How to heal dry skin on your feet

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to treat dry skin: Tips for relief
Video: How to treat dry skin: Tips for relief


Dry skin on the feet is a dermatological problem called skin xerosis or asteatosis and is popularly known as "winter itch". It is most often exacerbated during the winter months when the air humidity decreases. Dry skin can be experienced by anyone, at any age and at any time. In the most severe cases, this problem can result in cracked skin.


Part 1 of 3: Changing Bath Procedures

  1. 1 Change how often you shower. When you shower, you are flushing the natural oils from your body. These oils not only keep your skin moist, but also protect it from damage that can lead to even more dryness. Showering too often can wash off too much of the natural oils and dry out your feet.
    • Try showering every other day or the third day. If you need to shower during these intervals, use cold water and soap only on the most essential areas (such as underarms).
    • Showering too long or too often can cause problems. Do not take a bath or shower for more than 10-15 minutes at a time and no more than 1 time per day.
  2. 2 Shower with warm water. Another important consideration when taking a shower is the temperature of the water, which removes a large amount of natural oils. Too hot water removes natural oils from the skin and dries out the skin. Use warm water to keep your feet dry.
    • Most people don't have a thermometer to measure the temperature of their bath or shower water, so how do you know if the water is too hot? Follow the same rule that you do not put your baby in a bathtub that you cannot be in yourself. Check the temperature of the water on the most sensitive areas of your skin (for example, on your wrist) and make the water as cool as you feel comfortable.
  3. 3 Avoid harsh soaps. Soaps that are formulated to combat oily skin or poorly balanced pH levels can harm your sensitive skin. Choose a soap that is designed for sensitive skin or that has a moisturizing effect.
    • Research has shown that Dove soaps, especially Dove White and Dove Baby, have the most balanced pH levels and are best for sensitive skin.
  4. 4 Be gentle with your skin. During your daily hygiene procedures, be very gentle on your skin. Your skin is very sensitive and the skin on your legs is very thin and prone to problems. Take good care of your skin to heal and prevent problems.
    • Exfoliate your skin periodically. Exfoliation is very beneficial for the skin, but it should be done very gently and not too often. A baking soda paste or washcloth should be enough to remove dead skin cells, while loofah and pumice stone can only harm it.
    • When shaving, use new blades and shave your legs gently. Dull blades can irritate the skin and make the problem worse or start a problem.
  5. 5 Let the skin dry on its own or pat dry with a towel. You should be gentle with your skin while drying it after bathing. Drying your skin briskly and vigorously with a towel will irritate it and remove natural moisture. Let the skin dry on its own or, as a last resort, lightly blot with a dry, clean towel.

Part 2 of 3: Moisturizing your skin

  1. 1 Apply moisturizer immediately after showering. Once you're out of the shower, apply at least one thin layer of moisturizer. This will help replace the natural oils that you washed off while bathing, as well as help retain moisture after bathing.
    • If you don't have time to shower but want to moisturize your feet, wrap them in a warm, damp cloth for 10-20 minutes. This will moisturize the skin and open up the pores, which will help the cream to be absorbed well.
  2. 2 Try lanolin-based creams. Lanolin is one of the few products that has long lasting effects on the skin. It is a natural product made from sheep wool wax to protect the skin.
    • Apply lanolin cream liberally every day for a week. Then apply lanolin cream every 3-4 days.
    • You can also apply the cream at night and wear old pajamas on top, allowing the product to work while you sleep.
  3. 3 Use oils. You can use baby oil, coconut oil, body oil. Any of these will be very beneficial for your skin's regeneration. This is not always the best solution for the long term. If you shave your legs, the oil can irritate and block the hair follicle, which can lead to ingrown hairs. For this reason, oil should not be used all the time. But with the help of the oil, your skin will heal faster during treatment and will protect it during the cold winter season.
  4. 4 Avoid most other moisturizers. Many moisturizers don't do much good for your skin. It may be just a layer of cream that remains on the surface of the skin. Research the ingredients and pay attention to the ones that really help your skin, and ignore the others, because this is a waste of money.
    • The ingredients you need are lactic acid, propylene glycol, and urea.
    • Fragrance is an ingredient to avoid. Many fragrances irritate the skin and should be avoided.

Part 3 of 3: Total Body Care

  1. 1 Drink plenty of water. If you drink little water, your skin will be the first to suffer from it. Dehydration of the body causes dry skin as well as a number of other health problems. Drink plenty of water every day to protect your skin and your entire body.
    • How much water to drink is determined by the individuality of the organism. It is recommended to consume 8 glasses of water a day.
  2. 2 Protect your skin from the cold. When the air gets colder, there is less moisture in it. When the air is dry, it flushes moisture out of the skin (to achieve balance). This is why your skin is much drier during the winter. Protect your skin from the cold by wearing warm clothing and applying a moisturizer to prevent dryness.
    • To protect your legs, try wearing stockings or thin tights under your pants during winter. This will help keep the skin moist, as denim cannot protect it from the cold.
  3. 3 Maintain the humidity level in your home. Dry, hot air draws moisture away from your skin, and the increased humidity in your home will prevent dryness. A small air humidifier in the bedroom will help your skin, and even better, install humidifiers in others.
    • Make sure it doesn't moisturize your home too much. Excessive moisture can create mold in your home, which can have negative health effects.
  4. 4 Avoid excessive sun exposure. The sun is very bad for your skin. In addition to causing skin cancer, it can also cause skin dryness and irritation. Wear lightweight but closed clothing when out in the sun, such as linen pants. If you are unable or unwilling to wear closed-toe clothing, then at least wear sunscreen. Use a sunscreen (UVA / UVB) and be sure to use it as directed. An SPF 15 cream should be enough to protect your skin.
  5. 5 Reconsider your diet to get the nutrients that are vital to your skin. You probably know that your body needs vitamin C to fight off colds and your muscles need protein, but do you know what you need for healthy skin? Your skin also needs special nutrients, so make sure you get enough vitamin E, vitamin A, and omega-3 fatty acids.
    • Good sources of these nutrients are sardines, anchovies, salmon, almonds, olive oil, carrots, and kale.
    • You can also take supplements, although your body may not always be able to absorb them as well as from natural foods.
  6. 6 Try a dry skin brush. Buy a brush with natural bristles, but not too stiff to avoid damaging your skin. Working slowly, brush up and down your legs, but don't overdo it. Then rinse your feet in the shower and apply good quality coconut, almond or grape oil. Lotions can make things worse, so avoid them. Your legs will stop flaking.
    • If this is due to a medical problem, consult your doctor before using the brush on dry skin.
  7. 7 Consult your doctor. See your doctor if you've used all of these methods and your skin still suffers from dryness. You need to rule out medical reasons. Dry skin can be a symptom of certain medical conditions or medication. It is important to ask your doctor that dry skin is not caused by any of these reasons.


  • After you start treating dry skin on your own, it will take 7 to 10 days. If there is deterioration and treatment does not help, see your doctor.

What do you need

  • Moisturizing soap
  • Cortisone cream
  • Lotions, ointments, or baby oil