How to get your peace of mind back after making a mistake

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
If You Can’t Let Go of Past Mistakes, You Must Watch This
Video: If You Can’t Let Go of Past Mistakes, You Must Watch This


You have failed. It was really worth the sweat of your brow and you failed. And now it seems that there is no more hope - failures will follow one after another, you can only accept this. Here are some tips to help you cheer up.


  1. 1 Think hard: is there really no hope left? Surely you can do something else, or even go for a trick. There are chances ... or not. The rest of the items on this list will tell you how to deal with the consequences.
  2. 2 Go ahead and blow off some steam. Try to cry. This is a natural process that you cannot avoid. Crying also releases calmness hormones that can help you relax and assess the situation more soberly. If you fail to cry, breathe deeply and evenly to calm your heart rate.
  3. 3 Repeat this phrase 10 times: "Life is crazy, but I keep my sanity." Do this for your own good. When it all started, you might think that everything seemed to you, that it was just hallucinations. Well, this breakdown is not one that can be repaired in seconds. It should be understood that you are responsible for your actions. Circumstances may be ominous, but you are still you. As soon as you understand that you are set up properly, keep reading. br>
  4. 4 Accept the worst. Even if what happened is disastrously awful, prepare yourself for how awful things will happen in the near future. Don't stop, be morose. Imagine dying alone in a ditch - and all because of this mistake. Imagine that everything that is dear to you has been taken away from you. All these thoughts are natural, and you cannot fight them off, even if you naively try. Spend a couple of minutes doing this, and keep reading when you're done. br>
  5. 5 Come up with a new plan. As you just imagined, life will go downhill if you continue to pretend that nothing happened. Of course, this is out of the question now! You've made a mistake! Stop digging into the past. It's gone. Now it's time for other thoughts. Remember everything - this means absolutely everything - what you have been doing lately. See? Life is a "very big" thing. There is a tiny, but still a chance that you should do something else besides the endless torment over the perfect mistake. br>
  6. 6 Free your mind from thinking about this terrible mistake. No, this is not about pretending that nothing happened: just stop thinking that your whole life is in this mistake. Life is "very big". Surely you are juggling twelve things, and it's time to juggle eleven. This is directly related to the next point.
  7. 7 Think over the details. You have coped with the task of "groaning about how everything is irretrievably destroyed." Now your task will be to do everything right. It doesn't have to be in the area where you made a mistake, and it absolutely shouldn't. Think about everything on your plate. You can even think about what you will have for dinner today. Start developing a plan in the finest and smallest detail.
  8. 8 Treat yourself to a couple of hours of tranquility. Your body is now in "fight or flight" mode, and you need to calm the playing hormones. You could move mountains, but not worth it. Surely you feel that it is worth carrying out repair and restoration work immediately. See? Fight or flight. There is a great opportunity to kill a couple of hours. Do something that requires a minimum of effort from you - playing solitaire, typing, vacuuming. Your body is asking for a marathon or a fight - don't listen to it. A couple of hours later, you will be much softer.
  9. 9 It might be worth talking to someone about this. You may think you should have said this before, but how can it actually help someone (except in deadly situations). Before that two-hour break, you were an atomic bomb, ready to explode at any bystander. Now, after you've come to your senses a bit, talk to someone about how to go from Plan B to Plan C. Don't lament how bad you feel - it's in the past and people won't like it. br>
  10. 10 Move on. Engage in the things that bring you happiness - even if there is only a little bit of that happiness.


  • Stay away from people while doing most of the items on this list. Fight-or-flight mode turns you into a disgusting conversationalist.
  • Write about anything that is not directly related to your problem. The writing process is very exciting, and will surely distract you from your troubles for an hour or two.
  • If there is something to relax you, be it food or music, be alert. All this does not help to solve the problem. Meet her face to face.
  • Exercise doesn't really help much. People may convince you otherwise, but they are lying. Yes, you have already tried to even out your breathing and control your heart rate, but what shocked and angry people really need to do is sit down, calm down, relax and do nothing - and so on for a long time until the anger releases you.
  • Watching a calm, non-aggressive movie can help you relax.


  • Thinking about when hope will finally disappear is an unreliable exercise and is not necessary in every case. Don't listen to others when they tell you that the situation is hopeless - people are lying. False hope is as bad as the mistake you made. This is even worse. False hope forces you to walk the same path over and over again and step on the same rake over and over again.
  • If your doctor has prescribed anything for you, be sure to follow their directions.
  • If you feel like hitting something, don't do it.It will only hurt you and will not make you feel better. This also applies to all other manifestations of physical strength in such situations.