How to know if a Capricorn man likes you

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Capricorn Man Likes or Loves You?  Tips on How to Tell
Video: Capricorn Man Likes or Loves You? Tips on How to Tell


Capricorn men (everyone born between December 22 and January 19) are very stubborn, proud and passionate about their work, but they are also compassionate, purposeful and loyal to their beloved. Do not despair if you are not indifferent to the Capricorn man, but you are not sure if he likes him. There are several signs and behaviors that you should look out for to see if he has warm feelings for you.


Method 1 of 3: Observe his behavior

  1. 1 Pay attention to whether he likes to joke in front of you. Capricorn men tend to be reserved and quiet, but they often open up and show a sense of humor with people they like. If he is joking, teasing you, or acting stupid in your presence, it could be a sign of concern.
    • The next time you meet, try telling a funny story or teasing him and see how he responds. Most likely, sympathy is mutual if he laughs and teases you back.
    • Remember to smile and laugh when you tease him.So he will understand that this is just jokes and flirting.
  2. 2 Determine how open he is with you. Capricorn men tend to be shy and detached in the company of other people. They rarely open up to anyone and usually think carefully about who they can trust. A Capricorn man probably likes you if he tells you his secrets and discusses personal problems.
    • If you are the first person he turns to when problems arise, it could be a sign of deep sympathy.
    • Re-read your SMS messages and correspondence on social networks. Do you exchange short, superficial phrases or does he talk a lot about events from his personal life?
  3. 3 Pay attention to if he gets jealous when you flirt with other men. As soon as the Capricorn man begins to have feelings for someone, he becomes jealous of any rivals in his path. He craves communication with you if he looks sullen or upset when you focus your attention on other men.
    • Pay attention to how he behaves when you talk to others. If he constantly glances at you and interferes with the conversation, it could be a sign of jealousy.
  4. 4 If he invites you to his home, consider it a good sign. Capricorn men are sensitive to personal space and their property. They do not bring anyone into the house. Such an invitation is considered a sign of deep trust.
    • A man trusts you, and he likes you if he gives you a lift in his private car and allows you to use his things.

Method 2 of 3: Understand his way of thinking

  1. 1 Know that he can turn you off if he cares about you. Capricorn men are very calculating. They think a lot before making a decision, especially in the area of ​​relationships. Don't panic if you notice that he is trying to pull away or has become cold towards you. It only means that he likes you, and he wants to reflect on whether he wants to be with you or not.
    • Be aware that he is unlikely to give a real reason if you ask why he pulled back like that.
  2. 2 Remember that he is looking for a lover for life. Capricorn men are not interested in short novels, because they are looking for a person with whom they will spend the rest of their lives. If a Capricorn man is interested in you, it means that he is looking forward to a long-term relationship. It is possible that he is not interested in you if you have told him in the past that you do not want to start a family and you are interested in a relationship without commitment.
    • Hint about the intention to start a family if he thinks that you are not interested in a long-term relationship, but you have already managed to reconsider your outlook on life.
    • You can just say: "I used to like an open relationship, but recently I began to think that I want to find a loved one for life."
  3. 3 Don't expect him to be open-minded at first. Capricorn men do not always skillfully express their feelings. They wait to get really close with someone before they open up completely. If he seems withdrawn to you, this does not mean that he does not like you. It just means you need to get to know him better first before he starts sharing his feelings with you.
    • It is best if you take the initiative and be the first to share your feelings. This will help the man to open up and show his feelings.
  4. 4 It is necessary to wait until he gathers his thoughts. Capricorn men are never in a rush in a relationship. They are very patient and think long enough about whether they want to be with someone or not. The fact that you have been friends for a long time, but he never confessed his feelings to you, does not mean that they are not at all.
    • If you really like the man, be patient and wait for him to collect his thoughts. Concentrate on friendships and just spend time together to learn as much as possible about each other.

Method 3 of 3: How to Attract a Capricorn Man

  1. 1 Support him in his work. Capricorn men love to work hard and often devote more time to it than other aspects of their life, such as friendship and romance. If you want to please a Capricorn man, always support his enthusiasm. Encourage him for success in new projects and praise when he succeeds in completing the work he has begun.
    • For example, if a man wants to climb the career ladder, but doubts that he will achieve the desired result, provide him with moral support and tell him that you must definitely try.
  2. 2 Tell us about your own plans and dreams for the future. Capricorn men think about the distant future when they are looking for a beloved. They want to find the one that fits into his plans for life. Tell the Capricorn man about your own life priorities and goals so that he understands that you, too, are not indifferent to the coming day. It will also help him decide if he wants to go through life towards his goal with you, as one team.
    • For example, you can mention in a conversation that you want to have children in the future or start a family and build a career.
  3. 3 Don't try to change it. Capricorn men are very stubborn and don't want to be part of someone's plan. If you try to distract him from work or try to change him so that he becomes an outgoing and cheerful person, it will cause the opposite reaction, and he will stop liking you. Capricorn men have sympathy for people who fit their life plan, and, as a rule, they are reluctant to change their life project for the sake of others. You should accept the Capricorn man as a person if you want to please him.
    • It is natural for a man to compromise in certain situations. Just don't try to change him as a person.
    • For example, it’s perfectly reasonable to invite him out with your friends, but don’t pressure him or force him to go out every weekend if he’s not interested.


  • It should be remembered that horoscopes give only a general idea of ​​a person. Consider other aspects of his personality, even if they don't quite match up with the traditional characteristics of the Capricorn man.


  • If a man shows only one or two of the above behaviors, it means that he just wants to be friends with you. Try to find as many of these signs as possible before drawing conclusions.