How to love going to school

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 20 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hate School? Watch This
Video: Hate School? Watch This


Many children complain that school is boring and uninteresting. One has only to want, and studying at school will again become an interesting pastime. Find new sources of inspiration for yourself! Join a class, attend extracurricular activities, hang out with friends, and come to school well prepared. Thanks to this, you will enjoy going to school with great pleasure.


Part 1 of 5: Get Involved in School Life

  1. 1 Join a club or join a circle. This will make you eager to go to school. In addition, you will have a great opportunity to interact with other students. You will also become a confident person. Check with your teacher to find out what activities your school has.
  2. 2 Choose a club or club that suits your interests.
    • Find out when classes are taking place. You should be free at this time.
  3. 3 Get creative. This will help you take an active part in school life. As you get creative, you will feel proud of your school. You will have the opportunity to represent your school in various creative competitions. Thanks to this, you will go to school with great desire. As a rule, everyone, regardless of ability, can attend fine arts circles. Creative pursuits improve your ability to learn, which is beneficial for grades. As a rule, the school has several creative circles.
    • Brass and symphony orchestra
    • Orchestra
    • Chorus
    • Drama circle
    • Fine art circle
  4. 4 Become a member of a sports team. If you want to have fun at school, join a sports team. As you represent the school at all kinds of sporting events, you will look forward to these events, as you will have the opportunity to become the pride of your school. All of this will help make you more willing to go to school.
    • Attend sporting events. If your school has sporting events, be sure to attend to support your team. As a rule, admission to such events is free. Invite your friends to come with you. You will have a good time with your friends.
    • Don't be limited to basketball and soccer games.
    • If your school plays softball, be sure to support the girls' team as they play for the school.
  5. 5 Take part in school activities. During the school year, there are usually many sports activities in the school that all students can take part in.Visit the school's website where you can find out what activities are planned and how you can participate. You can find what you like.
    • Disco
    • Meeting of sports team fans
    • Annual meeting of alumni
    • Festivals

Part 2 of 5: Spending time in a boring lesson

  1. 1 Write a note to a friend. If you text messages on your mobile phone during the lesson, the teacher can comment on you. However, try writing a note to a friend in class and giving it back at recess. The teacher is unlikely to comment on you, because he thinks you are taking notes or completing class work.
  2. 2 Draw. Drawing is a great way to pass the time in a boring lesson. Try to take notes in the lesson, not writing, but drawing them. This will keep you more focused on what you are learning.
    • Add pictures as you take notes. Try taking notes in the form of comics. Thanks to this, you can both study and draw.
  3. 3 Write a story. If you have free time in class, write short stories. Try to incorporate the information you hear in the lesson into your stories. This will help you have fun and listen carefully to what your teacher is talking about in class.
  4. 4 Come up with a game. If you are bored in class or the teacher gave you an assignment to read uninteresting information, come up with a game that can entertain you. An interesting mind game can keep you entertained and bring your attention back to the lesson.
    • Try counting how many times the teacher repeats a particular word. If you are in a math class, count the number of times the teacher says "add". Ask your friends to take part in your game. Let them keep track of other words. After a few days, you will be able to identify the most used word of the week. The winner will receive a prize.
    • If you're tasked with reading boring material, try to read it as quickly as possible, and then write down everything you remember. Time yourselves and try to break your own record.
  5. 5 Ask to go to the toilet. If you get bored during the lesson and can't concentrate, try taking a short break. Get up and walk. Taking breaks helps the brain retain information and relate it to material that it already knows. Therefore, taking a short break can help you remember information better. Ask your teacher to let you go to the toilet. You can walk and do some stretching before returning to class again.

Part 3 of 5: Chat with Friends

  1. 1 Chat with friends during recess. A short time at recess can be used not only to prepare for the upcoming lesson, but also to chat with friends. Agree with your friends about a place where you can meet them and spend some time. If you don't have time, chat with your friends using messages. Email your friends about the latest news.
  2. 2 Have lunch with your friends. Lunch break is a great time to eat and chat with friends. Pick one table and sit down at it every day. This will help your friends know where to find you.
    • If you are allowed to go outside during your lunch break, have a quick lunch and go outside for some fresh air, where you can play and chat with friends.
    • Play board games with friends at your table, such as paper football.
    • Make it a goal to meet your friends every lunchtime.
  3. 3 Wait for your friends after school to go home together. After the last lesson, the bell will ring and you will be free. This is a great time to hang out with friends. You can walk or drive home together every day.If you have an extra-curricular activity scheduled after class, meet up with your friends for a snack and fun together. After that, you can attend the event.

Part 4 of 5: Selecting Items

  1. 1 If in your school you have the opportunity to choose the main subjects to study, give your choice to the topics that your friends are studying. However, as a rule, students do not have this opportunity. However, you can choose from extracurricular activities. So find out what extracurricular activities your friends are taking. This will make it easier for you to make your choice.
  2. 2 Choose interesting extracurricular activities. Give preference to those activities that interest you. Make your studies more fun by choosing extracurricular activities that you enjoy.
  3. 3 Find out about the teacher in advance. Each teacher has his own way of communicating with students. In addition, each teacher teaches their subject in their own way. Unfortunately, it is very rare for students to choose their own teachers. However, you may want to inquire about a teacher who will teach with you in high school.
  4. 4 Choose extracurricular activities in which you can complete projects. In some extracurricular activities, students complete projects. Attend classes where you will have the opportunity to do creative projects on your own or with other students. This will make your studies more enjoyable.
    • Find out what subjects you will be studying next year.
    • Check with friends and family about which lessons are more likely to do projects.

Part 5 of 5: Preparing for School

  1. 1 Get enough sleep. Get enough sleep if you want to enjoy your time at school. Coming to school refreshed will make it easier for you to tune in to your studies. Plus, you will be able to manage your emotions. If you come to school tired, you will feel stressed. You are unlikely to enjoy school under stress.
    • Research has shown that teens need 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep every night.
  2. 2 Do your homework on time. If you complete your homework on time and submit it to the teacher for review, you will not experience stress. If you don't keep up with your homework, you will experience stress, which will certainly negatively affect your day. If you want to go to school with pleasure, complete your homework on time and submit it to the teacher for review.
    • Write down assignments in a diary so that you don't forget about what you need to do.
    • Do your homework on the way to school or home when taking the bus. This will save you less time at home.
    • Do your homework with your friends (don't cheat from each other). This will help you enjoy your homework.
  3. 3 Take a bottle of water with you to school. Drink plenty of water if you want to be healthy. Dehydration can make it difficult for you to concentrate. In addition, you will experience tension. So stay hydrated if you want to enjoy school. Take a bottle of water with you to school so you can drink enough fluids throughout the day.


  • If you don't enjoy school, talk to someone about it. Talking to someone about your feelings will make it easier for you to tune in to your studies. A person who can understand you will give you suitable advice. Talk to a school counselor, parent, or close friend.
  • If you are in a boring lesson, try not to constantly look at the clock. Remember that the more often you look at your watch, the slower the time will go.
  • Decorate your school supplies to highlight your unique style. Decorate your cabinet, pencil case, pens and pencils.
  • At recess, talk to your friends.
  • Find common interests with your friends. Your interests shouldn't just revolve around lessons.