How to launch a new product

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 20 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Launching Your Product: Here’s What To Do Before Anything Else
Video: Launching Your Product: Here’s What To Do Before Anything Else


A new product launch engages consumers and corporate buyers, making people aware of your product and your company. A product launch should be an exciting and informative event, but such goals are not always easy to achieve. In the preparation process, there are a number of factors to consider that will enable you to succeed.


Part 1 of 3: How to Prepare a Plan

  1. 1 Explore competitors' products. Explore the available alternatives for the upcoming novelty, especially those already known to consumers. Browse trade magazines, competitor sites and brochures, and other sources of product information. Use this information to show how your product stands out from the rest of the competition during launch.
  2. 2 Conduct a SWOT analysis. Examine all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and hazards for your product to get a detailed report and compare it with competing solutions. The term SWOT stands for “strengths”, “weaknesses”, “opportunities” and “threats”. This analysis can be done independently or collectively. A SWOT analysis will help you:
    • determine the best option for positioning a product before launch;
    • identify problems that need to be solved;
    • find ways to make your launch more successful;
    • solve problems before launching.

    Lauren Chan Lee, MBA

    Director of Product Management at Lauren Chan Lee is Senior Director of Product Management at, the largest online marketplace for finding nannies, caregivers, au pair and more. Has been involved in product management in various fields and industries for over 10 years. She received her MBA from Northwestern University in 2009.

    Lauren Chan Lee, MBA
    Director of Product Management

    Prepare for post-launch issues... Lauren Chen Lee, Director of Product Management at, advises: “After a product goes to market, people may have problems with it. Everyone should be able to contact support via chat, email, phone or other communication channel. Also, make sure that the support staff receive the necessary training and are ready to answer questions and help customers. "

  3. 3 Define your target customers. You need to understand who will most want to buy your product. Determine the age, gender, and socioeconomic background of potential customers. These are the faces you need to focus on when preparing for launch.
    • You can come up with a name to personalize the process, and also try to imagine yourself in the place of such a person. Suppose you find out that your target customer is a 24-year-old man from a family with an upper-middle income, whom you will call Herman.
    • Try to identify the needs, behaviors, and even the mindset of the target client. For example, Herman may need headphones that cut out external noise so that he can listen to music on the subway every day on the way to work.
  4. 4 Design attractive packaging. Come up with bold, vibrant, eye-catching, and even memorable packaging based on your target customer's description. It is the packaging that will be the first stage in drawing attention to the product.
    • Spiky shapes can be used in the packaging. This solution will create a sense of danger. This way you can draw more attention to the packaging.
    • Choose a simple solution. An overloaded design can turn off users, so simple packaging is a good way to go.
  5. 5 Come up with the perfect slogan. Choose a catchphrase or motto that conveys the essence of your product and speaks to your target customer. The slogan should be composed of simple words and may even include rhymes or contain words that start with one letter to get more attention.
    • Popular slogans include McDonald’s slogan "This is what I love" or Nike: "Just do it."
    • According to one study, the three main aspects of any good slogan are clarity, creativity, and closeness to everyone. Consider these moments when you come up with a slogan.
    • You can hire a writer or copywriter to come up with a slogan for you. Finding someone who is fluent in the language can save you a lot of time.

Part 2 of 3: How to Advertise a Product Before Launch

  1. 1 Find people who will give your product a try. One way to get positive publicity and understand what users like best about your product is to give them the opportunity to try the product.Use testimonials to market your product (like real user testimonials).
    • Come up with the best solution. For example, if you want to show off the high quality of your headphones, you could put up a rack in a mall and invite visitors to try out your product.
  2. 2 Create a specification sheet. Such a document should list the specific qualities and functions of the product. In addition, it needs to reflect the features of the product in an attractive light to the consumer. In other words, competent information about a product should combine important technical information that is provided for by law, as well as the advertising attractiveness of the product.
    • The document should include information on general uses, components or ingredients of the product and important warnings. For example, you can explain how to get the best sound, as well as warn about the dangers of listening to music too loud on headphones.
    • Reasonably, the document can be seen as a continuation of your marketing campaign; it can use words and images that are attractive to users. For example, a headphone spec table might include the words “crisp,” “powerful,” and “balanced” to describe sound quality in an attractive way.
  3. 3 Launch the product site. The site should contain user reviews, vivid images of the new product and detailed information. Add product comparison, ordering information, and promotional offers to drive more shoppers.
    • The site should encourage visitors to perform the actions you intend to do. For example, do you want them to order your product? Downloaded the app? Use a variety of reminders and prompts on the product site.
    • Hire an experienced web designer. It will provide easy navigation and a professional look for your site.
  4. 4 Buy ads. Multichannel marketing is often successful, so advertise in different media to announce your upcoming product launch and reach as many targeted customers as possible. Advertising on websites is getting more and more effective, but also don't forget about local newspapers and trade publications to raise awareness and create buzz. If your budget allows, buy advertisements on radio and television.
    • The more varied the options, the better.
    • You can hire a specialist or advertising firm to coordinate the advertising campaign.
  5. 5 Deliver the product to cultural authorities. This step is recommended a few weeks before the official launch. Such a list of influencers might include community leaders, bloggers, local celebrities, and athletes. Provide free samples and encourage the use of your product. Then arrange for an interview, web post, or review article.
    • Any verbal (or written) positive feedback from such people can be used to create buzz before launching a product.
    • To contact the person to whom you would like to provide a sample product, write an email. The letter should introduce yourself, talk about your product and ask the person to try the product, and then share their opinion.

Part 3 of 3: How to Launch

  1. 1 Organize a gradual launch. The gradual launch should begin six or eight weeks before the first product launch. Take advantage of the many strategic leaks as we approach the presentation date. It is not known when journalists or bloggers will talk about your product, so give them time.
    • Leaked photos or mysterious posts on social networks will enhance the atmosphere of mystery and warm up the interest of the public.
    • "News" posts about users willing to try out free samples can also provide the needed boost.

    Lauren Chan Lee, MBA

    Director of Product Management at Lauren Chan Lee is Senior Director of Product Management at, the largest online marketplace for finding nannies, caregivers, au pair and more. Has been involved in product management in various fields and industries for over 10 years. She received her MBA from Northwestern University in 2009.

    Lauren Chan Lee, MBA
    Director of Product Management

    Need to launch a new feature for your product? Product Management Director Lauren Che Lee recommends: “You can host a webinar, add a What's New tab to your application, or make a banner. This will help your users better interact with the new features than email alerts. "

  2. 2 Have an official launch. Invite reporters, bloggers, users, celebrities, and industry representatives. Give away free samples and try to make the event memorable in terms of treats, lighting, and even musical performances. All of this will serve as an excuse to attend your event and help generate additional interest in the product.
  3. 3 Use an unconventional or mysterious launch location. With the number of product launches in the world today, it won't be easy to create buzz, so you can find an unusual place to draw attention to your launch. Instead of a convention center or showroom (and depending on the nature of your product), you should look for less familiar locations:
    • a bar or restaurant on the roof of a skyscraper;
    • gallery of avant-garde art;
    • an infamous historic site;
    • local street festival or fair;
    • online broadcast of the "cyber launch";
    • launch as part of a flash mob.