How to increase the level of CREB proteins

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
BioEssays: Initiated by CREB: Resolving Gene Regulatory Programs in Learning and Memory
Video: BioEssays: Initiated by CREB: Resolving Gene Regulatory Programs in Learning and Memory


Increasing the CREB protein (or cAMP-responsive activating protein) in the body can significantly improve memory and learning ability. Lack of CREB protein can lead to memory loss, anxiety, and various types of dementia. Healthy eating, physical activity and healthy sleep are key elements in the production and activation of CREB proteins. Dietary supplements such as cinnamon, blueberry extract, and butyrate can also increase CREB protein levels.


Method 1 of 2: Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

  1. 1 Consult your doctor. Monitor your health, especially if you suspect you are deficient in CREB proteins. Cognitive and psychological disorders (eg, anxiety) can be caused by a delay in the activation of CREB proteins. These disorders can be treated with medication or targeted therapy. See your doctor if you have problems with memory, learning, or concentration, or if you want to know more about how to increase your CREB protein levels.
    • The level of CREB proteins is usually measured by Western blotting, which is carried out in the laboratory using samples of cells or tissues. This test can be done by your doctor or by a doctor in a private clinic.
    • Contact a private clinic or laboratory in your area to find out how much it costs to perform a Western blot analysis.
  2. 2 Eat healthy foods and eat at the same time. The production of CREB proteins is dependent on a healthy metabolic cycle. To keep this cycle running at maximum power, you must have a balanced diet, low in fat and high in nutrients. To maintain metabolic activity, it is also very important to eat at the same time of the day. Keeping a food diary will help you with this.
    • Monitor your metabolism by eating and snacking at the same time of the day.
    • It is advisable that your meals and snacks contain fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins (for example, a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with apple and carrot sticks).
    • Stay away from processed fatty foods (such as fast foods like hamburgers or fries).
  3. 3 Exercise regularly. Exercise generates a molecular response in the body that can increase the activation of CREB proteins. You should do at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. Moderate exercise can include walking and swimming, while vigorous exercise can include running, jumping rope, or a stationary bike session.
    • For example, to do moderate exercise, walk for half an hour five days a week.
    • Vigorous exercise includes 25 minutes of jumping rope, three days a week.
  4. 4 Balance your circadian rhythm. Circadian biorhythm is an internal process that regulates feelings of sleepiness and wakefulness, as well as sleep time. Maintaining a healthy biorhythm is very important for controlling your eating habits and providing your body with the energy it needs to exercise. Maintain your circadian rhythm by:
    • Stick to a consistent sleep schedule (go to sleep and wake up at the same time)
    • Stay away from electronic devices shortly before bed. They mimic daylight and negatively affect the body's tendency to sleep.
    • Go out into bright light to wake up in the morning (for example, open the curtains or go for a walk).
    • Don't stay late.

Method 2 of 2: Take Supplements

  1. 1 Take butyrate supplements. Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid with great health benefits and is responsible for increasing the production of CREB proteins. Ask your doctor if you can take butyrate supplements (available over the counter at pharmacies and health stores). Butyrate can also be included in your diet by increasing your intake of vegetables that are high in fiber and dairy fats (such as butter and heavy cream).
  2. 2 Eat cinnamon. Consuming cinnamon can increase the production of CREB proteins, and therefore is the subject of research related to diseases such as Alzheimer's. Cinnamon can be metabolized into the non-toxic form of sodium benzoate (a substance approved by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of brain damage). Buy a cinnamon supplement from a pharmacy or health store, or include cinnamon in your meals:
    • Use cinnamon oil in cooking or baking
    • drink cinnamon tea;
    • use cinnamon sugar;
    • bake cinnamon rolls, French cinnamon toast, or cinnamon coffee cake.
  3. 3 Consume blueberry extract. Bilberry extract has been shown to improve cognitive function and increase the activation of CREB proteins in the body. This component can be consumed in food form or, much easier, in the form of an additive (for example, as a powder of pure blueberry extract or isolated anthocyanin obtained from the extract). For best results, consume 5.5-11 grams per day of blueberry extract, 500-1000 milligrams of isolated anthocyanin, or 60-120 grams of fresh blueberries.


  • Do not eat pure cinnamon powder as it can choke.
  • Alcohol can temporarily increase the level of CREB proteins in the body, but this effect is short-term and can be harmful in the long term.
  • Do not take medical supplements without first talking to your doctor.