Build a squirrel house

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to make a Squirrel House
Video: How to make a Squirrel House


Many homeowners and gardeners are not happy with squirrels. One way to protect your garden or birdhouse is to create a specific squirrel area. A well-built squirrel house will encourage squirrels to stay in their own area and away from yours. A squirrel house is used like a bird house to feed and shelter squirrel.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Build the cottage

  1. Gather your tools. This is a basic woodworking project that does not involve very complicated things. You will need a saw (a jigsaw if you have one), an electric screwdriver and screws (3-4 dozen). If you don't have an electric screwdriver, you will need to use a hammer and nails. Screws hold the design of the house together better than nails. Also have the following on hand:
    • Measuring tape
    • Pencil and paper
    • First aid kit
    • Sandpaper
  2. Collect wood planks. Wood scraps are completely fine for this project. You can also take plywood for external use, but this material is easier to damage by the squirrels. Two planks should be 12 "x 12" or larger for the floor, roof and overhang. You also need two additional 90x15 cm pieces.
    • The 15 cm is based on the average size of a squirrel. If you have a larger species, such as the red or gray squirrel, use a wider piece of wood. Something between 15 and 25 cm.
    • You don't have to stick to these exact dimensions if you can find enough scrap wood.
  3. Make the front and back panels. The key to a good squirrel house is a slightly overhanging roof. To accomplish this, the front panel must be 1 inch shorter than the back panel. Use your tape measure to mark 45 cm on one piece of wood and 42.5 cm on another piece. Draw visible straight lines on the wood with your pencil.
    • Use your saw and cut evenly along the drawn line. Take your time sawing. A good cut is more important than a quick but sloppy cut.
    • The stated dimensions are for this squirrel house. You can make your house smaller, but don't make it bigger. Squirrels like compact spaces.
  4. Make the side walls. The walls should be the same width as the front and rear panels. The side panels require a slightly different cut. You should measure 45 cm on one side and 42.5 cm on the other. The top of each plank is cut slightly diagonally. Use your tape measure to mark the correct measurements.
    • Draw a line to connect the 45 and 42.5 cm marks. Use a ruler to draw a straight and even line.
    • Take the time to make a clean cut with your saw. You should now be able to see that the panels align with the front and back wall.
  5. Make an entrance. Now you have to create an entrance for the squirrels to use. Take one of the side panels and measure 7.5 cm from the 45 cm long side. Use this mark to make a hole with a diameter of 7.5 cm. Basically you remove the pointed side of one of the side walls with this.
    • The entrance does not have to be exactly 3 inches in diameter, but it should be close to it. The size of the hole determines which species fit in the house. People have discovered possums in their squirrel house because the opening was too big.
  6. Attach the walls. Start by placing all the walls in the right place with your hand. Make sure the front and back edges are lined up with the correct walls. Once you are satisfied, you are going to attach the walls. Confirm everything in the following order:
    • Position the front wall (42.5 cm) with a side wall. Place the edge of the side wall in front of the edge of the front wall. Place four to seven nails or screws evenly spaced to attach the two walls.
    • Now attach the side wall attached to the front wall to the back wall (45 cm). Again, the nails or screws must first go through the side wall before they end up in the edge of the back wall.
    • Attach the other side wall to the house.You should use four to seven nails or screws for each corner.
    • If you're using an electric screwdriver, take your time. It is easy to damage wood if you go too fast.
    • There must be an even slope from 45 cm (rear wall) to 42.5 cm (front wall).
  7. Connect the floor. Use one of the 30x30 cm pieces of hour as the floor for the squirrel house. Place the frame you made in the previous step on the piece of wood measuring 12 "x 12". Align the 45 cm wall along the edge of the floor. Center the frame and mark where the corners will rest on the floor.
    • Flip the frame over so the nails or screws can attach. Attach nails or screws at each corner. Use three to four nails for each side.
    • Make sure to only attach the nails or screws to the frame of the cottage.
  8. Fill the house. Some builders like to place a wooden partition in the cottage, with an opening of 7.5 cm, to create two floors. Squirrels enjoy playing in compact spaces. Make it comfortable for the squirrels by adding pillow stuffing or stuffed animal contents. Another good covering material is dried moss, which you can buy at a natural craft store.
    • Measure the interior dimensions to make a floor divider for the house. Cut out a 3-inch hole, as you did for the entrance to the house.
    • Hold the floor divider and ask someone for help fastening it with a nail or screw. The helper will drive the screw through the outer wall into the divider.
    • It is okay if there are gaps between the floor divider and the walls. It does not have to fit as precisely as the external structure.
  9. Attach the roof. Use the second piece of wood measuring 30x30 cm for the roof. Align the edge of the 30x30 cm plank with the back of the roof (45 cm wall). You will need to hold the wooden board in place while securing the roof with nails or screws. There must be an overhang in the front of the house.

Method 2 of 2: Installing the squirrel house

  1. Examine your garden. Plan to spend a day surveying your yard to determine how active the squirrels are. Take mental notes of trees that you have seen a lot of squirrels coming through. Then choose one of the trees to contain the house.
    • To encourage squirrel activity, choose a location that is three to ten meters from the ground. The higher the house, the greater the chance that squirrels will live in it.
  2. Give grip. You will need two large nails to grip the squirrel house. Use a sturdy and long ladder to reach the desired spot in front of the house. Ask someone to be around for safety. Drive the first nail into the tree with a hammer, leaving an inch protruding. Take the second nail and hammer it about 20 cm away from the first nail in the tree. Also now let it protrude 2.5 cm.
    • Your squirrel house should fit between the two nails.
  3. Wrap up the squirrel house. You are going to attach the squirrel house to the tree by wrapping a thick iron wire around the house and the tree. Make sure to use strong wire that you can pull tight. You can also attach the wire together and then twist it tight with pliers, but this can be dangerous at a great height.
    • Go to a local hardware store and ask for thick iron wire that can be easily stretched. You are sure to find something that will work.
  4. Hang the squirrel house. Place the house between the two nails you hit the tree earlier. The goal is to fit the width of the house tightly between the two nails. Then use the wire from the earlier step to attach the squirrel house.
  5. Add food. Squirrel are attracted to the shelter. They like the same food as birds. That's why squirrels often invade bird feeders. You can use bird food or the following:
    • Fruit (berries)
    • Sunflower seeds
    • Nuts
    • Pet food


  • Be careful when hanging the house.
  • Be careful with the nails.