How to consume alcohol on a diet

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Drinking on a diet - How to drink alcohol while dieting
Video: Drinking on a diet - How to drink alcohol while dieting


Attention:this article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Most likely, you will not find a list of alcoholic beverages that are recommended to be consumed on a diet designed for weight loss. However, this does not mean at all that you can not drink alcohol while losing weight. Alcohol in moderation, on the contrary, will help you lose weight, as it raises your body temperature and slows down the growth of fat cells. If you can no longer reject invitations to parties, learn to use alcohol responsibly and properly combine drinks with meals.


Part 1 of 3: How to choose drinks

  1. 1 Give preference to pure alcohol. This type of alcohol (spirits without additives) contains fewer calories, carbohydrates, and sugar than any other alcoholic beverage. If you are partial to pure whiskey or scotch and soda, then these drinks are perfect in order to enjoy the meeting.
    • If you are on a low-calorie diet, drink whiskey, brandy, or tequila, which are all carbohydrate-free.
    • Whiskey, vodka and rum only contain 64 calories in a 45 ml glass, while there are more than 100 in a glass of beer.
    • Pure alcohol contains more alcohol than beer or wine, which means that you end up consuming far fewer calories.
  2. 2 Watch how the drinks are mixed. If you do not like the taste of pure alcohol, then you can drink cocktails during the diet. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the recipe in order to exclude harmful components.
    • Some cocktails, such as the Long Island Ice Tee, contain several types of alcohol, high amounts of sugar and high calories. However, even a simple Rum-Cola cocktail can disrupt your diet, as it contains Coca-Cola.
    • Even Gin and Tonic, which doesn't taste sweet, contains about 16 grams of sugar. One or two of these shakes will put an end to your diet.
    • If you want to dilute the flavor of pure alcohol, try adding regular soda without the added sugar or calories.
    • When making cocktails at home, try not to use ready-made bottled drinks, which are high in calories and sugar (sometimes there are "diet" versions on sale).
    • The most inappropriate among alcoholic drinks are cream liqueurs, such as Irish cream and other cocktails based on liquors such as Amaretto Sauer or Madslide (contains 820 calories).
  3. 3 Give preference to non-carbonated drinks. Alcohol is absorbed in them much faster, in addition to the fact that carbonated drinks contain more calories and sugar.
    • This will not directly affect the diet, but it will do the effects of alcohol on the body much faster. This means that even after one or two glasses of champagne, you will feel hungry, even if you only recently dined.
    • Carbonated drinks cause bloating, and they also retain fluid in the body, leading to dehydration.You may have heard of the "beer belly", which is caused by beer and other sodas, which lead to the formation of dense fatty deposits in the abdomen.
  4. 4 Choose red instead of champagne or white wine. The sweeter the wine, the worse it is for the diet. Red wine contains very few calories and sugar, unlike white wine.
    • Wine contains antioxidants and other nutrients that have a positive effect on the health of the body when consumed in moderation. Wine is made from fermented grapes, which are healthy and wholesome food in themselves.
    • Drink dry wine as it contains fewer carbohydrates. On a strict low-carb diet, you can afford one to two glasses of dry red wine on a regular basis.
  5. 5 Try not to drink beer. It is the diet's worst enemy. This carbonated drink is high in calories and carbohydrates. Wheat beer is essentially a fermented liquid bread.
    • Most of the major beer makers have added a lighter, low-carb version of this drink to their range, but you won't find the flavor appealing if you prefer regular beer.
    • Among all types of beer, go for a dark beer like Stout, which contains 170 calories per 0.5 liter. Other light varieties have an average of 195 calories or more.
    • Another benefit of dark beers is that you fill up faster. In addition, darker varieties contain more alcohol.

Part 2 of 3: Control the amount of alcohol you drink

  1. 1 Limit yourself to two servings. Alcohol negatively affects your diet. If you decide to relax a little, set a hard limit of one or two glasses, depending on how long you plan to entertain yourself.
    • One or two alcoholic drinks a day are considered moderate amounts. This amount of drunk will not harm the diet.
    • The most correct solution would be one serving of alcohol per hour. However, this does not mean that during a four-hour get-together with friends in a bar, you can afford four servings. Even if you haven't drunk alcohol for the entire previous week, more than two glasses a night will seriously harm your health and negate all the benefits of the diet.
    • Remember, dieting is about keeping you healthy, not saving money. This does not mean that you can drink more if you are treated. Drink no more than two drinks per night.
  2. 2 Order small drinks from bars and restaurants. When calculating the amount of alcohol, keep in mind that drinks in bars or restaurants have a significantly larger volume than those prepared at home.
    • Before heading to a bar or mixing drinks at home, you need to define a “portion” for yourself. You can take a liter beer glass, but if you fill it completely with beer, then it will not be one portion.
    • "Portion" means one serving of alcohol, which is 0.35 liters of beer, 150 grams of wine, or one shot of liquor. In restaurants or bars, you may be served 0.5 liters of beer (which is 150 milliliters more than you should) or a mixture of different drinks, which consists of several glasses.
    • Stick to portion sizes, not drinks, if drinking in a bar or restaurant. For example, if your limit is two servings, you ordered a double whiskey, then your limit is reached. Two shots of liquor equals two servings of alcohol.
  3. 3 Drink alcohol with water. Drink at least 350 milliliters of water after each serving of alcohol. When visiting a bar or restaurant, order iced water and wash down each sip of alcohol with two sips of water.
    • Drink one large glass of water before consuming alcohol.Alcohol dehydrates your body, so it is necessary to saturate it with liquid and maintain water balance throughout the event, drinking drinks with plain water.
    • After returning home, drink one or two glasses of water before bed.

Part 3 of 3: Monitoring Your Diet

  1. 1 You need to have a snack or a big meal. before heading out to the meeting. Foods rich in fiber, healthy fats and protein will provide a long-term supply of energy that will help you withstand alcohol and prevent it from raising blood sugar.
    • Instead of a full meal, you should at least have a snack, in which case Greek yogurt with berries, a handful of almonds or an apple are perfect.
    • Remember that alcohol will not be absorbed quickly if you drink alcohol after meals. This will help you stay within the diet.
    • Before dinner at a restaurant, you should study its menu online in advance to be able to choose healthy food that will not harm your diet.
  2. 2 Try to stay away from bar food. As soon as a couple of cocktails, fried fries, nachos and mozzarella sticks appear on the table, it will immediately seem to you that this is what you have been missing all this time. However, in the future, you will very much regret if you give up the diet after a few servings.
    • Fatty foods will calm your stomach if you have too much alcohol, but the morning reckoning will be cruel, especially if you have been following a strict diet for several weeks or months. Your body is not ready for this kind of food, so it will probably want to get rid of it.
    • The body retains all unfamiliar and heavy food. If, after a night of drinking, you decide to eat fried fatty foods, then most likely most of it will be deposited in the abdomen.
    • Many bars offer snacks such as peanuts or salty sticks. Place them away from you, out of reach with an outstretched hand, or turn your back to them.
    • If your friends order snacks like this, keep them out of sight so you don't be tempted.
  3. 3 If drinking at home, keep healthy snacks on hand. When you drink alcohol, you quickly feel hungry. At home, it is better to stock up on healthy food so as not to succumb to the temptation to try unhealthy snacks.
    • Almonds work well as a snack, so just put them in a small bowl and place them on the table.
    • Soybeans go well with alcoholic beverages, especially Japanese sake rice vodka.
    • If you prefer salty snacks to alcohol, try organic tortilla chips with avocado sauce. You can also dip them in pre-cooked and then ground soybeans.
  4. 4 Plan ahead for a snack after drinking. If you're out with friends in the evening, prepare your meals in advance so that you can return home for a healthy and nutritious snack instead of raiding the refrigerator.
    • It is best to eat a fiber-rich snack before bed to replenish the nutrients that have been lost by alcohol. Hot porridge or oatmeal is a great option.
    • High-fiber foods take longer to digest, so you won't go to bed hungry or wake up hungry in the morning.