How to look serious, dispassionate and professional

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Thought Diversity -- Professional Staffs
Video: Thought Diversity -- Professional Staffs


Are you a teenage kid who is always bullied? Are you rejected by all your peers and all the girls you've ever liked? Are you only considered a loser or a dummy? This article is not going to tell you how to get better, mature, and develop relationships with the most popular kids in school. Instead, this article presents you with another option that suits those teenagers who are tired of being the subject of universal ridicule. The tips in this article will help you behave more seriously and confidently around your peers and exist in a public space outside of their closed group.


  1. 1 Laugh and smile less. This is the most important step: remember that you can laugh at a joke to your pleasure when you are alone with yourself, at home or just in your thoughts, but when someone around you tells you a joke, do not smile or laugh. Be polite, express your emotions with words, but not with facial expressions.
  2. 2 Maintain a serious (I-no-joke) facial expression when you are in public space.
  3. 3 Speak in a formal tone. Speak clearly and only in formal language. Always refer to teachers, peers, and others by their full names unless they ask you otherwise.
  4. 4 Beware of bullying girls. Sometimes some girls can come up to you and be overly friendly with you (for example: "Hi, Vanya! How are you?"). They may even giggle behind your back. They may act like they think you are “cool” and want to be friends with you, when in fact they think you are “dumb” and “loser”. If this happens to you, just ignore it; don't smile, don't frown, or show any emotion with your facial expression at all. Answer the way you would answer in any other situation: "Everything is fine. How are you?" or "I have a lot to do. Have a nice day." A polite response that is neither rude nor submissive will help you win in the long run.
  5. 5 Work hard on the tasks given to you: homework, etc. Excellent academic performance and high achievement will help you look "professional", which will help you in the later stages of life.
  6. 6 Go to a quiet place, the library or somewhere you can be alone, during breaks and lunch breaks.
  7. 7 Say less: not only listen more, but literally speak as little as possible throughout the day. Do not talk to anyone during class, unless the teacher speaks to you - and only the teacher!
  8. 8 Be attentive and work diligently in your lessons. Sit at one of the back desks in all lessons, as far away from the “popular” kids in the class as possible, but not so far from the teacher that you cannot listen to him or see him write on the blackboard.
  9. 9 Don't lose your cool when the girl tries to show you that she likes you. Be careful and make sure you don't come up with these "signals". If she's really interested in you, keep practicing the above methods, but be a little more friendly towards her.


  • Be mysterious.
  • When you feel like you can smile, blink your eyes quickly and nod your head a little. This will allow your face to perform other movements instead of smiling.
  • This article is not intended to teach how to develop an entirely new character. It teaches you how to make other people feel like you are that person, no matter why you strive for it.


  • If you can handle it and are ready to live a lonely school / work life, then by all means follow all the tips in this article. If you are simply trying to appear “unavailable,” then you should be careful not to make the situation worse. Think about all the possible consequences before trying out your new look.
  • Your peers may start to avoid you even more, so be emotionally prepared for this.
  • It is possible that you want to try this "new image" to seem difficult to others. Perhaps you think that if you sit apart with a stone face and a lonely look, then a kind girl will come up to you and offer you her friendship ... Think again. Chances are, this behavior will only lead you to even more isolation.