How to bring back the spark of passion in a relationship

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 19 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Reigniting The Spark | How To Bring Passion Back Into A Relationship
Video: Reigniting The Spark | How To Bring Passion Back Into A Relationship


Sometimes the initial passion and spark that arose early in the relationship fades over time. However, there are several tricks that will help you regain your former passion if your feelings have cooled down. Work on yourself, spend more time with your partner, and remember the old days in your relationship.


Method 1 of 3: Work on yourself

  1. 1 Think about where your relationship is. When a romance lasts for a while, a person begins to take a partner for granted. Rate the significance of the relationship at this stage. Are you paying enough attention to your partner?
    • Are you constantly putting off spending time together for later? Typically, careers, work, and kids will reduce the amount of time you can devote to relationships. Are you too busy lately to spend time with your significant other in private?
    • How often do you communicate with your partner? We often forget to ask the person how his day went and how he feels when we go headlong into work. Be sure to call your loved one regularly.
  2. 2 Accept what you cannot change. In fact, everyone has bad habits. When you are dating someone for a long time, some of the flaws in your other half start to get annoying. Try to work on accepting those flaws in your partner that cannot be changed.
    • Many people believe that they will not be happy until they change or correct the bad qualities of their partner. However, this is not the case, and in fact, they only shorten the duration of the relationship. Are you constantly reminding your partner to take out the trash and all attempts have failed? If the next conversation and constant reproaches did not help correct minor bad behavior, then you will have to learn to take it for granted.
    • Remember the good. After a few days, the constant tardiness or negligence will become unbearable, but try to remind yourself that this is a trifling mess in the general state of affairs. When you feel annoyed, think to yourself: “Indeed, my boyfriend / girlfriend is constantly behind schedule, but he / she always asks about my dad, listens to my problems when I'm upset, and laughs at my jokes. really important. "
  3. 3 Feel attractive. Uncertainty can dampen the spark in a relationship. Doubts about your own attractiveness push your partner away on a subconscious level. Work on your confidence in your own beauty.
    • Changing your style will help you feel attractive. Refresh your wardrobe, hair or makeup. Go shopping and don't forget to stop by your hairdresser.
    • Exercise and eat right. Even if losing weight is not an end in itself, people tend to consider themselves more attractive when their general condition of the body is at its best.

Method 2 of 3: Bring romance back to your relationship

  1. 1 Share your aspirations and needs with each other. If you feel that the development of the relationship has stalled, then usually the partner experiences a similar feeling. Sit down and talk about what you are striving for and what you expect from the relationship.
    • Take time to talk and get ready to listen to the person. If you need to rekindle a spark in a relationship, you need to be ready for change. It is extremely rare that a relationship bothers only one of the parties. Remain calm and listen carefully to the wishes and needs of your significant other.
    • Talk about the times when love and care from your partner is most acute.Do you feel loved when a guy gives flowers, asks about how your day went, and holds your hand while watching a movie together? Then let him know about it.
    • Discuss what you would like to do more often. Perhaps you want to spend more nights together, go on dates more often, or try something new together?
    • Are there things that you have been doing before, but at some point you stopped doing it? At the beginning of a relationship, a person commits extraordinary romantic acts. Exciting messages, flowers and conversations late into the night - we put in less effort when we are in a long-term relationship. If you are missing these expressions of love, talk to your partner to try to increase them.
  2. 2 Show small gestures of appreciation. At first glance, trifling actions are of great importance. If the spark in a relationship is fading, try one of the following options:
    • An unexpected outing, such as a dinner in a restaurant, a trip to a concert, or a trip to a museum
    • Every day, focus on the quality of your partner that you like. For example: "I love watching you yawn in the morning" or "I love that the coffee pot is always in place because you remember to put it on the stove before bed."
    • If your partner is busy at work all day, try to overload him with household chores as little as possible. Do the dishes, wash clothes, take out the trash, or make dinner.
  3. 3 Flirt. Flirting is a fun way to express your own sexuality. As a rule, we flirt at the beginning of a relationship in order to get the attention of the object of our sympathy. When people achieve mutual affection, flirting fades away. Try to flirt with your partner from time to time using body language and live communication. Flirting can help revitalize the relationship and increase the sense of attraction for both parties.
  4. 4 Have fun together. We usually forget that entertainment is a vital part of any relationship. Try to make time for fun and romantic activities.
    • Arrange dates. The longer you are in a relationship, the less room for romance there is. Find new hobbies that you can pursue on a regular basis. Take a pottery lesson, go dancing, go sightseeing, or visit a nearby town.
    • Also involve other people. Meet up with friends who are in pairs, or join a club where you can meet new people. Exploring social life together is a great way to have a great time together.
    • Don't forget to have fun at home. Get board games for your evening entertainment, play a funny TV show to watch together, or play Guess the Tune.
  5. 5 Diversify your sex life. Sex is an important part of a relationship. If the field has lost its newness, find ways to rekindle sexual passion. You can try the following:
    • Master new poses.
    • Watch pornographic films together.
    • Try role-playing games.
    • Discuss sexual fantasies.
    • Use sex toys.

Method 3 of 3: Look back at the past

  1. 1 Remember the first meeting. Ignite the past spark, for which you return your thoughts to the moment when everything was just born. To add value to your partner, remember the beginning of the relationship and the period when passion reached its peak.
    • Think back to how you met. Your personal love story will evoke a sense of sentimentality and romance. Discuss the first meeting, impressions of each other at this moment and share the memories of the first date.
    • It's pretty easy to start a conversation. Just say, “Do you remember the night we met?” And develop your thought further.Tell us how your partner was attracted in the first place, share your most fond memories of the early stages of the relationship, and confess what prompted you to consider this romance special.
  2. 2 Go back to better times in your mind. Try to recall the happy periods of your life together. Together, you can revive better times to bring passion back into a relationship.
    • Listen to music that reminds you of the early stages of the relationship.
    • Have you both read the same book? In this case, quote certain passages to each other.
    • Browse old photos and videos.
    • Review the films you saw together during your first romantic encounters.
  3. 3 Go on nostalgic dates. Visit the restaurant you went to in the early days of the relationship. Have a cinematic marathon based on the movies and TV shows you watched in the early stages of the relationship. Find a way to organize an evening date that sparks your initial romantic attraction for both of you.


  • First of all, you must always remember why you fell in love with him or her.
  • It will also bring the relationship back to life and ignite a "spark" in the sexual sphere.