How to find out who your best friends are

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 16 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Decided to find out who your best friends are? This can be challenging, exhilarating and confusing! To determine who your best friends are, rate your friendship. Consider several aspects of your relationship. How much time do you spend with this friend? Does he communicate well with you? Is your friend standing up for you and supporting you? Throughout the process, be patient and also remain open and honest!


Method 1 of 5: Assess your time with friends

  1. 1 Determine which of your friends most often calls you out for a walk. Best friends want to spend time with us. They leave space in their schedule to be with us. Best friends are planning fun activities and adventures that they want to experience with us. We invite the best friends and we for a joint pastime.
  2. 2 Determine which friends you spend the most time with. Best friends intend to spend time with us. Best friends are present at all major events in our life, such as weddings and funerals. This also applies to all small events, from small birthday parties to our home sports events. Often we meet with them just like that, that is, we do not need a special occasion to get together.
  3. 3 Think about why you are spending time with your friends. Best friends spend time together because they truly enjoy each other's company.Best friends are not temporary; they are with us all year round, not just in the midst of high school or football season. Best friends don't spend time with us only when it's convenient for them, or when they want to swim in the pool in our yard.

Method 2 of 5: Assess your friends' communication skills

  1. 1 Think about which of your friends is the best listener. Best friends are active listeners. When we talk, best friends give us their full attention: their phones stay in their pockets, bags, or on the table.
  2. 2 Identify which friends are only talking about themselves. Best friends want to hear about each other's difficulties and victories, fears and dreams. People who constantly turn the conversation over to themselves are not your best friends. Friends who never ask you about your life or how you feel are not interested in getting to know you better.
    • If you or your friend are having a rough day, some of you may be more active during the conversation.
  3. 3 Estimate how long it takes your friends to answer. Best friends reply to our messages. They call back. They pick up the phone even if we call them early in the morning. Friends who are unable to answer, or who only bother to do so when they feel like it, are not reliable conversationalists. However, don't think that the person is unreliable if they don't answer you early in the morning, they probably just want to rest.

Method 3 of 5: Consider How Loyal Your Friends Are

  1. 1 Determine which of your friends can keep secrets. When we share a secret with our best friends, they don't tell the first person they see! Our relationship with our best friends is based on mutual trust and respect. They don't spread rumors about us, they suppress them!
  2. 2 Decide which of your friends is covering your rear. Best friends stand up for each other no matter the circumstances. Best friends stand up for us when we cannot defend ourselves. They do not join those who mock us, tease us, or spread rumors about us!
  3. 3 Rate your friends' willingness to forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes, even best friends. Best friends don't hold grudges or boycott each other. Instead, they let each other explain why they are upset. They engage in dialogue, not scandal. They apologize for their concerns and learn from their mistakes. At the end of a fight, best friends forgive each other.

Method 4 of 5: Determine if Friends Support You

  1. 1 Think about which of your friends is really happy for you. When we are successful, best friends are the first to congratulate us. Best friends don't compete with each other, they support each other. Jealous friends are not best friends.
  2. 2 Rate their ability to support you. Best friends cheer each other on before an exam or job interview. They influence each other positively, rather than get bogged down with negative criticism. Best friends don't belittle one another.
  3. 3 Determine which of your friends are positively affecting you. Best friends keep each other on higher standards. Our best friends have a positive impact on us and our decisions because they care about our safety, health and happiness. Friends who put you in an awkward, awkward position don't think about what's best for you.

Method 5 of 5: Draw conclusions

  1. 1 Analyze your answers. Take some time to think about your answers to these questions. Spend a few hours taking notes in your journal or go for a long walk.
  2. 2 Talk to your best friends. After analyzing the information, talk to your best friends. Let them know how much you value them! Write them a postcard, have dinner with them, or bake your famous chocolate brownies!
  3. 3 Keep working on your friendship. Now that you've figured out who your best friends are, focus on further developing your relationship with them. Continue to spend time with them, make an effort to be present in all - important and not so - the events of their lives. Keep the conversation open and never take your best friends for granted!


  • Find best friends who are sincere and true to themselves.
  • Best friends don't use each other. If someone asks you to do something that you don't like, don't do it. Your intuition is your guide in situations like this. A true friend will care about how you feel, not force you to give up on your principles.
  • Best friends are not a one-sided game. Make sure you are not the only one who always calls or invites best friends to meet!
  • Communication is the key to everything.
  • Your best friend will never intentionally hurt you.
  • Choose your best friend wisely. Evil friends influence us badly. Never spend time with such people - it is better to communicate with those who have a positive influence on you. This is the best way to understand who your friends are.
  • If you have a lot in common with this person, and you do the same things, then most likely this is your best friend.
  • A real friend won't get upset if you inadvertently don't interact with him for a while, but it's worth apologizing. People react to things in different ways.