How to quit a post

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Quit a Job: Leaving on Good Terms
Video: How to Quit a Job: Leaving on Good Terms


When you're done fasting, it's important to get your body back into normal digestion. Because your digestive system is likely to have decreased enzyme levels and damaged stomach lining, overeating or eating certain foods right after fasting can cause health problems such as nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Introducing regular foods into your diet slowly and deliberately can help you get out of fasting quickly, safely, and without disrupting your digestive system. Discontinue fasting with liquid and vegetable meals before returning to your normal diet.


Method 1 of 4: Quitting Fasting (Day One)

  1. 1 Set a time limit for interrupting your post. The length of time it takes for your body to adjust to food will depend on how long your fast was, and whether it was a strict water fast, or other drinks, including fruit juices, were allowed. Exit the fast gradually.
    • If you've been fasting for a week or more, expect to spend at least 4 days helping your body adjust to regular, habit-based foods. For the first couple of days, limit your diet to light foods, then gradually introduce new ones.
    • If your fast lasted no more than a week, three days would be sufficient time to quit. On the first day, you can drink fruit juice and possibly some broth. Depending on your condition, you can diversify your menu over the next two days.
    • If your fast only lasted one day, one day will be enough for you to get out of the post. If you have been fasting for just one day, you can safely end your fast in just one day by introducing foods gradually.
  2. 2 Make a plan. To make it easier for you to quit, make a timetable that you follow. In this case, you are unlikely to eat something that would not be worth it, and you can get out of the post more easily. Example meal plan (for four days):
    • Day one: two cups of fruit / vegetable (carrot, greens, banana, apple) juice diluted with water in a 50/50 ratio. The interval between doses is 4 hours.
    • Day two: diluted vegetable / fruit juice, broth, and 1/2 cup of fruit (pears, watermelon). Eating every 2 hours.
    • Day three: a cup of yogurt and fruit juice for breakfast, a snack - 1/2 cup of watermelon and vegetable juice, lunch should consist of vegetable soup and fruit juice, a snack - 1/2 cup of apple juice, dinner - yogurt with herbs and fruit juice.
    • Day Four: A soft-boiled egg for breakfast with fruit juice, yogurt and berries for a snack, beans and vegetables for lunch, an apple and nuts for a snack, vegetable soup for lunch, and fruit juice.
  3. 3 Drink fruit or vegetable juices on the first day. If you have been fasting for an extended period, first of all, the body must get enough fluid when you come out of fasting. To do this, in the first couple of days, you will only need to drink diluted fruit / vegetable juice.
    • To get out of the fast, drink a glass of diluted fruit or vegetable juice. Choose juice without additives or sugar, because you have just cleansed your body.
    • After four hours, drink another glass of diluted fruit or vegetable juice.
  4. 4 Alternatively, you can add fruit or broth to your diet. Depending on the condition of your body, you can add vegetables or broth to your diet.
    • Make chicken or beef broth, just resist the temptation to eat meat.
    • Take breaks between meals to avoid overloading your digestive system. The body needs time to return to its previous diet.

Method 2 of 4: Getting Out of Fasting (Day Two)

  1. 1 Introduce fresh fruit into your diet, especially if you have been fasting for a short time. If you have been fasting for several weeks or longer, you need to add fruits and vegetables and juices to your diet. Introduce fresh fruit into your diet. Fresh fruits are high in liquid and easy to digest. In addition, it is a storehouse of nutrients and a source of energy. Your body needs foods that are easy to digest and don't overload your digestive system.
    • Add some fruit at the end of the first day or the second day.
    • Give preference to the following fruits: melon (watermelon), grapes, apples and pears. These fruits and berries are easily absorbed by the body.
  2. 2 Avoid citrus fruits like lemons or oranges and fibrous fruits like pineapples. Fibrous fruits are difficult for the body to absorb. Also, avoid acidic fruits and vegetables.
  3. 3 Include yogurt in your diet. The body needs yogurt at this stage.The bacteria in yoghurt helps the digestive tract to be cleansed, yoghurt is easy to digest and is food for the bacteria that populate a healthy intestine.
    • You can enter yogurt on the second day. Most importantly, don't overload your digestive system.
    • Make sure you use unsweetened yogurt as sugar will negatively affect your condition.
  4. 4 Listen to your body while coming out of fasting. Your body will let you know if you get out of fasting too quickly. Of course, you may feel dizzy and weak because you have not eaten for a long time. However, there may be signs by which you can tell that you are doing something wrong.
    • If you are constipated, have stomach pains, or feel nauseous, you should go back to fruit juices and broth.
    • You should have at least one stool after two glasses of juice. If not, you need to switch to fruits.
    • Also, look out for foods that can trigger an allergic reaction. Pay attention to your condition. What are you experiencing: nausea, drowsiness, burning mouth, tiredness?

Method 3 of 4: Getting Out of Fasting (Day Three and Four)

  1. 1 Add vegetables. Start with greens like lettuce and spinach. Eat raw vegetables with yogurt. Continue eating fruits and juices as your body tries to get your digestive system up and running.
    • After adding salad and spinach to your diet, add other vegetables. Eat them raw and cooked. You can even make vegetable soup (but don't buy store-bought soups as there are a lot of additives).
    • Brussels sprouts are also very beneficial for those coming out of fasting as they contain many minerals and antioxidants that the body needs.
  2. 2 Introduce legumes. You can cook them and eat them along with the vegetables. Your appetite will increase as you introduce new foods.
    • Introduce nuts and eggs into the diet as soon as you get used to food (on the fourth day for a long diet, on the second day for a diet that lasts no more than one day, on the third day for a diet lasting several days). Boil a soft-boiled egg and eat it. Hard-boiled eggs are not easy for the digestive system to digest.
  3. 3 Before introducing new foods, assess the condition of your body. If your body metabolizes fruits and vegetables normally, you can introduce other foods. But if you are not feeling well enough, take your time and include in your diet the foods you ate in the first few days. Eat only those foods that your body accepts.
  4. 4 Eat small meals. Eat every two to three hours (after drinking the juice every four hours). It takes your body time to adjust to a new diet.
    • The optimal number of meals is three main meals and two snacks. You should feel better after getting out of fasting and sticking to this diet.
  5. 5 Chew food thoroughly. Eat slowly and give your body time to prepare for the digestion process. Chew each bite at least 20 times before moving on to the next bite.

Method 4 of 4: Troubleshooting Potential Problems

  1. 1 Be prepared for diarrhea. On the first day, you drink watermelon juice, on the second, add grapes and pears. After that, you may have diarrhea.
    • This is a very common problem that those who quit a post may encounter. During fasting, your digestive system was resting and inactive. Suddenly, the body begins to receive food. It is not surprising that such a situation can arise.
    • To fix this problem, stick to a regimen. Most likely, the problem is not in the food you eat, but in the body's unwillingness to accept it. Drink fruit and vegetable juices, and gradually introduce solid foods. Your body will return to normal within two to three days.
  2. 2 In addition, flatulence and constipation are possible. Don't panic if you suffer from constipation. Nothing terrible happens to you. Here's what you can do in a situation like this:
    • Mix 1 teaspoon of metamucil (or similar supplement) and 1 teaspoon of aloe juice. Add the mixture to a glass of water and drink before meals. It is a great laxative to help you cope with this situation.
    • Avoid foods or drinks that cause constipation and flatulence. Nuts, cabbage, and coffee can make the problem worse. Include prunes, sweet potatoes, and courgettes in your diet.
  3. 3 A large number of foods can cause digestive problems. Therefore, do not rush to introduce many new foods into your diet. Drink juices throughout the day. Then add fruit that you can eat throughout the day. Very often, those who fast make mistakes. They think their digestive system is very hardy. They make their diet varied and then suffer from it. But in fact, in this case, you need to eat simple products. Your body will thank you for this.
  4. 4 Avoid oil-rich foods in the first week after fasting. Even foods with healthy oils like avocados and nuts can cause digestive problems. Include low-oil fruits and vegetables in your diet; when your body is ready, you will be able to inject the avocado and assess the state of your body afterwards.


  • Stick to healthy eating habits. Remember, your fast was a rewarding cleansing experience for your body. Don't immediately fill it with unhealthy, processed food. Let this be the start for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Drink plenty of water and fresh juices.
  • Be busy when you leave the post. Find ways to distract yourself from the thought that you are hungry. Watch comedy, hang out with a friend, learn to knit.


  • Don't go to a party if you are tempted to break your fast. It can be tempting to eat the foods you crave while fasting. However, it can lead to ailments and be very harmful to your gastrointestinal tract.
  • Keep in mind that you will be hungry when you come out of fasting, but do not give in to the temptation, your digestive system and body need time to recover.