How to develop morning habits for the whole family

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 13 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024


A family morning plan is very important in fostering the skills of responsibility and self-organization in your children. For adults, this is a great opportunity not to feel unassembled and overwhelmed in the morning. Pick the most important activities for your plan and make sure they really align with your priorities. Come up with incentives to help your child complete their morning plan. A morning plan will be successful if you stick to it for most of your work days, if it is simple and easy to remember, and if you don't get nervous and annoyed when your family members don't do some of their morning routine.


Method 1 of 4: Morning plan and day regimen

  1. 1 Set a bedtime. It will be difficult or impossible to stick to your morning plan if you and / or other family members are not getting enough sleep. If you want to wake up energetic and ready for all your morning chores, you need to get a good night's rest. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep every night. Young people need even more sleep. Teenagers should sleep about eight hours a day, while elementary school students should sleep about ten hours.
    • Your morning plan should start as soon as you wake up. Calculate your bedtime accordingly.
    • For example, if you wake up at 6:00 am, you need to go to bed around 10:00 pm.
  2. 2 Check to see how the plan suits your priorities. In the morning plan, there should be only those things that are really important. Remove all activities that are not particularly necessary, useful, or urgent. For example, your morning routine should not include activities such as shoe cleaning, laundry, or walking the dog. Ask yourself what is most important to you and your family in the morning, and then include that in your plan.
    • In your morning plan, you can include, for example, brushing your teeth with children and breakfast.
  3. 3 List your morning plan in a logical sequence. It is best to do so that not very interesting things (getting dressed, brushing teeth, making the bed) went before what is more interesting (breakfast, watching TV, meeting friends at the bus stop). Then, if your child wants to start breakfast as soon as possible, you can remind him: "Before breakfast you need to brush your teeth!"
    • The logical course of action in the morning plan will help your child understand that the plan needs to be completed in the correct sequence in order for the day to be successful.
  4. 4 For each action, you need to provide a margin of time. Each member of your family should have some time for themselves in the morning. This allows a person to concentrate on those actions that are personally important to him. Or, if someone does not keep up with everyone else, during this time he can catch up with the general pace. Use this time for the things that are important to you, or just read the news, rest while others complete their part of the morning plan.
    • For example, your daughter might consider makeup as part of her morning routine.
    • Or your husband decides to shine his shoes.
    • Or you may prefer to leave the house a little earlier so as not to get caught in morning traffic jams.
  5. 5 Don't include too much homework in your morning plan. Yes, there should be time to feed the dog, let him out for a while, and the children should have time to make the beds. But there is no need to water the flowers, vacuum the living room or wash the dishes. Save these long sessions for later when everyone comes home again and can take the time.
  6. 6 Take some of the responsibility off the kids when school starts. Getting them to do their morning plan on their first day of school is asking for trouble. If you want them to get up early easily, start introducing a morning plan a week before class. The same is true for adults. If you and your spouse have taken a week off, you will most likely want to be lazy all these days in the morning and sleep as long as possible.But a couple of days before leaving for work, return to strict adherence to your morning plan.
  7. 7 In your morning plan, do not forget about charging. Research shows that taking some time to exercise before breakfast can help you maintain a healthy body weight. You can go jogging, cycling, or doing some push-ups and squats.
    • Children tend to be more active during the day, and exercise in the morning is less important to them. But if your child is overweight, you can also schedule a few minutes of exercise for him in the morning.

Method 2 of 4: Follow Your Morning Plan

  1. 1 Get dressed. After you wake up, get dressed and have your spouse do the same. Dress appropriately for what you will do next. If you are going to work, then your clothes must be appropriate. If you are going for a bike ride or run a couple of kilometers before breakfast, change into a tracksuit.
  2. 2 Dress the children. If your kids are old enough, they should wake up with their alarm clock and dress themselves. If your kids get dirty a lot while eating, it's wise to put off dressing until after breakfast.
  3. 3 Brush your teeth. You can brush your teeth with the whole family before breakfast. Show the children how to brush their teeth correctly, how to hold the brush at a 45-degree angle to the gum surface.
    • Remind the children to brush their molars and tongue.
    • Tell your children that clean teeth are the key to fresh breath.
  4. 4 Have breakfast. Breakfast is the food that starts your day. Eating a healthy breakfast can help improve memory, reduce your risk of diabetes, and simply improve your well-being. Find healthy breakfast options that you don't need to cook for too long. For example, apple slices, strawberries, and a banana with two slices of cereal bread are a great recipe for a delicious breakfast. Or, here's another option: a kale, blueberry and spinach smoothie.
    • Discuss with the whole family what healthy food options you like. Buy these foods to eat in the morning.
  5. 5 Schedule time to interact with your child. If you have small children, you can play with each one in bed for five minutes when they wake up. Let them tell you what they dreamed. With the older children, discuss your plans for the day at breakfast.
  6. 6 Send the kids to wait for the bus. Your children should be at the bus stop about five minutes before the bus arrives so that they don't miss it. Remind them not to forget the briefcase and other essential items that should be collected in advance and lie in their place.
    • You can take your children to the bus if you like. For some time, children need to be seen off until they remember the road to the stop. Older children may be unhappy with your presence at the bus stop where they chat with their friends. If you know well the needs and character of your child, you can choose whether to accompany him or not, depending on his needs and character.

Method 3 of 4: Teaching Your Children to Order

  1. 1 Introduce the plan to everyone before applying it. Use role play to help children learn the morning plan better. For example, you can show how soft toys fulfill the morning plan. Start by waking up the teddy bear. An adult bear says: "Get up, sleepyhead!" Continue in this spirit until you have gone through all the points in your morning plan.
    • While playing, it is not necessary to observe the times indicated in the plan for each activity. You will tire both yourself and the child. The main thing is that he understands how the stages of the plan follow one after the other in order.
    • Play this game in the evening, and the next morning, start to act according to plan.
  2. 2 Make a table. Some people find it more convenient to perceive information visually rather than verbally. Draw a table or graph of your morning plan with a marker on the chalkboard and hang it in a prominent place in the house for everyone, especially the children, to see it.The table should list all the elements of the morning plan and indicate the time of their execution. Here's what could be there:
    • Climb
    • We brush our teeth
    • We have breakfast
    • Getting dressed
  3. 3 Be sure to praise your children. Your kind words will be the best motivation for them. For example, when your daughter is dressing, compliment her dress choices. For example: “Mm, today is a blue blouse! Great choice! You look great. "
  4. 4 Turn the fulfillment of the plan into a game. If your child is lazy and not ready to start doing everything according to the plan right away, try to make the plan more interesting. For example, ask your child to play with you. You can offer to have time to do something from the plan while your favorite song is playing. For example, you can brush your teeth for the first song, dress for the second song, and so on.
  5. 5 Develop a system of punishments and rewards. If your kids are constantly struggling with their morning plan, consider hurtful punishments. For example, if children do not get up on time, they will not be allowed to watch TV on that day.
    • On the other hand, rewards should be provided for children who do everything well. For example, if your child did everything on time and came to breakfast, you can present him with a beautiful sticker or a special cupcake with blueberries.
    • If your spouse does not cope with the morning plan, ask why this is so. Say, “I noticed that you are not keeping up with the whole family in the morning. What can I do to make you keep up with us? "

Method 4 of 4: How to Ensure Your Morning Plan is Successful

  1. 1 Stick to it. If you don't follow through on your morning plan, it is no longer your morning plan. It's just a bunch of different things that you sometimes do in the morning. Do not press the snooze button on the alarm or let other family members do it. Don't make any excuses for not following your morning plan.
    • If someone wants to change their morning plan, let them speak. Discuss the change with the whole family and work together to decide if you can accept the change.
    • As a parent, you should calmly reject any unacceptable changes in the morning plan (for example, your children may refuse to brush their teeth in the morning).
  2. 2 Plan ahead. Choose the clothes that you will wear in the morning, even in the evening. Let your children and your spouse do the same. Pack your bags for work. Ask the children to collect textbooks and exercise books so that they do not look for them on the run in the morning. This will save you time in the morning, for example, to take your time for breakfast.
    • Also, in the evening, collect meals for the children. If you or your spouse eat lunch at work with something that you take from home, collect lunch the next day for yourself.
  3. 3 Keep things in order. Find a place where each family member can put their bag or briefcase. You and your spouse can store keys, wallets and glasses there. Children will have school bags, lunch containers and visual aids. The ideal place for this is a small table by the front door.
  4. 4 Don't overcomplicate. There should be no unnecessary details in your morning plan. Instead of describing what each member of your family should eat for breakfast, it is easier to name the plan items briefly: "Getting up", "Exercising" "Breakfast". Items such as "Go down to the first floor" or "Set the table" are best left out of the box and not included in the family morning plan.
  5. 5 Keep your plan flexible. Leave room for small changes and compromises. For example, if your child likes mint toothpaste instead of cinnamon, support him. Or, if someone prefers strawberries over bananas, allow this substitution.
  6. 6 Don't stick to the plan every day. You do not need to do this on weekends and holidays. Get enough sleep, spend your days more relaxed. Let the whole family rest. This is the prevention of burnout due to constant rush and living according to a strict morning plan.
  7. 7 Do not get annoyed. If you run all over the house in the morning and raise your voice at everyone in a row about fulfilling the morning plan, this will only add problems, and will not help to fulfill it in any way.Instead of screaming, sit down and look your child in the eye. Explain to him, “I need help. Please, let's do everything according to the plan so that today goes as it should. "
    • Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down. Inhale - three seconds, through the nose, exhale - five seconds, through the mouth. Repeat three to five times until you are relaxed.
    • Never yell, swear, or raise your hands on your children for not completing their morning plan.
    • If your spouse is stressed out and can't keep up with his morning plan, the best thing you can do is calm him down. Tell him, “I see that you are a little behind your morning plan. Let's just sit and do some breathing exercises. "


  • Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all way to organize your morning plan. Determine on your own what is important to you and your family and include that in your morning plan.