How to invite all your Facebook friends

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 13 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Invite All Friends in Facebook in Just One Click to Like your Facebook Page
Video: How to Invite All Friends in Facebook in Just One Click to Like your Facebook Page


Facebook Pages and Events allow you to click a button to invite your friends to them. To do this using the usual means, you will need to check the boxes next to the name of each of your friends. You can also use a secret code or Chrome extension to invite all your Facebook friends to a page or event in one go.


Method 1 of 2: Using a Code to Invite All Friends

  1. 1 Log into your Facebook account.
  2. 2 Go to the home page. Click “Home” in the center of the page (or on the Facebook logo in the upper right corner).
    • You should see a yellow flag that displays the Pages you are invited to.
    • You should see a calendar showing which Events you have been invited to.
    • Select either the yellow flag or the calendar and click on it to go to the page or event invitations page.
    • If you would like to create your own invitation, proceed to the next step.
  3. 3 Create an event and invitation.
    • To create an event, go to your profile or the page you manage. Find the “Events” selection under the “More” tab. Please provide details of the event. Next, click “Invite Friends” in the lower left corner of the New Event dialog box.
    • You can also invite friends after creating the invitation itself, following the same steps as for an invitation with an invitation that has not yet been created.
  4. 4 Accept the invitation if you haven't created an event or page. You will need to respond to be able to invite friends.
    • Click "Like" if you want to send an invitation to the page.
    • Click "Join" if you would like to send an invitation to the event.
  5. 5 Click on the button on the right to invite all friends.
    • If you're looking at the Facebook page you just tagged, scroll down and find the Friends section on the right. Click Show All above the Invite button. A dialog box should appear listing all your friends.
    • If you are on the event page, after you have responded, there should be an "Invite Friends" button under the event name and photo. Click on it to bring up a window with a list of your friends.
  6. 6 Open a list of all your friends. The first dialog box will show only those friends with whom you recently chatted or interacted.
    • If this happens, click on the drop-down menu titled "Recent Interactions" and select "Find All Friends" to see all of your friends.
  7. 7 Copy the following code (without quotes): "javascript: var x = document.getElementsByTagName (" input "); for (var i = 0; ix.length; i ++) {if (x [i] .type == 'checkbox') {x [i] .click ();}}; alert ('Done: please scroll and repeat until all your friends have been selected'); ”
  8. 8 Paste the code into the address bar. This is where the URL of the page or event appears.
  9. 9 Enter the word “javascript:”Without quotes before the inserted code.
    • When you insert the code for the first time, Facebook will automatically strip that part of the code. You will need to add it again for the code to work.
  10. 10 Move your cursor to the very end of the code in the address bar. Press the "Enter."
    • All of your friends' names should have check boxes next to them and they should change color.
  11. 11 Click on the “Invite” button in the lower right corner to send the invitation to everyone.

Method 2 of 2: Using a Chrome Extension to Invite All Friends

  1. 1 Download the Google Chrome browser if you don't have one.
    • Go to to find the file you want to download.
    • When the file is downloaded, run the installation. Double click on the file and the installation wizard should start.
  2. 2 Go to the Chrome Web Store.
    • It is located at
    • Click the Extensions tab on the left panel to find the extension you want.
  3. 3 Copy the words "Facebook Invite All Friends Pro" and paste into the search bar at the top of the page. Press Enter.
  4. 4 From the search results select “Invite All Friends Pro 2.0 for Facebook”. Click on the "+ Free" button.
  5. 5 Click the Add button to install the extension in Chrome. You may need to restart your browser for the add-on to work.
  6. 6 Log into your Facebook account. Select the page or event you want to recommend.
  7. 7 Click “Invite Friends. When the dialog box appears, you should have an option called "Toggle All". Click on the button to select all friends.
  8. 8 Click on the "Invite" button at the very bottom of the dialog box to send out invitations.