
Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cuddle - Yung Hugo + GRACEe [ Lyrics Video ]
Video: Cuddle - Yung Hugo + GRACEe [ Lyrics Video ]


Hugging is a great way to show affection. By cuddling you show that you care about the other person and that you are there for him or her in good and bad times. But of course you want to hug your loved one or the person you "have a crush" on in a different way than you would with a friend or family member. Read on for some tips on the best ways to cuddle with the people you love very much.

To step

Method 1 of 5: Cuddle with the person you like

  1. Approach him or her carefully. Smile, say some sweet words, or give a compliment. Make sure the other person is expecting a hug! It can feel uncomfortable if you suddenly give the other person a hug from nowhere (especially when you are in town).
    • Hugs are common at festive events such as birthdays and graduation, but also when people are reunited after not seeing each other for a long time.
  2. Bend over and fold your arms around the other person, pressing them against you and giving them a warm hug.Lucky you!
    • If you are a boy her arms should be folded around your neck and you should hold her around her waist. Hold her in this position for a few seconds and release her as soon as she lets go. As you release, look into her eyes and continue your conversation naturally.
    • If you're a girl, wrap your arms around his neck and lightly press your chest against his. Release him as soon as he lets go of you. Don't hang on to him, this comes across as desperate.

Method 2 of 5: Hugging a friend

  1. Walk up to your friend. Give him or her a genuine smile.
  2. Hug your friend.
    • Girls: Close your eyes and think how much you love the other while cuddling. Use as much pressure as you want, without squashing your girlfriend. Don't pat the other person on the shoulders. Some girls may think you don't like them if you cuddle this way.
    • Guys: Hug each other tightly and pat each other on the top of the back. If you are having an emotional moment, hold the hug for a moment and don't pat each other on the back.

Method 3 of 5: Hugging a loved one

  1. Approach your loved one and put your hands on his or her shoulders. This is a romantic experience for both, regardless of who starts cuddling.
  2. Look your sweet in the eye and say: "I love you." If you want, tell the other person how much you care about them and how wonderful it is to be together every second.
  3. Fall into each other's arms and hug the other person for as long as you want.
    • Guys: Gently slide both hands down from her shoulders, place them on her waist, then slide your hands down to her lower back. Put your head on her shoulder and hug her for as long as you want.
      • If you want, you can give her a short massage to warm her up.
      • You can also lift her and then pull it towards you. This hug is very popular with the girls.
      • If you let go of each other you can catch her eye, smile sincerely and (if appropriate) you can kiss her heartfelt.
    • Girls: Stretch out your arms and wrap them around his neck and shoulders. Lean your body as close to him as possible, pressing your upper body against his.
      • If it's a very intimate situation, it's appropriate to wrap your leg around his.
      • Do not put your arms under his shoulders or hug him too tightly (even if you are about the same height).

Method 4 of 5: Hugging a family member

  1. Walk up to your family member and approach them with kind feelings. Of course, this is a different kind of kindness than what you feel for a loved one, someone you have a "crush" on, or a close friend (unless you and your family member are friends too).
  2. Hug your family member. Talking while hugging is OK.
    • It is not important where you place your hands, because the person you are hugging does not think about it anymore.
    • Don't press too hard. In this situation, a firm hug is not so much necessary.
    • Rub your hands quickly over the other's upper back and smile when you let go.

Method 5 of 5: Tips that apply to every kind of hug

  1. Cuddle only when the other person extends their arms out to you. Do not cuddle if this person shows that he or she does not intend to hug you.
  2. Provide a warm welcome when you cuddle. If either has asked for a hug, let the other feel safe with your hug. Pretend that you are the only two people who matter right now.
  3. Avoid hugs that are too tight. The best way to determine how tight to hug is to pay attention to the firmness of the other person's hug. This allows you to determine how firm your hug should be. If they are soft, gently hug back. If they are big, firm hugs, hug back in the same way.
  4. Hold the hug for a moment before letting go. A hug is a powerful way to show that you care, as it feels very nice and can cheer them up. If you stop cuddling too soon, it can feel uncomfortable for both.
  5. Know when to give a long, loving hug, especially when the other person is feeling down. If you feel comfortable with this, continue to cuddle until the other person lets go or weakens his or her grip.


  • Girls like big hugs, so make sure you apply a little pressure but not too much!
  • Tip for boys: Girls especially love it when you stand behind them and then hug them tightly with your arms around their waists (but don't be too hard, of course!).
  • Unless you've hugged the person before, always ask if you can give a hug first. Estimate when and where you can best hug the other person. In certain situations, you may feel embarrassed when others see you hug someone.
  • Keep smiling all the time. Smiling is a great way to show that you care about that person and that you aren't just hugging anyone else. Don't chuckle or be too excited. Make yourself appear natural: lifting the corners of your mouth is more than enough.
  • Smile, be warm and inviting when you start hugging the person you are in love with.
  • Hugging a loved one should take at least a few seconds longer than platonic hugs.
  • If you are a boy and you would like a more intimate hug, put your head on her shoulder and kiss her neck tenderly.
  • In a masculine hug, it is common to pat the back twice before breaking up.
  • A good approach in any relationship is: Walk towards the other from a short distance with your arms open.
  • Gently fold your arms around her neck. If she is tall, fold your arms under hers and put your head on her chest. Make it romantic, but not too romantic.


  • Don't cuddle if you're sweaty or don't smell so fresh. Also, make sure you have a fresh breath before cuddling.
  • If you want to look into the other person's eyes while hugging, gently wrap your arms around their neck. Don't do this too hard or you will hurt the other person.
  • Avoid giving a hug while you are running unless the other person sees you about to hug him or her. The last thing you want is to run over the other.

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