How to raise pigs

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What You Need To Raise Pigs!
Video: What You Need To Raise Pigs!


Regardless of whether you are planning to raise pigs for sale, for meat or as pets, you need to know how to keep them and how to care for them. Pigs are prized for their meat and manure. The rise of the natural food movement has made consumers think about what kind of meat they eat, and many now prefer to buy it from small local producers rather than large farms. Below you will find a few steps to ensure the process of raising pigs.


Part 1 of 2: Pig dwelling

  1. 1 Build a pigsty. Pigs need a dry, well-protected space to live in, which can keep them out of the weather and where there is plenty of room to move around. Some argue that only six square meters is enough for an adult pig. However, in order to raise a truly healthy pig, you should calculate about fifteen square meters per each. When planning the size of your pigsty, remember that it is best if it is twice as long as it is wide.
    • When making plans, also keep in mind that pigs often empty themselves next to the drinker. Because of this, plan to place the drinker in a far corner of the pen, away from the trough and pen.
    • If you have a stable with empty stalls, you can alternatively keep the pigs there. Just remember that you will have to get their manure out of the stable.
  2. 2 Place a sturdy wire fence around the pigsty. Use a wicker fence only if it is strong enough and place it along the bottom with planks to prevent the pigs from digging in. The best way to build a fence is to mark the entire area planned for the pigsty and then erect a sturdy wooden fence around it. When the fence is ready, attach a netting to its inner side so that the pigs will bump into it and no longer tear further.
    • A portable electric fence can also be a good option for pigs, which can be used for grazing on other parts of the farm, as well as for gathering both inside and outside the pigsty.
  3. 3 Get at least partial cover. Pigs can get sunburn if they are not protected from direct sunlight in hot weather. In cold weather, they need protection from cold and wind. The most successful option is a three-sided, roofed structure surrounded by a fence around the perimeter. Many pig farmers recommend providing them with 4 to 6 square meters of shelter. The roof should be located at a height of no more than 4 meters.
    • Do not forget to leave a small gap under the eaves of the building so that hot air can evaporate through it on hot days.
    • In winter, add hay to the pen so that smaller pigs can bask in it.
  4. 4 Consider creating a mud puddle for your pigs. Pigs love dirt, it's true. It is very difficult for them to maintain their body temperature, so in the heat a mud puddle is like a pool for them. Select a section of the pigsty for a mud puddle. You can build a low fence or dig a small groove to keep dirt in only one part of the room. Loosen the soil under a mud puddle and add water once or twice a day (perhaps more often if you live in a particularly hot climate).
    • The mud also prevents the risk of lice in pigs, allows them to dig in the ground (which they love to do) and keeps their skin in good condition.
  5. 5 Decide what you will do with the manure. A 45-kilogram pig produces almost a kilogram of manure per day. It can be used as a fertilizer in the garden or in the field. You can also sell the manure to other local farmers or gardeners who do not have their own supply.

Part 2 of 2: Raising pigs

  1. 1 Think about the best time of year to start pigs. Pigs grow best in size in warmer weather (ideally 15 to 20 degrees Celsius).If possible, start your pig rearing project in early spring or late summer so the piglets will grow under the most optimal conditions. As surprising as it may sound, a 25-kilogram piglet, having constant access to food and water, can grow to 115 kilograms (market weight) in 100 days. Think about how to make such a leap.
  2. 2 Buy pigs. Whether you are raising pigs for meat or as pets, you should choose healthy pigs from a good producer. You should focus on local pig farms with piglets for sale, unless you want to waste your money. When choosing piglets, do not choose those that scratch or cough. If you notice that about 20% of the piglets on the farm are sick, it is best to look elsewhere to buy.
    • Remember that if you buy piglets at a fair with pigs from different producers, the pigs are under a lot of stress. Because of this, they are also more susceptible to various diseases.
  3. 3 Provide your pigs with enough water. Pigs drink a lot. On average, they consume 7.5 to 15 liters of water per day. Dig a trough into the ground and fill it with water several times a day. If you just leave the trough on the ground, the pigs will most likely turn it over and play with it.
  4. 4 Choose good food for your pigs. As you might have guessed, the pigs are great when it comes to food. In general, pre-mixed feed should be used to ensure that pigs receive a balanced diet. A 20 kg piglet should be fed at least 16% protein, while a 55 kg pig should be fed a feed containing at least 14% protein. The pig should gain about a pound a day.
  5. 5 Give your pigs some slop. Pigs are sometimes referred to as walking trash bins - and that's a very accurate wording. However, let them have food as a main course, and a little slop as a dessert. Pigs can be fed fruits, vegetables, leftovers, garden scraps, and even rotten eggs. Most importantly, make sure they are not eating. exclusively waste.
    • Remember also that what is toxic to humans (some plants and berries) is also toxic to pigs. You should avoid feeding your pigs raw potatoes or raw meat, as both can cause poisoning and contain a lot of harmful bacteria.
    • Some pig industry professionals believe that any ‘human’ food is best boiled before being fed to the pigs. This will prevent any harmful bacteria potentially present in the food from entering the pigs.
  6. 6 Protect your pigs from internal parasites. Pigs tend to become infected with parasites as they constantly dig in the dirt and manure. If infested, ask your veterinarian for a prescription. Prevention of food worm treatment every 4-6 weeks is recommended.
  7. 7 Sell ​​your pigs and make money. If you plan to sell pigs, you should do so when they grow to 90-115 kg. Once a pig is ready to be sold on the market, its price will be determined based on its size and health. Take pigs to livestock fair, market, individuals or local shops. Make a deal with your local slaughterhouse.


  • Do not forget to check the safety of the fence from time to time. Pigs are quite intelligent animals, constantly digging holes. They quickly find a weak spot in the fence and break it as soon as the opportunity arises.
  • Do not buy piglets that are too small - they should stay close to the mother for the first 6 weeks of life.
  • An approved pesticide can be used to control pig lice and fleas.


  • Never feed raw meat to pigs.Meat is a source of various diseases, and federal laws prohibit the sale of pork if the animal ate raw meat.

What do you need

  • Wood planks
  • Wire or wicker fence
  • Water
  • Trough
  • Feed
  • Pig