How to install a drainage system around the foundation of a house

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 19 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Building a new house, drain piping installation around foundation
Video: Building a new house, drain piping installation around foundation


Is rainwater seeping into your basement? This is really frustrating, not to mention the damage caused. Installing a drainage system around the foundation of your home will help prevent this. Here are instructions on how to eliminate rainwater entering your basement.


  1. 1 Dig a trench around the perimeter of the foundation. The trench should be deep to the base of the foundation and about 10 cm wide. You will also need to dig a trench from the foundation to the filter trench, a dry well, or to a sunny spot if the ground slope allows it. (A filter trench, also called an infiltration trench, is similar to the one around a foundation. You simply direct the perforated pipe into a filter trench. This is the best way to drain the water. A dry well is, in other words, a pit filled with rubble. The easiest way is to drain the water to surface to daylight if the construction site has a steep enough slope.)
  2. 2 Place the filter cloth. Spread it along the bottom of the trench with an overlap against the walls of the foundation. Straighten and smooth the remaining fabric away from the foundation.
  3. 3 Install rubble and pipes. Cover the filter cloth with a layer of rubble 7-10 cm thick. Now install a 4 ”perforated pipe around the entire perimeter of the foundation. The perforated pipe must be installed on a flat surface. Use a rigid 4 ”PVC tee to connect the ends of the perforated pipe. You can now connect rigid 4 '' PVC pipe to tees, directing it to a filtration trench, dry well, or surface for daylight. Fill the pipe with rubble to a level of about 20-25 cm from the base of the foundation. Then pull the filter cloth over the rubble so that it touches the foundation. It is important that the fabric completely covers the rubble, this will prevent the pipe from clogging up with soil and sand.
  4. 4 Cover with gravel. Apply a minimum of 15 cm layer of gravel or coarse sand. It is recommended to do this so that the sand does not get under the fabric and does not clog the drainage system. Now backfill the trench. Dirt will no longer flow under the foundation.
  5. 5 Landscape. Your drainage system is almost complete. Place a layer of filter cloth on top of the soil. Plant your favorite shrubs or lay a layer of mulch or sea pebbles on top of the fabric. You now have not only a dry basement, but also a wonderful decorative decoration of the landscape around.


  • Treat the walls of the foundation with quality waterproofing materials before filling the trench. Now there is a very wide selection of such materials. Water-based materials are easier to clean if the need arises. Study the suggestions.
  • Hang gutters to prevent water from flowing underneath the foundation.
  • Be sure to double-check that you have glued all the pipes together!


  • Some waterproofing materials are really only water-repellent.
  • Wear protective gloves and goggles.
  • Check local codes for installing filtration trenches, dry wells, or surface drainage.

What do you need

  • 6 inch filter cloth
  • 4 inch perforated pipe
  • 4 Inch Rigid PVC Pipe
  • 4 inch rigid PVC tee
  • Gravel
  • Crushed stone
  • Additionally:
  • Bushes
  • sea ​​pebbles or a layer of mulch