Ways to Capture Some Minecraft Gaming Tips

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 1 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
25 Tips for Minecraft You Might not Know
Video: 25 Tips for Minecraft You Might not Know


Minecraft is a game of the Sandbox genre (almost no limits, allowing players to move freely, explore the open world in the game). During the game, you will fight monsters, make tools, craft (Craft) and create your own world. It is one of the largest gaming communities in the world, completely transforming the gaming industry by indie developers. Although this game has a game tutorial (Tutorial) but requires players to learn quite quickly. That makes this game one of the most popular games of the decade. This tutorial mainly refers to the personal computer (PC) and MAC version of the game Minecraft. You can only apply a few things in this tutorial to Xbox, Playstation and Pocket Edition versions of the game, not all.


Part 1 of 6: Create your own world

  1. Select single player or multiplayer mode and Options. When you first start playing the game, you need to choose the single player mode or Multiplayer mode. In single player mode, you'll obviously be playing the game alone. In multiplayer mode, you will play the game with other players on the servers (servers) of the game Minecraft. If you play the free version of the game Minecraft, you cannot choose the multiplayer mode. You also need to adjust the sound, difficulty and choose from a few other settings.
    • The level of the game will determine whether the aggressive monster (Hostile mob) appears at night or underground. Since each world has its own unique characteristics, the level you choose in one world will be different from the corresponding level in another world. The level of Peace (Peaceful) for beginners will prevent aggressive monsters from multiplying. In Easy level, monsters will proliferate at a slow speed while in Hard level, monsters will multiply at a rapid rate. The damage level of monsters is also different depending on the level you choose. In Difficult level, one of the more aggressive monsters is Zombies that smash down wooden doors and kill you!
    • If you choose to play multiplayer, you don't have to create a world because you can go to someone else's server. You can go to a website like planetminecraft.com to search for a multiplayer server. However, if you only have a need to play Minecraft with a few close friends, then it is best to create your own server.

  2. Select Game Mode. If you are playing the game alone, you need to create a world for your character to explore. When creating this world, you also need to choose a Game Mode as it will change the way the world you create. That will make the game easier or harder. The game has several Game Modes as follows:
    • Survival mode: In Survival mode, you will see many familiar features in other games such as the blood gauge, the level of hunger, armor, the amount of oxygen remaining when swimming and the inventory (Inventory ). You will need to collect resources by mining or some other way to squeeze items as well as gain experience points.
    • Creative mode: You will have countless ways to earn resources in this mode and no longer have to worry about blood gauge or hunger level. You can also fly.
    • Adventure mode: In this mode, you need to use the right tools to exploit each specific resource.However, you can still interact with other items.
    • Hardcore mode: This mode is almost identical to Survival mode, except that you always have to explore the world you created on Hard level. Your world will disappear forever if you die. So, be careful!
    • Choosing a bonus chest will make a chest containing wood, tools and food. Chests will appear near the spot with 0-4 torches around them, useful for beginners.
    • Spectator: This game mode allows you to fly through floors to explore the world. You can only enter this mode using the / gamemode command.

  3. Select World Options. This is a useful menu that makes it easier for you to control your world. You can enter a code that creates a special world, toggle the Cheat mode on / off, choose from a world type, and many more options.
    • There are several types of Worlds as follows: Default World helps you to create the basics. The Superflat world is a super flat world. The Large Biomes world will create more types of in-game environments than Default mode. Amplification Mode (AMPLIFIED) creates gigantic mountains and deeper caves. Customized mode can create rich and beautiful worlds. Finally, a special world called Debug can create all kinds of blocks (Blocks) in other worlds, but you can only observe them.

Part 2 of 6: Survive the first night

Surviving the first night is a must for all those who play Survival mode on Easy Level. If you are playing Peaceful or Creative, you do not need to care about some of the information below.

  1. Immediately build shelter. When you first start playing the game, the most important thing is to survive the first night. This game has a day and night cycle and monsters usually appear at night. You will need to build yourself a shelter before sunset to protect yourself in the dark.
  2. Gather resources. You will need to exploit and collect resources to create many things in the game. The resource you need to collect to survive the first night is Wood. You need to search for trees and punch them by holding the left mouse button. You need to destroy trees and get Wood.
    • 20 Wood is a good start.
  3. Create a Crafting table. You will use the Map Board to craft all the items in the game. You need to create a Map Board to proceed with building your shelter. You can create the Pusher by following these steps:
    • Open your Inventory by pressing the “E” key on your keyboard and place a Wood in the box above, just below the Crafting line. This is how the Wood Plank is created.
    • Place the newly created Wooden Board in your Item Box.
    • Place the Boards in all 4 boxes right below the Compressed section. You can right-click on each cell or hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse to all 4 cells.
    • Here's how to help you craft the Squeezer Board. Take this Board and position it near where you intend to build the shelter by right clicking.
    • When crafting items in the Map Chart, you will see 9 inventory slots. The ordering sequence is a very important factor, but the placement is not necessary for some items. From here on out, we assume that the inventory boxes are numbered 1 through 9 in order from left to right, top to bottom just like reading a book.
  4. Craft your tools. You need the tools to exploit a variety of resources in the game. You need to craft your first tools using your Wood and Plywood. Some of the main tools include Pickaxe, Ax (Ax), Shovel (Shovel) and Sword (Sword).
    • Proceed to crafting tools by creating Sticks. You can create these using 2 Wood Planks in the Plywood Board. Two Wooden Boards will create four Wooden sticks.
    • Make a Pickaxe by placing the Wooden Rod in boxes 5 and 8, Wooden board from box 1 to box 3. Can you see the shape of the Pickaxe?
    • Make an Ax by placing a Wooden Board in boxes 1, 2, 4 and a Wooden Rod in boxes 5 and 8.
    • Make a Shovel by placing a wooden board in box 2 and a wooden stick in boxes 5 and 8.
    • Crafting a Sword by placing a Wooden Board in boxes 2 and 5 and then placing a Wooden Stick in box 8.
    • You can improve the tools mentioned above by using Cobblestone instead of Wood. However, you should not waste time looking for the Pebbles on the first day. You should create "better" tools the next day.
  5. Mining some Coal. You need some Torch in the house because if you don't have one, your house will become dark and aggressive monsters will bother you.
  6. Build a building. You should build something in any place that is large enough, be it on a hilltop or a mountain top so that you can easily defend yourself and find it later. You can build a structure that looks like a house or dig a cave. The goal is to create a building that you can shelter from. Don't forget to leave an entrance for yourself! You don't have to build a roof, although you might have some trouble with the spiders. You can build a little overhang to stop the spiders. Because your character has a height of 2 blocks, if you want to build an entrance, build a 2-block high door.
    • Make sure your shelter has enough light (possibly from the Torch) so that ferocious monsters don't appear in it.
    • Make a Door by placing the Wooden Plank in squares 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 on the Laminate Board. Right-click to open that door. This only applies to Wooden Doors. If you somehow earn Iron and create an Iron Door, you'll need a Pressure Plate or a Redstone.
  7. Use sword to kill Sheep. It sounds cruel, but here's how to help you survive. Usually you will pick up Wool (Wool) to craft a Bed (Bed).
  8. Looking for food. After you've survived the first night, you'll need to find some food. If your character is starved, the blood will decrease and die more easily. The easiest way to get food is to kill animals. If you cannot be heartless with them, use apple tree seeds or the seeds of other plants to grow wheat. You do not need food in the Peaceful level. advertisement

Part 3 of 6: Choosing Game Style

  1. Play in style role-playing game (RPG). After you've built a shelter, crafted the basic tools, and survived your first night, you can continue playing the game however you want. One of the ways to play this game is to play in a role-playing game style. You will travel to many places, collect resources, craft better items and progress to the End (The End). In this world, you will fight a dragon to "clear" the game.
  2. Sandbox style game play. You can play games in a free-style, that means freely use resources, take advantage of the current environment to create more amazing environments and eye-catching buildings. Minecraft players built cities in Game of Thrones, Helm's Deep fortress in The Lord of the Rings, even built White House and Notre Dame Cathedral!
  3. Inventor-style game play. This is a game style suitable for those who like to create because at first there are not many things. You can figure out how to build elevators, cannons, or whatever you can think of using the Redstone. Some players have even created a PC that works in the game!
  4. Remember carefully the Game Mode that you have selected. Some Game Modes are more suited to one gaming style than another. For example: If you're playing free-style games, you'd better play the game in Creative mode.
  5. Play games in Nomandic style. This gameplay is good for those who do not want to build a house and enjoy more adventure. advertisement

Part 4 of 6: Self-defense

  1. Get the weapon. You need weapons to protect yourself from the many monsters in the game.A sword that will give you a good start and the way to craft the Sword is mentioned above. Use a better material than Wood on the blade for a more durable weapon, as Wood often degrades faster than other materials.
  2. Armor Crafting. You need to craft Armor for yourself. Armor will help you get damage when fighting monsters. You can create different types of Armor. Because the game is very rich, you can craft Armor from many different materials.
    • The materials that you can use to make Armor include: Leather (Leather), Iron Ingot (Iron Ingot), Gold Ingot and Diamond Gem (Diamond Gem). You can also purchase Chainmail Armor from the villagers in the game.
    • Craft a Helmet by placing material in boxes 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9.
    • Chestplate is fabricated by placing the material in all cells except box 2.
    • Build Legging by placing material in all boxes except boxes 5 and 8.
    • Make a Boot by placing material in boxes 4, 7, 6, and 9.
  3. Set The Torch (Torch). Monsters cannot reproduce in areas with sufficiently bright images. To light up an area at night, you need to place the Torch there. To craft a Torch you need 1 Stick and 1 Coal as long as Coal is placed on top of the Wooden Rod during the crafting process.
    • You can find Coal in the mountains or underground. The coal looks like a rock with a black dot.
  4. Know many different types of creatures. Mentioning Mob is referring to creatures capable of movement in the game. Some creatures are gentle, others are aggressive. The most important thing is to know how to distinguish them in order to survive. If you are not careful, you will have to find your way back after resurrecting.
    • Gentle creatures like Cow, Chicken (Chicken) and Sheep will never attack you but you can attack them for delicious meat.
    • Neutral creatures will not attack you unless you mess with them. Each of your actions will cause neutral creatures to act differently. For example: Zombie Pigmen (Zombie Pigmen) and Wolf (Wolf) must be attacked first to attack you. Black creatures (Endermens) are different, they become aggressive as soon as you look at them. So, you should avoid dealing with them.
    • Aggressive monsters will always attack you as soon as they see you. These monsters only appear at night or underground. There are some ferocious monsters such as Skeleton (Skeleton), Zombies (Zombie), Creature Explosion (Creeper), Black Creature and Spider (Spider).

Part 5 of 6: Finding a variety of materials and crafting items

  1. Find out the material on the ground. Usually, you can find some materials such as Dirt, Stone and Cobblestone below ground or uncovered hillsides. You need to dig with a Pickaxe or a Shovel (Shovel) to exploit these materials.
  2. Find out the material on the ground. You can also find materials on the ground eg finding Wood, Sugar cane, Seed and Wheat. Usually you just need to use an ax or hand to get these materials.
  3. Search for materials from organisms. Some materials just fall out of organisms. You can get Wool from Sheep but should not use Shears to kill them. In addition, you can get Eggs (Eggs) from Chicken (Chicken), get Milk (Milk) from Cow (Cow) and get many other items.
  4. Use a Crafting table. You can use the Laminator or Crafting feature in your Inventory to craft items. Don't forget that the tiles you choose when crafting are very important, deciding whether to squeeze successful or not even though some items do not need to be pressed. Click and drag items from the Item Box into the Item Squeeze section, place multiple items with the left mouse button or just place one item with the right mouse button. You can get the item you have just crafted by clicking on the item image and dragging it to your Item Box.
  5. Find the Squeeze recipe. Because there are too many items in the game, it is difficult to list all the Juicer recipes here. You can find the Juicer recipe for each item by searching on the Minecraft site or many other websites. You can also refer to other people playing this game. advertisement

Part 6 of 6: Enjoy the joy of playing Minecraft game

  1. Create a Map (Map) or Compass (Compass) to easily find the way.
  2. Breed animals and build a rudimentary farm to feed yourself, get materials for use or trade.
  3. There are pets that are Horse (Horse), Cat (Cat) or Dog (Dog).
  4. Make a Potion to heal yourself, make yourself stronger, become invisible, or cause some other effects. advertisement


  • Use the right tool. You will use swords to kill some monsters such as Zombies, Bones, Creepers, use Shovels to dig Earth (Dirt), Gravel (Gravel), Sand (Sand), use Ax to cutting wooden furniture such as Chest, Log, and Crafting table. You can use Pickaxe to exploit Stone (Stone), Cobblestone (Cobblestone), Coal ore and use Hoe (Hoe) to plant trees on the ground.
  • You should make a wooden Pickaxe from the beginning. Then, let's proceed to quarrying to create better tools.
  • Aggressive monsters only proliferate in locations 25 blocks or more away from you.
  • If you can't find or build a shelter in the dark, dig a 3-block deep hole and put a Bed in it to sleep. You should keep the hole open because if you seal it, it will be very dark and monsters will multiply while you try to sleep. If you have some Torch then seal the hole, put a few Torches there and sleep peacefully.
  • Animals are the most common food source. If you happen to come across a Pig, Sheep or Chicken then kill them for meat. Use a Furnace to cook raw meat obtained from animals. Remember that cooked meat is much better than raw meat.
  • You don't have to build an overnight shelter. If you have lots of blocks (especially those that are easy to break) then you can build blocks straight up and stand on the top block to stay alive. You can then jump down to the nearest water area or break blocks under your feet. Although this is only a temporary solution, sometimes it is very helpful. However, if you don't build high enough (around 20 blocks or more), you won't be successful.
  • Villages can be temporary shelters if you can't build one before dark.
  • While trying to survive the night, if you can't find Coal, burn some Firewood in a Furnace to form Charcoal. This way, you can cook your food more easily.
  • If you press and hold the Shift key and then click on an item in the Inventory, the item will automatically move to an empty Slot so you don't need to move it manually.
    • If the positions on your body are full, the item you want to move will be placed in the Item Box.
    • If both the Crate and the slots are full, the item won't move.
    • The aforementioned process can still be done in the event that you create many of the same items, take the item from a Chest or a Furnace and want to put the item in the Item Box or an empty slot. Shift key. Conversely, you can only automatically insert items from an Item Box or an empty slot into a Chest.
    • You cannot insert items from the Item Box into a Crafting table or Furnace with the Shift key.
  • Try to explore other worlds in the game.
    • The Nether: Create a square or rectangle of Obsidian at least 4x4 size. It doesn't matter how big the shape is, as long as it's a perfect rectangle or square. You also don't need to worry about corners. When entering here, pay attention to avoid lava.
    • Explore The End: Kill the Black Creature (Endermen) and craft the Eye of Ender and throw them out, which direction they fly, then you go in that direction. . The Black Creature's Eye will lead you to the gate of the End. Here, you can kill the Black Dragon (Ender Dragon).
  • Try going into other worlds in the game.


  • Not all tools have the function of mining all kinds of ores. For example: A wooden Pickaxe can only exploit Coal, not other ores. Stone hoe can exploit Iron ores (Iron) and Coal ore. Iron hoe can mine Coal, Diamond ores, Iron, Redstone, Gold, and Emerald Ore. Diamond pickaxe can mine all kinds of ore and is the only tool that can dig out the Obsidian.
  • Never build a heater because if there are flaming blocks around, those blocks can burn and spread to other blocks, creating a fire that causes you to burn.
  • If you fall from above to the ground, you will lose blood, or even die.
  • Never dive into the Creepers because they are very dangerous, can kill you if you do not have solid Armor.
  • Never dig straight down as you may fall into a lava lake or dark cave with aggressive monsters.
  • Keep an eye on monsters even during the day because the Creatures explode and Spiders won't die in the sun like Zombies and Bones. Also, be aware that the Bones and Zombies can survive during the day if they dive underwater.
  • Always carry a Torch or you will be surprised by monsters while you are mining!
  • Never sleep in a dark place because aggressive monsters can multiply there and attack you.
  • Never dig straight up, as lava can be right above your head!
  • Wooden items are suitable for beginners but will not last for long. So let's make stone, iron and diamond in turn.