How to get married in a courtroom

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 14 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
WE GOT MARRIED 💍🍾  getting married during a pandemic
Video: WE GOT MARRIED 💍🍾 getting married during a pandemic


If you've found the love of your life and you want to spend the rest of your life with each other, that's a sign that it's time to get married. If you and your loved one decide to tie the knot at the courthouse, this article is for you.


  1. 1 Go to your local court and register for marriage. This will require a small fee, which varies from state to state (for example, in Nebraska it is $ 15). If you plan to get married in a courthouse, you will have to choose a judge and a date, there is also a fee for this procedure (for example - in Nebraska it can range from $ 50-100). It can take from half an hour to two weeks to obtain a marriage license, but it also depends on the state in which you register.
  2. 2 After you have obtained a marriage license and discussed the time and place with the judge, you must also make sure that you have 2 witnesses. Your witnesses must be at least 18 years of age.
  3. 3 Now that all the legal issues have been resolved, it's time to think about entertainment. What are you going to wear? Remember that this day will be remembered for a lifetime, so even if you have a little money, try to wear the nicest outfit or go to the store and find something affordable that will make you feel irresistible. Maybe get your nails and hair done by your friend or family member, this is your day and you have the right to feel special.
  4. 4 Order flowers and photos. Flowers will perfectly complement your holiday. Whether you buy your favorite roses at the nearest store or pick flowers from your garden and tie them with a ribbon, no matter the price, your bouquet will be the best for you. Also make sure you have at least one person to take pictures of you on your special day.


  • Be sure to plan where you will spend your time after you say “I agree” in the courtroom. Maybe you’ll go out to dinner with those who share this special moment with you. Maybe you want to have a nice romantic dinner at home or a picnic in the park. If your budget allows you, spend the night at the hotel, it will add zest to your holiday.
  • Pamper yourself, use massage oils, buy a bottle of wine / champagne, chocolate.
  • Do not be distracted by everyday worries by turning off your mobile phones, etc.


  • Make sure that you marry with love and joy in your hearts, that this love and this happiness will be with you even in difficult times. Remember that this is why you have it all to lean on when needed. Please accept our congratulations, and maybe your marriage will become one of the examples of eternal love and happiness!
  • Do not skimp on appointments due to lack of money. You can always gather friends and family at your favorite bar or have a nice outdoor barbecue or picnic in the local park. If you are having trouble celebrating this event now, you may have to postpone it, maybe even a year.

What do you need

  • Love
  • Marriage license
  • 2 witnesses
  • Money for a license and a judge
  • Camera