How to choose between two guys

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Ways to Choose the Right Boyfriend
Video: 4 Ways to Choose the Right Boyfriend


Perhaps it may seem to someone that being interested in two guys at the same time is very cool, but in fact, in this situation, the heart breaks in two. In such a situation, in order to achieve inner harmony again, it is necessary to make a choice. If you are forced to choose between two guys, think about how each one makes you feel and trust your intuition. If you want to understand how to choose between two guys with the least mental loss, this article is for you.


Method 1 of 2: Choosing a Boyfriend

  1. 1 Rate the positive qualities of both guys. Next time you meet, try to get the guy talking and think about what you like best about him. It is not always possible to say for sure what exactly causes sympathy, but it is very important to analyze as much information as possible before making a decision. As you talk to each of the guys, ask yourself the following questions:
    • Can he make you laugh? Does he have a good sense of humor? We are all drawn to people who can make us laugh. Guys with a great sense of humor delight us and make us look at the world differently.When he tickles you, do you like it or is it unpleasant for you? No guy is allowed to touch you in certain places without your consent. If he wants to put his arms around your waist, take your hand, hug and kiss you, think about whether you are ready for this. Before you let him kiss you, learn how to do it. You don't want to embarrass yourself. Your chosen one should also be able to restrain himself.
    • Is he interested in other people? Does he care about anything other than himself? Guys who are only interested in themselves are often big nerds. You probably want to date a guy who has many friends, hobbies and his own view of the world.
    • Is he emotional? Does he care about other people? A lot of guys are pretty emotional, but they don't want anyone to know about it. If a guy is calm about the manifestation of his emotions, it means that he is a mature and confident person.
    • Does he flirt beautifully? You can formulate the question like this: does he like only your appearance or something more? Does he only compliment the body or something else?
    • Is he in a hurry? Men who are in no hurry like to savor everything that happens. They strive to enjoy every moment they spend with a girl. Guys who are rushing things will start dating the next girl sooner than you can figure out what happened.
  2. 2 Think about how both guys are feeling in you. This is just as important as what you like about each of them. Perhaps one has the perfect set of qualities and all the character traits that you like, but the other makes your heart beat faster with just one short text message. Therefore, when you find yourself in the company of these men, think not about why you like them, but how you feel with them. Do you feel joy, self-confidence? Is your head spinning? Do you feel like you are getting better? Here are some things to think about:
    • How do you feel when he's around? Does he act like there is no one else around you, or is he just flirting with a lot of girls, including you?
    • Does he help you get better or is he content with what he has?
    • Do you feel the need to develop?
    • Does he give you subtle yet meaningful compliments?
    • Do your cheeks flash in his presence? Is your head spinning? Do you feel like a little girl?
    • Does he treat you like a real lady? Do you feel special?
  3. 3 Think about the negative personality traits of both guys. Perhaps you only think about the positive qualities and whether you have butterflies fluttering in your stomach in their presence, but you also need to evaluate the negative personality traits of guys and those aspects of their lifestyle that do not suit you. If you are determined to make a choice, about cons it is simply necessary to think. Consider the following:
    • Does the guy carry a lot of emotional burden with him? Does he have a difficult past behind him? Of course, you may feel good together, but are you ready to face his past all the time?
    • Is he trying to manipulate or control you? Does he want everything to always be the way he wants, and does he refuse to admit that he was wrong? If so, then all this can serve as signs of selfishness, and this will significantly complicate the relationship.
    • Has he ever lied to you? You need a man you can trust, who will be honest with you, no matter how bitter the truth. Guys who like to talk behind their backs and gossip don't care much about others, which means it's best to stay away from them.
    • Does he always find trouble on his head? Bad boys may seem attractive, but if they constantly get in trouble, they simply won't have time for you.
    • Is he talking about his ex-girlfriend? If he regularly mentions his ex-lover, hints at something, or talks about her all the time, this should be taken as a bad sign. This does not mean that the guy is bad - it just, most likely, he still loves her.
  4. 4 Think about how each guy feels about to you. If both of them are ready for anything for you, the choice will be difficult. Of course, you shouldn't stay with the person who likes you better just to make a mistake, but you need to think very hard about how important you are to each of the guys and what happens if you stop dating them. If you think that one guy or the other will just shrug his shoulders and immediately find a new girlfriend, you probably shouldn't continue the relationship with such a person. If you think that one of the guys has deeper feelings for you, this should be a serious argument in choosing.
    • Of course, it's not worth asking a direct question. You can understand how a guy feels about you by the way he looks at you, how often he wants to spend time with you and talk about the future together.
    • If you only want a short-term relationship or a holiday romance, then the prospects of the relationship can be ignored.
  5. 5 Ask your close friends for opinions. Remember why you need friends: they will support you, advise you on how to behave, and help you when you need it. Listen to advice, but always evaluate it critically. Decision to make to you... Remember, you shouldn't be asked to choose the best of the two guys - ask for help in figuring out who is best for you.
    • Don't ask which guy your friends like best. Ask who suits you best. The answers to this question will allow you to understand who is better for you to date, and not with whom your girlfriends would like to date.
    • Listen to what is being answered. If you have already decided everything, there is no point in asking your friends for their advice. If you want someone to recommend something to you, be prepared to follow the recommendations.
  6. 6 Make a list of how these guys are similar and different. This will allow you to understand what you really want. How do you feel about each of the guys? Make a list of the qualities you want and don't want to see in your partner. Put pros and cons against a guy's personality traits and match them to your wish list. You can ask yourself the following questions:
    • Which guy would treat you better?
    • Which of them will be ready to be there in difficult times?
    • Who do you have more in common with?
    • Which one of them will you look forward to every day?
    • Which guy can get along with your friends and family?
    • Who can you literally not live without?
  7. 7 Trust your intuition. It is far from always possible to choose what we like. A person is born with a certain set of qualities, and as they grow older, preferences are formed for each. Don't think too much about the choice. Trust your intuition. Toss a coin in the air, decide that heads will mean one guy, and tails - the second. While the coin is in the air, consider which side you would like to see when it falls. This will be the answer.
    • If you you know for surethat one of the guys is not suitable for you, but you are still drawn to him (and at the same time you do not really like the second guy), take a break from both guys. Being free isn't so bad. In the end, it's much better than suffering in a relationship.
    • Learn from your mistakes. If you've dated someone and the relationship ended badly, don't repeat the same mistakes with the other person. Even if you really like him, why go through the same thing again?
  8. 8 Do not hurry. Do not think that you are obliged make a decision now - this process can take some time. During this time, guys can have time to do something good or bad, and this will facilitate the choice.If you have not made any commitments to any of the guys and if you do not feel that, communicating with one, you are cheating on the other, you can not rush to a decision.
    • Do not tighten everything too much for a long time. If you choose one guy, but he finds out that for many months you have been in parallel with another, it will greatly hurt and humiliate him.

Method 2 of 2: After the decision has been made

  1. 1 Make a commitment with the guy you choose. Once you have made a decision, do not deviate from it. This does not mean that you need to tell the other guy that you have a new relationship, because that will offend the person. Commitment manifests itself in feelings and actions. Try to build a reliable and stable relationship with the guy you have chosen, and only with him.
    • Get ready to meet and chat only with the chosen guy. Have fun with one person and don't think about what the other is doing.
    • If you feel empty inside without that second guy, it could mean that you made the wrong choice or that you never liked the person with whom you decided to stay - you only liked flirting.
    • Be friendly with the abandoned boyfriend, but don't be tempted to spend a lot of time with him or do anything together. If you are very nice to him, he will decide that he still has a chance. It will also lead to jealousy on the part of the guy you decide to be with.
  2. 2 Be prepared for the consequences. Choosing one person will affect your relationship with both guys. You need to take it for granted: chances are, you will break the second guy's heart and deprive yourself of the opportunity to build a relationship with him. If this guy doesn't know about the rival, you don't have to explain to him why you decided to end the relationship. You will probably feel much calmer when the choice is made, but you will have to worry.
    • Remember, you can turn guys against each other. What if they're best friends? What are you going to do? If you choose one, and the other has feelings for you, most likely they will no longer be able to be friends. If you want to avoid this situation, you better find yourself someone else.
    • Know that you can lose your second boyfriend forever. He may refuse to be friends with you after a more romantic and intimate relationship. Perhaps it is for the best.
  3. 3 Become aware of your decision. Your life one, and you have the right to live it the way you want, trying to cause others as little pain as possible. Guilt may gnaw at you, but ultimately, if you deal with your feelings, you will all be better off. Be proud that you were able to make an adult decision and didn't go out with two guys at the same time.
    • Don't be afraid to make mistakes. The main thing is to draw conclusions from the error.
    • Don't worry about someone getting offended at you. When it comes to such an important decision, someone will be hurt anyway.


  • Remember, no matter what advice you are given, it’s up to you to decide.
  • If you start to feel anxious about not being able to make a decision, or if pressured and rushed, it is best to find someone else entirely. There are still many free guys in the world.
  • If you cannot choose in any way and you doubt whether your choice will be correct, try to refuse both guys. By trying to pick one, you make things difficult for everyone and torture yourself.
  • Think about how each of them feel about you. No, we are not talking about love, but about an attitude. If one of them is only slightly interested in you, and the other goes out of his way to walk with you in the park, keep this in mind. You hardly want to be left with a broken trough when it turns out that you have chosen a guy who did not feel at all for you. Exactly in the same way as you will not want to give up a relationship with someone who is madly in love with you, just because you just cannot let go of the first guy.And yes, if you really loved the first guy, you probably wouldn't start dating the other at the same time.
  • You don't have to make a decision overnight. The best decisions are informed decisions.
  • Love both? Choose the second one. If you really loved the first, you would hardly fall in love with the second.
  • If guys ask you out at the same time, go with the one you think about the most, or the one who really makes your head spin.


  • If you feel that you are unfaithful to one of the guys, you can assume that you almost cheated on him.