Get rid of your double chin

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Double Chin | How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin | Double Chin Exercises
Video: Double Chin | How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin | Double Chin Exercises


A double chin is often the result of getting older or gaining weight. If you want to slim down the area around the chin a bit, there are several approaches for this. Chin exercises, a suitable haircut, and good posture are easy changes that you can make right away. Keep reading to learn more about how to reduce a double chin.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Make your chin look smaller

  1. Use makeup to cover the chin strategically. Try to emphasize your jawline more. You can enhance the contrast between your jawline and your neck by using a matte powder that is slightly darker than your skin tone. If it doesn't work yourself, visit a makeup artist who can show you how to do it.
    • Using eyeliner and mascara makes the eyes look bigger. This will draw attention away from the chin.
    • Limit attention to the bottom of your face. For example, wear lipstick in neutral colors.
  2. Choose a different hairstyle. Avoid hairstyles where your hair hangs level with your chin and very long hair. Both hairstyles draw attention to your chin. A medium length cut to just below the chin is the best choice. Here are a few options:
    • Go for a long bob. This classic works great for people with a larger chin. Let the bob extend to about 3 to 5 inches below the chin line.
    • Choose a beveled haircut. Keep your hair longer at the front and shorter at the back. The longer hair in the front narrows the chin and draws attention away from the chin.
    • Try layering wavy hair. A full head of hair balances the face, making the chin appear less prominent.

  3. Grow a beard. If you are a man, the right facial hair can work wonders. Grow your beard all the way to the neck. Make sure the beard is kept neat, but let it grow thick. This will ensure conformance in the area around your chin and neck.
  4. Don't wear chokers. These are tight around the neck, emphasizing the bottom. In addition, they can even leave red welts. There are plenty of other types of necklaces that look like chokers, but that you wear like a regular necklace.
  5. Watch your clothes. Does your double chin seem bigger because of the clothes you wear? Choose clothes with wide, open necklines to draw attention away from the chin. Avoid high-neck shirts and blouses, such as turtlenecks and tops with bold details.
  6. Check your attitude. How do you stand? If you are slightly bent, you create unnecessary bumps and bumps in your body. This certainly also applies to the area around the chin, where fat will settle in weak spots. Stand up straight, keep your head up, shoulders back, and straight your back. See a professional physical therapist who can teach you a few simple, but very effective, exercises to improve your posture. Stay active.

Method 2 of 4: Chin exercises

  1. Chin lifts. This exercise tightens and strengthens the muscles in your face and neck. You should do this standing with your back and neck straight. Point your chin up and look at the ceiling. Pucker your lips towards the ceiling and hold this position for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times. You will achieve the best results if you do this exercise daily.
  2. Move your neck from side to side. Stand up and straighten your back. Move your head to the left so that your chin is parallel to your shoulder. Your eyes should face that way too. Slowly move your head down and then to the right. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. Train your platysma. This is the muscle that runs from your jaw to your neck. Stand up and keep your neck straight. Tighten the tendons in the jaw by stretching the corners of your mouth downwards with the lower lip over the upper lip. A bit like sulking. Hold this for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  4. Use a tennis ball. Place the ball against the neck and hold it with your chin. Press your chin hard against the ball, and gradually reduce the pressure. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  5. Chew gum. This is an easy exercise that requires no thinking. Chewing gum keeps your jaw muscles strong, reducing your double chin. Just make sure the gum is sugar free. Chewing gum with sugar can make you gain weight.

Method 3 of 4: Lose weight

  1. Exercise regularly. Keeping your whole body in shape also ensures that less fat is deposited in your face. In fact, it's much more difficult to slim your face alone. Often, your face is also the last place where you see the difference. Establishing a workout plan that includes cardio and strength training can help you on your way to a thinner face.
    • Running, swimming, and cycling are all good examples of cardio training. Try to do some of these activities 4 times a week for at least half an hour at a time.
    • Go to the gym and talk to a personal trainer. He / she can help you with a strength training schedule. For example, learn to lift weights to train all your muscle groups.
  2. Reduce calorie intake. This way you limit the amount of fat that your body (and your face) stores. Satiate your hunger with fruits, salads, and other low-calorie foods. If you are really serious about getting rid of your double chin, losing weight will definitely help you.
    • Try to avoid a diet that is too strict or too hip. You must be able to (and want to) sustain the change you envision throughout your life. Small gradual weight loss is what you want to achieve and sustain.
    • Your diet should consist of sufficient fiber, fruit, vegetables and water. Visit a dietitian, nutritionist, or doctor for advice and encouragement.

Method 4 of 4: Going one step further

  1. Pay a visit to the doctor. If there is moisture in the area around your chin, additional steps may be required. If you are only retaining fluid, the doctor can refer you to a massage therapist. This is able to massage the area and thus remove the blockage caused by the moisture. The massage therapist can also help you to adopt a better posture.
  2. Appreciate yourself for who you are. Your appearance includes more than just genetic characteristics. How you dress, how you present yourself, how you communicate with others, how you express yourself to others, and how confident you are are all worth 1,000 times more than a double chin.


  • Do not sit at a computer for too long. If you do have to work with a computer all day, do some stretching exercises every half hour.
  • We live in a "youth culture." This sometimes makes it seem as if we don't want to accept the reality of aging and the related anatomical changes. It seems as if we have forgotten how to age with dignity. Wisdom comes with age; and that's an advantage that a young appearance can never surpass.
  • If you have a genetic predisposition for a double chin (look at your parents and other family members), then you have all the more reason to eat healthy and get enough exercise. This way you avoid a double chin, or reduce the double chin if you already suffer from it.


  • Sun wise. Do not stay in the sun (or under the solarium) for too long and often. If you do like to lie in the sun, make sure you cover your neck and face well. The sun ensures that the elasticity of the skin decreases.