How to turn a girl on

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 20 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Powerful Ways To Turn A Girl On
Video: 6 Powerful Ways To Turn A Girl On


Your girlfriend knows how to turn you on, but are you ready to switch roles with her? It doesn't matter if you're new to this game or just want to spice up your relationship, here's how to get your girlfriend turned on and prepared. So let's get started.


Part 1 of 4: Enchant Her

  1. 1 Prepare her. The main key to getting a girl turned on is to take her time. Men tend to get aroused quickly, while women need more time. This means that you need to prepare the girl, and then seduce her beautifully and slowly.
    • The most important part of this preparation is to make her feel comfortable and safe. Below you will find many steps about respecting, finding agreement, and other things you might not find "exciting." Don't neglect them, they are important. Sex for women happens not only on a physical level, but also on a mental level - if you make it so that they do not worry, you are halfway there.
  2. 2 Make her feel beautiful. You know that warm, exhilarating feeling when you find out that someone thinks you are attractive? This is exactly what needs to be done for her. The fact that you think she is beautiful is a very important factor in arousal. Here's how you can show it without going overboard:
    • Tell her, "Hello, pretty," or, "Hi, pretty." It's simple and short, but clear.
    • Compliment her. In a low and low voice tell her something like, "You look great today," or: "Your eyes are like an ocean, I am drowning in them."
  3. 3 Be the best version of yourself. Be an honest and kind guy who respects her and thinks that she is more beautiful than the most picturesque sunset. Be the one who works hard and makes her job easier by taking on her burden. This way you will definitely not turn her away from you.
  4. 4 Be confident. Some girls like it when guys get nervous around them, some even like it when guys are awkward, but don't overdo it. Keep your back straight and chin high, and don't be afraid to look her in the eye. This is how you say in body language that you are strong, courageous, and worthy of her attention.
  5. 5 Be neat. Take a shower, shave, brush your teeth, and put on clean clothes. If you wish, you can have a haircut and a little perfume. Knowing that you look good will give you confidence and you will feel in control.
  6. 6 Learn to behave properly with the girl. Leave dirty jokes and discussion of body functions for conversations with guys. When you are around a girl you like, be polite. Behave properly at the table, open the door for her and say thank you and please. Good manners are not necessarily attractive, but bad manners undoubtedly repulsive, so don't risk it.

Part 2 of 4: Raise your degree

  1. 1 Start with a slow, gentle touch. You can do this in passing at the end of a date, watching a movie together, or in any other situation. The main idea is that you don't have to hold back touching until you start kissing and hugging. These gestures will show that you are interested in more.
  2. 2 Whisper in her ear. The ears are an erogenous zone of both sexes, and your light breathing is likely to please her. Saying the right things will turn her on too. Say something like, "I can't stop thinking about you today."
  3. 3 Pet her. Lightly touch the back of your fingers to her cheek. It would be nice to meet her gaze at the same time.
  4. 4 Touch the back of her head. If your hand is already on her shoulders, lightly stroke the hair at the back of her head with your thumb, or offer to give her a little neck massage. Touch it slowly and gently.
  5. 5 Touch her wrists. If you are holding hands, lightly stroke the inside of her wrist or palm. A few slow kisses on the inside of your wrist should also work.
  6. 6 Play with her hair. For most people, the scalp is a sensitive area and the slight tension (light, not harsh) that occurs when you play with her hair will please her. Run your fingers through her hair, curl it or stroke it.
  7. 7 Touch her leg. Try putting your hand on her hip if you feel like she won't mind. This is best done when both of you are seated. Hold your hand there for a little while. If she's okay with this, you can try rolling your thumb over her leg slowly, keeping your hand where it was.

Part 3 of 4: Getting to the Most Important Point

  1. 1 Give her a delicious kiss. Done right, kissing can be the most effective way to get a girl's attention. Freshen up your breath with chewing gum or mouthwash. Make sure your lips are soft too. You can kiss your grandmother with hard, puckered lips! Move your tongue gently (first). Movements should be light, soft, not fast, but not slow either.
    • Know where to put your hands. When kissing, place your hands on the back of her head, touch her cheeks, or wrap her arms around her waist.
  2. 2 Look for signs of consent. Touching a girl in certain places without her consent is sexual harassment. A simple phrase: "Is everything okay?" - will be sufficient. If she says yes, continue, if no, stop. immediately.
  3. 3 Tell her what you want. Guys don't always understand how sexy a girl can be. There is nothing wrong with saying how much you want her (since you’ve taken the first step). It really turns them on! Think about it: you get turned on when you feel wanted. Don't be too vulgar, but don't be afraid to tell her how sexy she is and that you can't wait to be in bed with her.
  4. 4 Focus on the more intimate erogenous zones. If you've applied any of the tips above and she didn't mind, try more intimate areas using light touches and gentle, slow kisses:
    • neck, throat, collarbones and shoulders;
    • feet and ankles;
    • lower back (towards the bottom of the spine);
    • the inner side of the knees;
    • inner thighs;
    • ears;
    • inner side of the hand.
  5. 5 Add variety. If you find a place that makes her crazy to touch, don't use it again. Instead, leave it alone for a while and slowly return to it, touching everything around you. The anticipation will intensify the sensations.
  6. 6 Leave her wanting more. A good rule of thumb for social interactions is to leave before the other person is bored. If you cut off contact when she is still interested, she will never stop thinking about you.

Part 4 of 4: Drive her crazy

  1. 1 Don't forget about lubrication. Women take longer to get turned on, and friction makes their skin more sensitive and painful. If you are looking for a long time, buy a good massage oil or lubricant to keep things smooth and sexy. This goes for your lips too - don't forget to moisturize them too!
  2. 2 Kiss her around her mouth. Run your finger gently around the edges of her lips. Do you feel it? Very sensitive skin around the mouth. Kiss her on the corner of her mouth and don't let her kiss you normally for a couple of minutes (no matter how hard she tries). It will drive her crazy.
  3. 3 Kiss her belly, sides and pelvis. The neck and inner thighs are considered obvious locations. So obvious that we even forget how sensitive the rest of the body is. If you want her to flutter, create a path of kisses on the ribs (it can be very ticklish here), the curve of the abdomen, the protruding pelvic bone (below or above the waist).
  4. 4 Take your time when you undress her. Don't undress her too quickly, let it be part of the process, not an obstacle to it. Women spend a lot of time looking good. If you just rip off your clothes without appreciating all the efforts of the girl, most likely she will regard it as a rude gesture. From the outside, it will look like you received a gift that you don't give a damn about.
  5. 5 Try something different. No need to indulge in savagery, but with a blindfold or hands tied at the back with a silk scarf, she will focus on what she is feeling. Just make sure she agrees!
  6. 6 Learn anatomy. If you're serious about a question, one of the best ways to really turn her on is to use her knowledge of her anatomy. Buy a good female anatomy textbook and start experimenting. The clitoris is your friend. Find it. Master it. But don't neglect the rest of the sensitive areas around it! Good luck!


  • Never push on her. So she will only get angry or scared, but she certainly will not get turned on. When she says you need to stop, then you need to stop. It is worth pushing once and trust will be lost.
  • Make her feel welcome.
  • Let her be pleased with herself.
  • Don't be rude, don't do anything that makes her uncomfortable.
  • Some girls like to be teased. Tickle her. At first glance, these techniques may seem simple, but all ingenious is simple. Hug her gently. Massage her back. Play with her hair.
  • When kissing her, move your head back so that she bends towards you. Do it playfully. (It is more convenient to do this if one of the partners hugs the other).
  • Try kissing her neck. Girls love it.
  • Hug her from behind. Put your hands on her hips, it turns on.
  • Hold her back and kiss her neck.
  • Be kind, hug and hold hands - it's wonderful. You will study the girl just by being around her. After all, all girls are different.
  • Be playful.
  • Girls love foot massage.


  • If she says no, stop.
  • If she doesn't reciprocate, stop and ask what you are doing wrong. Until she says yes, don't go on.
  • When a girl is drunk, her consent cannot be taken seriously; if you use it in this state, it will be considered sexual assault.