How to choose the best time to fish

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
Q&A | #17 - How to pick the right fly + What flies you should use!
Video: Q&A | #17 - How to pick the right fly + What flies you should use!


If you want to return home with a good catch, it is very important to choose the right time to fish. Even in the ideal location and with all the equipment you need, you can be left empty-handed if you go fishing at the wrong time. Consider a number of factors when planning your next fishing trip.


Method 1 of 3: Time

  1. 1 Consider the time of day. Fish are cold-blooded creatures, so their activity depends on the temperature of the surrounding water. At very low temperatures, they become inactive, and in the heat they sink deeper into cool water. Fish feed on insects or small fish that feed on insects, so their activity coincides with the period of insect activity. If the air is warm and full of mosquitoes, fishing will be successful.
  2. 2 Consider the season. As with all representatives of the animal world, the amount of fish depends on the season. Of course, a lot depends on your place of residence and the type of fish you want to catch, but keep in mind the general rules.
    • Spring is the time of the year that fish bite from time to time. It is best to go fishing in the late spring afternoon when it gets warmer. On a spring morning, fish have nothing to profit from, since there are not enough insects yet, so it is best to try their luck at dusk, when it is time for feeding. At this time of the year, the wind usually drives warm surface water with living creatures towards the coast, so it is better to sit along the coastline on the leeward side.
    • Summer is a great fishing season if you don't go out during the hottest part of the day. The fish bite just before sunrise and just after sunset when there is plenty of food around. By lunchtime, the sun is at its zenith, so the fish go deep into the cool waters.
    • Autumn is not the most constant time of the year, but if the bite is on, then it goes well. The fish does not bite very actively in the morning and immediately after lunch. Towards the end of the day, the water is warmed up by the sunlight, and the fish eat more than usual before the inevitable reduction in the amount of food in the winter. Dusk is the perfect time for fishing in the fall.
    • Winter is not the best time to fish for obvious reasons. If you do not prefer ice fishing, which has nothing to do with the usual process, then the fishing rod can be stowed away in the closet until spring.
  3. 3 Consider the ebb and flow. It is best to fish during high tide or low tide, as these changes force the prey to move in large masses. This is the best time for coastal fish to feed. During the lowest and highest water levels at low tide and high tide, fishing will be more difficult. This is due to the weak movement of water during such periods.
    • To find out the schedule of the tides in your area, enter the query "tide table" (without quotes) in the search box and enter the name of your locality.
    • If you're fishing during high tide, look for shallow water.
    • If you come fishing during low tide, look for mud banks near the swamp (an area with a depression at the bottom).

Method 2 of 3: Weather

  1. 1 Watch out for a warm and cold front. Fish are cold-blooded, so they are strongly influenced by the temperature of the water.This means that the behavior of fish changes before and after the onset of a cold or warm front.
    • Many species of fish feed intensively for several hours before the onset of a cold front and subsequently slow down. Therefore, fishing after a cold front is rarely a success.
    • A warm front warms up surface waters and increases the number of fish feeding. So, the difference is most noticeable in cold weather with a small amount of fish, but it has little effect in summer, when the water temperature is already high enough.
  2. 2 Watch the wind. The wind drives the surface waters to the opposite shore along with small food fish that attract predatory fish. This is why windy days are so good for fishing.
    • If you are fishing from the bank on a windy day, cast your line upwind so that the spoon moves in the same direction as the rest of the food. This makes it easier to attract commercial fish.
    • If you are fishing from a boat, then cast the line towards the shore in the direction of the wind.
  3. 3 Watch out for the clouds. On cloudy days, the fish behave more daringly and swim farther from the safest places. This is a good time for fishing.
  4. 4 Watch out for the rain. He can become your friend or foe depending on the intensity. Light rain is great fishing weather, especially in warm climates. Drops make the surface of the water cloudy and harder for fish to see. Also, the rain washes away many insects into the water, and the fish go out to feed. Heavy rain will disturb the water, making it harder for fish to hunt, breathe and move. In such weather, fish are reluctant to leave comfortable places, just like people. In addition, heavy rain creates dangerous conditions.

Method 3 of 3: Other factors

  1. 1 Watch out for insects. Feeding fish is directly related to the activity of insects. Small fish feed on insects, and large predatory fish eat small fish. Therefore, a swarm of flies or mosquitoes will be a sign of excellent fishing. Just remember to bring insect repellent.
  2. 2 Watch the moon. The moon controls the ebb and flow that affects fishing conditions. Of course, you can just watch the ebb and flow, but try to follow the movements of the moon. During the full moon and the moments when it is closest to the Earth, fishing will be especially successful. So, on the Internet you can find many free lunar calendars that will help you choose the best time for fishing.
  3. 3 Study fish. Different types of fish prefer different water temperatures, times of day, and food. If you are interested in a specific type of fish, then study the question. If you want to catch a catfish, it doesn't matter what time you go fishing, as long as you sit in shallow water.
  4. 4 Go fishing at a convenient time. Of course, knowing the right time is very helpful, but the bottom line is that most people go fishing when they have time. You can enjoy an afternoon fishing with friends and a beer without catching anything. You don't have to go deep into choosing the right moment so that it doesn't interfere with your good time.