How to choose a pet

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Choose the Perfect Dog Breed Just for You
Video: How to Choose the Perfect Dog Breed Just for You


Do you want to get a pet, but do not know what to look for when choosing? A pet can be a lifelong responsibility for you, so be careful when deciding who to share it with. Pets are living things, not stuffed, you can't just refuse them if you are "tired".


  1. 1 Choosing the right pet for you can be a daunting task. Think about what kind of animals you like. Do you like small and easy care? Or do you prefer large animals? When thinking about size, keep in mind what size cats and dogs can grow to, large cats may remain appropriate sizes, but some of them grow larger. It depends on the breed of the cat or dog.
  2. 2 The cost of a pet can play a significant role in the selection process. Consider not only the initial cost, but also the costs of further care, nutrition, veterinarian, and so on.
  3. 3 If you are considering buying an exotic animal, check your municipal, provincial, state, or federal laws on importing and owning such an animal. If you are importing an animal from outside the country, check with airlines, customs or port authorities, prepare all the necessary paperwork and ensure quarantine procedures for animals coming from the importing country. These points may change at the borders without notice at any time, depending on sanitary standards.
  4. 4 Think about what your home allows. If you rent or live in an apartment, will your building allow the animal you want? The rules may vary. Many buildings allow small pets, but not large ones, some do not allow certain types of animals, regardless of size, others require large fines for damaging your pets, etc. Check with your owner about the specific species, breeds and sizes of animals you are thinking about. Get his permission in writing, update your lease / contract if you think there might be problems.
  5. 5 Ask yourself questions about the different types of pets:
    • Aquatic pets
      • How much free space do you need? Do you have an outlet near this place? (for aquarium).
      • Will you have enough time to take care of him? This means more than just feeding the fish. Do you have time to do a regular cleaning of the aquarium, which consists of catching fish, cleaning pumps and filters, washing the entire frame, and then gently returning the fish to their original place?
    • Feathered pets
      • Do you have enough space? The larger the bird, the more cage it needs.
      • Some birds, especially parrots, have a very long lifespan. Gray parrots, for example, live an average of 50 years. Budgerigars - 5-15 years old.
      • Do you have time to spend with pets? Cells should be harvested weekly. The birds should be sprayed every few days. They need at least a few hours a day to interact with the person. A lone bird gets bored very quickly and easily develops bad habits such as overeating or the need for hyper-attention. It can be dangerous to her health and life if left untreated. Toys and bird companions can mitigate this a bit, but the bird will still need to interact with humans.In addition, a parrot may not get along with a companion, and this also affects money costs and the required space.
      • Most feathered pets are prey, not predators. Therefore, they evolved so as not to show symptoms of disease until they almost die. Do you have the necessary observation in order to notice the symptoms in time and take the bird to the doctor?
    • Lizards / Snakes
      • Are you ready for a long-lived pet?
      • Will you feed him crickets and mice?
      • Do you have enough space? Snakes and some lizards can grow to very large sizes. Are you ready for increased sizing requirements?
      • Who will take care of him when you are gone?
    • Dogs / Cats
      • Are you allowed to keep dogs / cats where you live? Do you have a yard next to your house and are you ready to walk the dog in order to provide it with the necessary movement?
      • Can you pay for training a dog handler? Having a naughty animal can devastate your life. Even if you decide not to attend a standard obedience training program, you will still need to study some materials and do some basic dog training.
      • How much attention can you pay? Most dogs need to be walked every day and given physical relaxation. Certain dog breeds develop obedience problems if left unattended for a long time.
      • Who will take care of the pet if you need to leave for a while? Check out the affordable dog and pet care inns in your area if you don't have any friends or family available to take care of your pet while you are away.
      • Do you move frequently? Dogs in particular can react negatively to frequent changes in their immediate environment.
      • Are you purchasing an adult pet or puppy / kitten? If the latter is the case, make sure the baby is old enough to be weaned. Younger animals need more care and affection. It should be borne in mind that they require more affection and care. This means a lot of time on your part.
      • Dogs and cats live up to 15 years on average, depending on the breed. Are you ready for such a big commitment?
      • Will you be able to pay the annual veterinarian bills, and unexpected bills during illness? Perhaps you need to consider pet insurance.
  6. 6 If you can't afford all of these costs, try imaginary animals or "stone" favorites.


  • Do not intimidate yourself with the above points. A pet can be a favorite addition to your life, and all the work and responsibility is worth it. But still, you must be prepared for a great responsibility.
  • Learn more about the animal before purchasing. Do not give in to the "impulse" of the buyer!
  • Remember that picking up a pet outside is saving the life of a cat or dog, so this is a great way to get a pet. In addition, most shelters have mandatory castration or chip implantation operations in your pet. In some areas, it is even a law when taking an animal from the street. This saves you from overcrowding, especially in cats.
  • Use pet care products purchased from pet stores. Some shops with a bad reputation get puppies and kittens from breeders. This may allow for the possibility of genetic abnormalities in animals that could cause behavioral or temperamental problems. In this case, the intervention of a veterinarian will be required.
  • Are your parents totally against it? Try walking the dogs, caring for the puppies, or volunteering at an animal shelter to show your parents how connected you want to be with the animals. Tell your parents that you will buy your own pet supplies using the money you earn from walking and caring for the animals.
  • Always find out all the necessary information about the animal before purchasing. This will help you take better care of him and know his needs.
  • Look for your perfect pet at animal shelters.
  • If you are having trouble choosing between two types of pets, ask your parents for advice. Find out who they would choose.


  • Dogs and cats should be a part of your daily life, and not just receive attention on the holidays.
  • The most important thing is to be patient. Keeping a pet is not always an easy task. Most animals greatly influence your daily life with their presence. It will be impossible to keep things and furniture clean all the time. Always remember how important your pet is to you and that the experience of keeping it will be rewarded.
  • Different animals have different requirements. Dogs need open space to run, cats need to walk the way they like and wherever they want. Birds are highly social animals and require companionship and companionship. Make sure you can accommodate these requirements before adopting a pet.
  • If you don’t like the lizard you’ve already got, don’t release it in the nearest field! This is very bad for the environment and the lizard will most likely die.
  • Think about size. If you live in an apartment, you probably shouldn't get a Great Dane.
  • If you are allergic to cats or dogs, this can be dangerous. Try to take the animal on time.
  • The same goes for fish. Do not release store-bought fish into a lake or river or ocean. Not only the fish will die, but also many other animals living there. Your fish has been bred for an aquarium with chemicals, it will poison the lake.