows out from under the pot.
    • Drain the water immediately from the tray or plate under the pot.
  5. 5 Eucalyptus should not grow in a humid place. Also, do not spray its leaves.
  6. 6 The ideal indoor temperature should be 10-24º Celsius.
  7. 7 Transplant the eucalyptus into a larger pot every spring.
  8. 8 Fertilize the soil once in the spring after replanting the plant. Use houseplant fertilizer and follow directions for use.
  9. 9 You can prune the plant at any time to maintain its shape and size.


  • Some varieties of eucalyptus, such as E. nipfolia, E. polyanthemos, and E. gunnii, wilt every autumn and begin new growth in the spring.
  • When eucalyptus grows into an adult, its leaves may look different.
  • Another name for eucalyptus is myrtle tree.
  • Eucalyptus has pests and some diseases.
  • For indoor cultivation of eucalyptus, E. gunnii and E. citriodora are suitable.
  • Eucalyptus doesn't like it when its roots are restricted to a pot.


  • Eucalyptus will quickly die from excess moisture.

You will need

  • Pot
  • Pruning shears
  • Pots with good drainage
  • Trays or saucers to collect excess water
  • Fertilizers