How to play assassin in Skyrim

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 9 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Skyrim: Assassin (Tutorial)
Video: Skyrim: Assassin (Tutorial)


This article will show you how to play as an Assassin in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Assassins, if done correctly, can do a lot of damage, but for this you have to be patient and endure the slow movement speed. Otherwise, you will not be able to take advantage of all stealth bonuses.


  1. 1 Increase Sneak. The more advanced the Sneak skill, the harder it is to spot you. As a result, you will be able to get new skills of the Sneak branch. When you sneak unnoticed, you increase your Sneak skill, so train more often.
    • Use enchantments or potions of invisibility to sneak more successfully. For example, the Shadow Stone gives you 60 seconds of invisibility once a day!
    • The Thief Stone southwest of Riverwood increases the speed of learning thief skills by 20%.
    • Sneak next to the sleeping people - you are unlikely to be noticed in this case!
    • You can upgrade the Sneak skill from Khayla (adept level), this character can be found traveling with a Khajiit caravan. Garvey from Markarth will upgrade you to Expert, and Delvin Mallory from Riften Thieves Guild will upgrade you to Master.
  2. 2 Use light armor. Boots / shoes of light armor class (hide, leather, elven, chain mail or glass) are much quieter than other clothing. Some of the best armor can be obtained by completing Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild quests (such as Nightingale Armor).
    • Increase the skill of wearing light armor to make it even more effective. Books, teachers, or fights in which you take damage while wearing light armor are three avenues open to you.
  3. 3 Use stealth attacks. If you are not noticed, they will be much more destructive than usual. For example, the skills Deadly Aim and Assassin's Blade from the Sneak branch can increase attack damage significantly! The bow, being a ranged weapon, is perhaps the best choice for stealth attacks. If you poison the weapon, then you can do even more damage!
  4. 4 Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Get ready to use melee weapons (daggers are a great choice as they are used for effective stealth kill; swords and destruction magic are also useful), as well as additional potions and poisons.
  5. 5 Plan your escape route. If you are preparing to commit an assassination that will grab the attention of the PCs, then consider how to retreat and hide before you kill your target.
  6. 6 Pay attention to your surroundings. Guards and bystanders can appear from around the corner at any time, so hiding places and hard-to-reach places can be useful. Know who and what is around your character and take advantage of terrain such as rocks or rooftops.
  7. 7 Upgrade some skills. Sneak, Light Armor, Archery, One-Handed, Lockpicking and maybe some schools of magic will be your main skills. The bonuses from these skills will be very useful.
  8. 8 If you don't want to get caught, proceed with caution. If you see an eye icon (which indicates the level of awareness of the characters around you), slowly stand up and freeze. When the eye stops opening, quietly go into the shadows.
  9. 9 Try to join the famous Dark Brotherhood. Their quests will help you develop your assassin skills and earn rewards that perfectly complement this playstyle. Speak with Aventus Aretino of Windhelm.


  • Skills Imperials' Power and Voice of the Emperor calm all people in the chosen direction. You can use this skill for a quick escape if you are at low health and may not survive if you smell fried.
  • At the end of the penultimate Thieves Guild quest, you will have the opportunity to choose one of three powers. They are all useful for the assassin.
  • Vampirism is interesting. Because of the bonuses to Sneak and Illusion, vampires make excellent assassins.
  • The bow can come in handy for ranged attacks if your target is around a large number of guards or other playable characters. For example, one of the quests of the Dark Brotherhood is Bound Until Death. Use a good position, poison your bow arrows and shoot.
  • Pickpocketing is a great assassin skill. With a high level of Pickpocket skill, you can steal your opponent's weapons and thus disarm him for the next battle, or steal house keys to later kill the target while sleeping.
  • If you are afraid that during the execution of the order you will be caught, save the game often. If you get caught red-handed, just load the save you want. However, if you are playing "as if for real," then saving is certainly not an option - after all, in reality we cannot do that ...
  • Buy poisons, especially Slow and Paralysis, or spells with a similar effect. Weapons that drain health or stamina from the target are also very useful, so upgrade your Enchanting skill or mine gold.
  • The Illusion spells are very useful. Use a fear spell to scare the guards or your target for a short period of time. Use invisibility to go unnoticed (paired with a spell or muffle enchantment). The Mayhem spell can provoke chaos enough for you to escape, as well as help in killing a target.

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