How to ask God for something

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ask God for Something Big | Motivational Talks With Steve Harvey
Video: Ask God for Something Big | Motivational Talks With Steve Harvey


Do you want to ask God for something, but you do not know how to do it? God hears our prayers, but not always gives us exactly what we ask for. Before you ask God for anything, it is very important to glorify Him and ask Him for forgiveness for your sins. Ask God to do everything according to His will. Also, be honest and specific when you ask Him for what you want. Be patient and trust that God will give you what you want.


Part 1 of 3: Build a relationship with God

  1. 1 Build a relationship with God. God hears your prayers whether you are a follower or not. However, He is more likely to answer the prayers of those close to Him. If you have never tried to read the Word of God and have not invited Jesus into your life, then you should do this before asking Him for anything. Learn to listen and do what He wants you to do.
    • This is not to say that God will not answer your request if you are not a follower of Him. It will simply be easier for you to turn to Him if you already have a relationship with Him.
    • Think about the difference between a stranger and your best friend. After all, if your best friend and a stranger on the street asks you for money, then you are more likely to give it to your friend. This comparison in relation to God is far from perfect, but it reflects the reality a little.
  2. 2 First praise and thank God. When you come to God in prayer, you should not immediately start with a request. Better to praise Him first and thank Him for what He has already done to you. Praise God for being merciful and powerful. Thank Him for guiding and blessing you. If you start like this, it will show God that you are not only coming to Him to fulfill your desire.
    • Praise and thank Him should be sincere, and not with the aim of appeasing God before you ask Him for something. You must say in prayer what is in your heart.
    • Start like this: “God, I just love how you took care of me and gave me everything I needed. Thank you for being so strong and never leaving me. ”
  3. 3 Confess and repent of your sins. After you have established a relationship with God, it is important to keep it. If you are constantly living in sin or have recently sinned, that separates you from God. You need to confess your sins and forsake them. This will restore your broken relationship with God.
    • This is very important because sin means a crime against what God wants you to do. If you sin, you separate yourself from God.
    • To confess and repent of sin is simply to tell God that you have sinned, that you are sorry for your sin and want to change.
    • Pray this way: “God, I'm sorry I spoke rudely to my neighbor. I know that you love him and I need to treat him the way you want it. I will try to be more patient and kind to him. ”
  4. 4 Ask God for forgiveness. After you have confessed your sins and repented of them, ask God to forgive you those sins. After confession, you must definitely ask for forgiveness. When God forgives you, the channel of communication between you will open wide.
    • There is no particular prayer to be prayed for for the forgiveness of sins. Tell God that you are sorry and ask Him for forgiveness for sinning against Him.
    • Pray, “God, I'm sorry I lied about what I did last night. I shouldn't have done that. Please forgive my lies. ”
  5. 5 Make peace with other people. If you are angry or have offended someone, it will be difficult for you to pray to God and be honest. Think about your relationships with people, remember what kind of relationship you are currently not in order and atone for your guilt in front of whom you were guilty. When we solve our problems with other people, the connection with God is strengthened, and only after that it is worth asking Him for something.
    • It's not enough just to think about what you did wrong, you still have to try to fix it. Contact this person and try to be reconciled with him before you turn to God.
    • Apologize to them or forgive them, depending on what happened between you.
  6. 6 Pray for protection from any evil that may be around you. If you live with God and for God, then evil forces can oppose you and keep you from drawing closer to God. Pray that God will remove all spirits that are trying to alienate and alienate you from God. There is a spiritual war against you that tries to prevent you from effectively communicating with God.
    • Maybe you should learn more about spiritual warfare and how it can affect your prayer life and your relationship with God.
    • Pray: “God, I feel as if the forces of evil have gathered around me. In the name of Jesus, please remove these spirits from me. Don't let them come between us. Tell them they have no power over me. ”

Part 2 of 3: Pray for What You Want

  1. 1 Be honest with God, don't lie about how you feel. God knows how you feel and what you think, so there is no point in lying to him. If you ask God for what you want, be absolutely honest with him and do not hide your thoughts and feelings. Your honesty will open God's ears to your prayer.
  2. 2 Ask God specifically for what you want. Tell God what you want or what you need. Ask Him to give it to you. Your request must be specific. Of course, God knows what you want or what you need. But He wants you to ask Him for it. God can answer vague prayers, but to be specific, it will deepen your connection with Him even more.
    • If you ask specifically, this does not mean that God will do everything exactly the way you want.It is possible that He has other plans for you.
    • Tell God: “This month I had to pay my medical bills and take from the money set aside for the rent. Please help me earn some money to pay the rent. ”
    • Remember that God will never give you something that is not in accordance with His will. Test your heart and test your desire in the Bible to see if it is contrary to God's will.
  3. 3 Ask God to act the way He wants to. You may have many specific things that you want to ask God. However, it is good to pray for His will to be fulfilled in your life. Ask God to lead you in the direction He has given you, not just the direction you want. Ask Him to give you the desire to do what He wants you to do.
    • There are many benefits to this prayer. Even if you know exactly what you want, God may have something better prepared for you than what you yourself can think of. If you only ask for what you want, you may be missing out on a much larger blessing.
    • Tell God: “Lord, I really really want to start a new job this month, but I understand that perhaps You have prepared something more for me at this time. Please show me Your plans for me, even if they are not quite the way I imagine them. ”
  4. 4 Ask God to quickly fulfill your request. When we ask God to fulfill our desires, then, as a rule, we want Him to act quickly. Being honest with God means telling Him that you want Him to get things done quickly. He has all His time, so He may not act as quickly as you want. It is worth asking Him to hurry, however, because you are honest with Him in your request.
  5. 5 At the end, say: "In the name of Jesus." The Bible teaches us that the name of Jesus has authority. Every time you pray, especially when you ask for something, end your prayers with the words, "I pray you in the name of Jesus." By doing so, you acknowledge that God works through Jesus and that Jesus has all authority.
    • These are not some magic words, they should not be uttered to force God to give you a blessing. In them, you are simply showing God that you are submitting to His will through Christ.

Part 3 of 3: Wait for God's Answer to Prayer

  1. 1 Be patient and expect God to give what you want. Remember, God acts on His own, not on your schedule. If He doesn't answer your prayer as quickly as you would like, don't give up and keep praying. Expect a response from Him, remember that He may have a reason why He does not respond as quickly as you expect.
  2. 2 Keep praying. While you wait for God's answer to your prayer, do not stop praising Him and giving Him praise. Even if you haven't gotten what you want yet, it is important to remain grateful and glorify God. If you only praise Him when He acts the way you want, then your praise is insincere.
  3. 3 Trust and trust that God will act according to His will. If you do not believe that God is able to fulfill what you ask for, then your prayer loses all meaning. You need to believe that He hears you and will act according to His will. If your request is in line with His plan, He will give you what you ask for, but remember that God does not always answer us exactly the way we want it.