How to know if your girlfriend is cheating on you

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
9 Signs She’s Cheating - How To Tell If Your Girlfriend Is Cheating - Cheating Girlfriend Signs
Video: 9 Signs She’s Cheating - How To Tell If Your Girlfriend Is Cheating - Cheating Girlfriend Signs


If you think that your loved one is cheating on you, chances are you are experiencing intense pain and disappointment right now. Fortunately, there are ways to find out if a girl is cheating on you or not. Observe her behavior and be wary if the girl is being secretive, withdrawing from you, and taking care of her appearance more than usual. Also, pay attention to changes in your relationship, such as decreasing intimacy. If you suspect a girl of cheating, discuss your doubts with her to find out everything for sure. Keep in mind that a girl may show several signs of deception but still be innocent.


Method 1 of 3: Observe her behavior

  1. 1 Is the girl hiding something on her phone or computer? Observe how she handles her phone and computer next to you. Does the girl try to close the screen from you when using the gadget? Does she express anxiety if you approach her while she is on her phone or computer? Perhaps this is a sign that the girl is cheating on you.
    • If a girl is cheating, most likely she will communicate with her new partner using electronic devices. Surely she wants to keep this communication a secret, so she will worry if she thinks that you can see everything.
    • There is nothing wrong with a girl not wanting to let you near her phone. Don't feel like she's cheating on you just because she doesn't let you check her gadgets.

    Advice: if you share the same device, you may find that she frequently deletes messages. It can also be a sign of cheating.

  2. 2 Does the girl pay more attention to her appearance? It's possible that your girlfriend just wants to look her best because she values ​​herself. However, sudden changes in appearance and attempts to look her best can be signs that she's cheating on you. Notice if the girl has started to exercise more or buy new clothes. She may have changed her hair or makeup style.
    • Perhaps she's losing weight at the gym or updating her wardrobe.
    • Keep in mind: it is likely that she is doing this for herself. Don't think that a girl is cheating on you just because she wants to look her best.
  3. 3 Express your feelings in public to see if she's avoiding you. If a girl is cheating on you, she will most likely start to distance herself from you. She may be embarrassed if you demonstrate in public that you are a couple. Pay attention if the girl suddenly starts to pull away when you try to take her hand, hug or kiss. This could be a sign that the girl is cheating on you.
    • For example, you are used to holding hands when walking in public. Pay attention if the girl suddenly starts to withdraw her hand. Likewise, she may turn away when you try to kiss her cheek, or take a step back when you want to hug her.
    • Don't worry about this if you haven't been a couple who show affection in public before.
  4. 4 Pay attention to closed body language when you talk to her. It is possible that closed body language is a sign of feeling guilty about cheating or being angry with you over relationship problems. Look for signs of closed body language with your loved one to see if she is feeling guilty or angry. For example:
    • she avoids eye contact;
    • she crosses her arms over her chest;
    • she turns away from you.
  5. 5 Check in what time periods the girl is unavailable. If she is with someone else, she will most likely not answer your calls or messages. In addition, she may respond evasively if you ask where she is. Think if you suddenly have problems trying to connect with your loved one. You should also be wary if the girl began to disappear for a long period of time. This could be a sign that she is cheating on you.
    • For example, perhaps she disappears on a Friday night from 6 pm to 10 pm without explanation.
    • Before you suggest that she is dating someone else, consider whether there may have been a change in her life recently. For example, if a girl is already working full time and has recently started taking courses, she is most likely just very busy.

    Sarah Schewitz, PsyD

    Licensed Psychologist Sarah Shevitz, PsyD is a clinical psychologist with over 10 years of experience licensed by the California Board of Psychology. She received her degree in Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology in 2011. She is the founder of Couples Learn, an online psychological counseling service that helps couples and individual clients improve and change their love and relationship behavior.

    Sarah Schewitz, PsyD
    Licensed Psychologist

    Perhaps your girlfriend is distancing rather than cheating. It may be that she unconsciously seeks to avoid deep attachment, and this causes her to distance herself when she sees you getting closer. She will try to keep you some distance away because she is uncomfortable getting close. You will probably have to discuss this issue.

  6. 6 Does she talk about a new friend? Of course, making new friendships is absolutely normal for a girl, but sometimes a new “friend” can turn out to be a romantic partner.Pay attention to how she speaks about the new person and how much time you think she spends with him. If she talks about him incessantly or wants to spend a lot of time with him, they may be having an affair.
    • For example, she may say something like: “Sasha is so creative! You have no idea what happened at work today! "
    • Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with having friends with a girl and trusting her is important. Don't assume that every new friend is a threat to your relationship.
    • If this person is just a friend, the girl will tell you about their relationship. In addition, she will inform this guy about you.

Method 2 of 3: Notice Changes in Relationships

  1. 1 Listen to complaints about you or your relationship. When a person is cheating, they often begin to blame their partner so as not to feel guilty. Pay attention if the girl begins to point out problems in the relationship or complain that you are a bad partner. This could be a sign that she is trying to blame you for her cheating.
    • She may say something like, "You never listen to me!"
  2. 2 Ask questions about sudden changes in her schedule. If a girl is cheating on you, she needs time to spend with her new partner, so her schedule will change. Pay attention if she often starts working late or suddenly has little time for you. She may be spending this time with a new partner.
    • It is worthwhile to be wary if a girl constantly says that she works late, although she has never done this before. Or she may suddenly go on a business trip, even if she doesn't get paid for it.
    • Don't automatically assume that she's cheating on you just because her schedule changes frequently. For example, maybe she works more hours because she wants to get a promotion, or she takes up a new hobby to improve herself. It's okay to do new things.
  3. 3 Pay attention to changes in attraction and sexual relationships. If a girl is cheating on you, she may suddenly lose interest in intimacy with you, or, conversely, her appetites may increase. Pay attention to sudden changes in how often you kiss, touch, and have sex. This could be a sign that the girl is cheating on you.
    • On the one hand, she may not want to get intimate with you as often as she used to. In this case, she may withdraw when you kiss her or show no interest in sex.
    • However, she may also suddenly become much more affectionate and desire sex more often. She may even showcase some new bed tricks.
  4. 4 Don't you think she is reluctant to open up to you? Usually couples discuss their problems and goals for the future. However, if your girlfriend has started to distance herself from you or has a lot of interaction with a new partner, she may become less likely to be open with you. Think if she suddenly begins to communicate less with you. Also try asking what is going on in her life to see if she will open up to you.
    • You can ask: "How are things at work lately?", "What will you do during the holidays?" - or: “You've been looking tense lately. What happened?"

Method 3 of 3: Talk to a girl

  1. 1 Share your suspicions with your beloved. Most likely, even thinking about such a conversation makes you nervous, but this is the only way to know for sure if you are being cheated on. Explain that you care about the relationship and that you are worried because something is going wrong. Then share your suspicions about cheating and explain why you think so.
    • You can say: “I love you very much and I want us to be together. Recently, I have been worried that our relationship is changing.I noticed that you are not so affectionate, disappear for several hours and pay more attention to your appearance. It seems to me that you are cheating on me. "
  2. 2 Be prepared for the girl to get angry when you ask her directly about cheating. She will most likely get angry when you bring the topic up, whether or not your suspicions are correct. Reassure her that you are trying to help your relationship and deserve the truth. Then give her a chance to explain what's going on.
    • You might say, “I can see that you are agitated, but this is not why I started the conversation. I want to make our relationship better, but I need to know the truth. "
  3. 3 Listen her version of the story. Perhaps there is a very good reason for her behavior, so give the girl a chance to explain everything. Don't interrupt her and encourage her to say whatever she wants to say. Also, rephrase her words so she knows that you are listening to her.
    • Say, "You seem to have doubts about our relationship," or, "Looks like you just had more to do than I thought."

    Advice: if a girl is cheating on you, you may want to break up with her. However, if you listen to her and think things over, you have a chance to make the best decision.

  4. 4 Look for signs of possible lying. It is very difficult to understand that a person is lying, but there are several signs to watch out for. First, think about how she usually behaves when communicating with you. Then look for differences in how she communicates with you when you ask her about cheating. Here are some signs of a possible lie:
    • Her body language suddenly changes when you ask about cheating.
    • She begins to twitch, fidget, or pull away.
    • She begins to speak in longer and more confusing sentences.
    • She looks away.
    • Her expression changes.
    • She blushes, bites her lips, flares out her nostrils, or sweats.
    • She starts talking faster or slower and her tone changes.
  5. 5 Decide if you are ready to continue the relationship. Regardless of whether the girl confesses to cheating or not, you need to understand whether it is worth holding on to this relationship. You deserve to feel safe in your relationship, so consider whether you can trust your loved one. Then decide if you want to work on maintaining the relationship or if you want to end it. ...
    • If she confesses to cheating, ask yourself if you can handle it. If not, you might be better off moving on.
    • Consider asking your girlfriend to work on the relationship with you. If she's showing an interest in saving the relationship, it might be worth trying to fix it.


  • If she looks like she doesn't want to spend time with you, it may be a sign that the relationship is over. You are probably better off focusing on your own happiness.
  • Don't blame yourself if your girlfriend is cheating on you. This is not your fault!


  • A girl can show several signs of infidelity, but at the same time be innocent. Do not make the assumption that she is cheating on you without any evidence or admission of guilt.
  • Do not violate the girl's personal space and do not follow her to catch her red-handed.