How to become a star

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to become a star
Video: How to become a star


Ready for close-ups on your screen? It takes more than just luck to become a star. You can identify and develop natural talents that will help you climb to the pinnacle of success in your craft. Hard work, career management, and self-promotion will give you the chance to make your way to fame and success. Think if you have everything for this.


Part 1 of 3: Developing Talent

  1. 1 Find talent based on natural ability. If you want to be a star, you need to choose a field. What exactly will you receive recognition for? What skills, abilities, or talents will help you succeed? Think about what is easiest for you, and listen to the advice of others to determine the main quality that will make you a star.
    • Are you a gifted athlete? When you play sports with your friends, are you the player who is called to the team first or who scores the most points? If so, you might want to try to become famous in the sport.
    • Do you like music? Do you enjoy singing, playing musical instruments or dancing? If so, you can become a pop star, singer / songwriter, or rock star.
    • Do you have a good tongue hanging? Do you know how to run away and organize those around you, and are you a leader among friends? Does everyone listen to you when you speak? If so, you might want to consider a career as a politician or public figure.
    • Do you like to reincarnate? Do you love cinema, theater and television? Have you ever been told that you have acting talent? If you are a good actor or actress, perhaps your path is to movie stars.
  2. 2 Find a mentor. You will need help to develop your star-level talents. Whether you want to become a professional actor, sportsman, politician, or musician, you need to learn more from a specialist in the field who will also help you hone your skills. Start taking lessons in acting or music. Hire a personal fitness trainer. Get involved in a local political or volunteer campaign. Try to learn as much as possible from people who are more knowledgeable than you.
    • Find a role model in your industry. If you want to become an actor, who from the acting world would you like to look up to? Who would you like to compete with? Find someone whose career will be a role model for you.
  3. 3 Learn your craft. Whether you are learning with a mentor or on your own, honing a mastery takes a lot of work. Stars must be involved 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even when you fry cutlets, repeat your lines in the play. Even when you are on the bus to school, keep practicing.
    • Absorb as much information as possible from different sources. Watch classic films or listen to music of the genre you want to compose.
  4. 4 Practice. Set up a regular schedule of training, rehearsals, or other practice and devote as much free time as possible to polish your talents on the path to a stellar career. Aspiring politicians need to practice writing speeches and public speaking. Musicians need to play scales and pieces. Actors need to repeat their words and rehearse scenes from instructional productions. Pop stars need to practice their dance skills. Athletes need to train.
    • Make sure to focus on the right things. For example, those wishing to be actors may get carried away with the superficial side of things. However, updating your social media posts and viewing gossip columns is not a practice for an aspiring star. It's a waste of time. Learn your craft, not something that is only indirectly related to it.

Part 2 of 3: Promoting Talent

  1. 1 Find a job in your industry for a starting position. The first and one of the most difficult aspects of becoming a star is getting noticed. Make contacts with people who can help you, and to do this, start from scratch. Grasp every opportunity and be confident that the rest of the way you will make it through your talent.
    • Want to get on the set? Go to the lights. Sit down as a sitfiller (the person who takes up empty seats in the room), take on extra work, and help a team of technicians - all of this is a common practice in film or television. Perhaps your goal is acting, but you can also try yourself in the work of a make-up, cameraman or lighting designer to get one step closer to your dream and better understand how everything works in this area.
    • Politicians usually start by participating in other campaigns. Volunteer with a politician whose views you share. Make connections that can be useful to you in your future career.
    • Athletes can work as coaches or assistants at the stadium. This will help you visit professional games for free and give you a chance to prove yourself. Who knows - maybe today you are a ticket collector, and tomorrow you are a player.
    • Musicians can collaborate with other bands. Learn to work with live sound and help organize events. You can also do PR for your favorite band. Accompany the groups on their travels to get a better understanding of what a tour is. Be in the thick of things.
  2. 2 Start making connections. Once you start working in the industry you want, make sure to stay in touch with all the new people you meet.Try to meet people who are in the same boat with you: aspiring talented musicians, actors, politicians or athletes who are on the same level with you and go to the same goal. Support each other and celebrate the successes of friends and acquaintances. Work together towards a common goal.
    • The stellar arena is quite competitive, and the truth is that there isn't much room at the top. However, getting involved in petty rivalries is more likely to bring you down rather than help you take off. Be positive.
    • You should be easy to reach. Create a work page on LinkedIn or another social network for professionals to keep your work contacts separate from your personal ones and easier to navigate.
  3. 3 Take on any job. Campaigning in favor of not the most beloved politician? Bench for the worst team in the league? Advertising for hemorrhoid cream? This is not to say that it sounds perfect for an aspiring star, but work is work. Think about the experiences you will have that will one day be perfect for your "through hardships to the stars" story.
    • Use every opportunity as a chance to prove yourself and turn circumstances in your favor. Be the star you want to be.
  4. 4 Be a professional in your field. Amateurs come to auditions half-prepared, hungover and barely able to put together a word; the stars are well rested, well rehearsed and ready to play the scene with a bang. Rock stars do not get tired of parties the night before a concert, but are preparing to give the audience an amazing performance. Approach every job with professionalism and consistency. Act like you belong here. If you want to act like a star, act like a pro.
  5. 5 Hire an agent. Making all the necessary connections alone is quite problematic. In most areas of the entertainment industry, just like in politics, you need to find an agent to help you present yourself and to arrange auditions, networking and job searches while you do more important work honing your craft.
    • Usually agents take interest on your earnings, but sometimes this happens from the very beginning. Perhaps, at first, you yourself will pay the agent a certain amount. Choose wisely an agent who will work with you and provide the necessary contacts and work.
  6. 6 Learn to seize the moment. Whether you believe in fate or not, the stars must be able to seize the moment and seize every opportunity as a chance to enhance their stellar power. Leave your ego at the door and give yourself a chance to succeed. A single opportunity can be a step from a regular job to a stardom.
    • A one-line line in a movie from a respected director may sound like a mockery, but it means you are working with the best. And this is an opportunity.
    • If you're already traveling on your tour, opening up for another band may seem like a step back, but it's a chance to show yourself off and open up a new hero to the public. This happens only once in a lifetime.

Part 3 of 3: Maintaining Popularity

  1. 1 Keep improving and setting new goals. Once you have risen and established yourself at the top, it is very important to stay busy. Celebrities come and go, having their 15 minutes of fame and disappearing just as quickly. However, real stars throughout their lives contribute to their careers, developing, reaching new heights and improving their work so that people can watch and enjoy their performances for years.
    • If you're an actor, take on diverse roles and do whatever it takes to impress audiences with your performances. Think of Sean Penn in Harvey Milk, Daniel Day-Lewis in My Left Foot, or Charlize Theron in Monster.
    • If you are a musician or performer, strive to keep your music at a high level at all times.Take your time and prepare your recordings and performances carefully. Don't stoop to cheap, easy-money-making commercial performance.
    • If you are a politician, diversify your interests and be prepared to change over time. Try to leave your mark on history, not just chase votes in minute-by-minute polls. Be honest and maintain your reputation.
    • If you are an athlete, keep fit and strive to achieve the highest level in your career. Don't be distracted by parties, social media posts and other things that happen outside the field, court or court. Be the best.
  2. 2 Maintain a healthy relationship with the media. Popularity is a heavy burden, and even strong and talented people can break under the spotlight. Learning how to behave at the height of glory is a task that you must face and solve as soon as possible. Learn to share your time in exchange for popularity.
    • Learn the names of the reporters you work with regularly and talk to them as equals. Do not turn up your nose and do not look down on "little" people. If you're being chased by the paparazzi, give them five minutes in exchange for some peace and privacy later. Throw a bone to the dogs.
    • After public scandals like those around Charlie Sheen, John Edwards or Chad Johnson, it's hard to get back on track. Learn to know when to pause so you don't ruin your career.
  3. 3 Don't forget to rest. Bright spotlights MAY melt a star. Allow yourself to rest, relax, and spend time away from the spotlight to recuperate and get back ready for a new job.
    • If you're making blockbusters, go somewhere and put on a little play for yourself. Dedicate all your skills to pure art. Record your new album somewhere far from Moscow.
  4. 4 Monitor your health. Popularity means that you live at a fast pace, are always on the move, sleep little and wear yourself out. Some people find it difficult to eat well, avoid drugs and alcohol, and sleep well in these settings. Schedule regular checkups with your doctor and consult with your dietitian to keep your busy body getting enough vitamins and nutrients so you can become a healthier version of yourself / yourself.


  • Restrain your ego on your way to the top.


  • Glory comes to those people who direct all their efforts to develop their skills, and not to strive for popularity. Become a star because you deserve it, not because you want to get attention at all costs.