Ways to Cope with an Existence Crisis

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 1 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Five Ways to Overcome an Existential Crisis
Video: Five Ways to Overcome an Existential Crisis


An existential crisis occurs when your views on the meaning of life, as well as your position in it, cease to create satisfaction, direction or peace of mind. Dealing with this crisis requires acknowledging your current moods, then redefining the meaning of life by connecting yourself to your beliefs, focusing your energies on useful tasks. or create, and analyze the lessons you've learned so far.


  1. Admit you're in an existential crisis. If you are questioning the purpose or meaning of this life, or if the foundations of that life are weakened and moved, then you are probably going through a period of crisis (called crisis of crisis. "exist" because it relates to ideas discovered by the existentialist philosophical point of view) which can be derived from:
    • Feeling lonely or isolated in the world
    • New to understand or realize the meaning of a person's death
    • Believe that a person's life has no objective purpose or meaning
    • The perception of one's freedom, and the consequences of accepting or denying it
    • An experience of extreme happiness or suffering causes one to search for meaning in life.

  2. Determine the meaning of life. The existentialist school recognizes that each individual has the right to decide for himself the parameters for which to operate his or her existence. Decision myself bringing meaning to life without the help of others can help you deal with your survival crisis. Here are some methods that may be helpful to you. advertisement

Method 1 of 2: Method The last Messiah

The Norwegian philosopher Peter Wessel Zapffe argues that human self-awareness actively "restrains the destructive in itself", and thus offers four ways to implement this notion:

  1. Isolation: Remove all thoughts and feelings of disappointment or pessimism from your perception and proactively deny them.

  2. Connect: Fight off feelings of isolation by "connecting" your perception with constant values ​​or living ideals, such as "God, church, state, passing, destiny, law of life , people, future ". Re-focusing your attention on these things (whether you are for or against them) can help you feel like your consciousness doesn't drift, or as Zapffe says, builds "walls around noisy space. movement of perception ".
  3. Distracting: Don't think about troublesome things, by creating a source of distractions in your life. Focus all your energies on hobbies, projects, work or other outputs to take all of your thoughts.
  4. Sublimation: Re-focus your energies on creative positive outputs like music, art, literature, or any other activity that allows you to express your thoughts or feelings. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Other methods

  1. Understand the cause of the problem. The reason is not your thoughts, but your sticking to them. Your thoughts (and the language in which you compose them) derive from your surroundings, society, and responses to experiences.
  2. Try to see your life and place in it with state really its. Question things and try to look beyond social, political, spiritual or personal conditions, and false views.
  3. Admit that this is a general problem. We humans often feel trapped in a game that is choreographed and controlled by others, they don't care about your interests or the interests of everyone in general. When you have a crisis, in your eyes it seems that others have achieved success through ignoring fear and the ability to guide your nose. Study the history of humanity, the ways that lead to this troubled life, and why it goes on continuously, then form your own understanding of the next path of life.
  4. Does this life seem well arranged? There does seem to exist some kind of coincidence, at least on a microscopic level.
  5. Stop comparing yourself to others. The ability to feel joy thrives when you stop comparing yourself to others, and only compare yourself to yourself if you need to. Ironically, if it's possible to change fate, then you can make that comparison step by step with a cold subjective attitude.
  6. Don't hesitate to set your own rules. Remember to remove the word "should" - here you are in power. (This message is also a "should", so you need to accept with some skepticism.) You are the enlightenment of your values, and don't forget that in the end that value is ingrained your body, whether it's emotional. If you feel confused about "what to do", now no one tells you what to do, which is the most fascinating part of the journey ... do you remember your childhood? The mystic? Adventure? Smell a new smell and touch a new fabric? New food? Do something to enhance your experience.
  7. Try to shape your problem. Some people write down each sentence neatly to help them identify what the problem is. Others express their flow of thoughts and feelings through poems. You can also write down your feelings in prose.
  8. Imagine other people giving you advice, people you like or respect. Do not choose someone who can lower you. Imagine Mr. Nam, your 1st grade teacher, or the girl you secretly loved back in 9th grade. Didn't they help you much? But you are happy to talk to them.
  9. Imagine giving advice to others when they are in the same situation as you. Do you still think that's a big deal?
  10. Problem solving. If you are unable to identify your problem, that means your situation is justified. If the solution requires making big changes, spend a few days thinking about it.
    • If there is nothing you can do to solve the problem now, accept it.If it is late, go to bed; If you can't sleep, find something to do but don't watch TV or use the computer (blue light causes sleeplessness). Then you will feel sleepy. If it's daytime, exercise or get your job done. Show a professional attitude. Some achievements don't hurt anyone.
  11. Absorb what you have learned. If after doing some research you are still not satisfied, you have nevertheless gained a lot of philosophical knowledge about your situation. Now you know that the aspiration to find the truth is absurd (in the language of philosophy). Since we really don't know whether existence makes sense, we can always go back to risk assessment.
  12. Try to create peace and joy. No matter what situation you fall into, do not harm yourself and others; although it sometimes hurts you, it will pass. Find the meaning of life in simple pleasures, using your senses. Take a break from your busy life to smell the roses, feel the sunlight, enjoy the food, enjoy the beautiful scenery and hear the call of your heart. You can create meaning for yourself and your life. After all, it's your life, your life, your experiment. Join the game with respect for others, and cope with all circumstances with all your ability. To be truly successful, you must sincerely acknowledge the help of others.
  13. Clean the room you are in. This shows you how powerful you are to the world, and it's time to solve a fundamental problem. Not only sketchy, but clean. Use a cleaning product.
  14. Remember that tomorrow is a new day. It is also your chance to change your life, find happiness and fulfillment. This power is yours - take it.
  15. Ask myself. If you don't care about the philosophy of despair for life, then you don't have an existential crisis because not being able to prove anything absolutely will make you depressed. If you are reading this page, you are feeling frustrated. So you must be concerned with philosophy: why? This means that you must carefully consider what motivates you as well as when you do other things. A useful question during this review is, "If you find out the truth and meaning of life, what will you do, think or feel?" You can discover a new meaning in life or simply realize that your previous goals were exactly what you set out to be. In any case, if your old or new goals aren't healthy, you should seek professional help. advertisement


  • Health care. Drink more water to fight headaches and change mood, improve brain function. Strolling can give you a new perspective and boost your mood.
  • If you are married or living with a lover, here's rule # 1: don't call them up tonight if you did last night. They love you but give you the advice they need.
  • Sometimes you feel like you're swimming in the water of life instead of being in it. Stay calm and focused. What do you really want to live your life well? Then do what you want.
  • Accept things (or people) that you cannot change or control.
  • Find success in small things, it will lead you to greater success.
  • Don't run away from the problem because you've probably heard that life makes more sense when you cope with it.
  • Willingness to support others.
  • The authors who have written on this topic are Nietzsche, Sartre and Camus. Depending on who you are, reading these authors' books can make you feel worse or better.
  • Inhale deeply through your nose and out through your mouth; The shallow breaths through the mouth are signs of fear.
  • Choose to live, forgive, learn, love, and succeed.
  • Meditate.


  • Don't use alcohol or drugs to cope with a crisis. Although they are pleasant at first, this compulsive behavior will only make you more distressed in the long run, and it will make it harder for you to develop or enhance your life.
  • Don't be afraid to call the hotline. They are there to help those in difficulty just like you. Life is always difficult. Help others and ask them for help when needed.
  • Whatever you do, don't commit suicide or cripple yourself. Do not make any permanent changes because of temporary problems: burning the original novel or getting a facial is unacceptable. If you feel the need to take this kind of urgent action, try dyeing your hair or something similar.
  • Respect the existence of others. If someone or something stops you from achieving your goals, it's best to define a plan of action that benefits both parties. In other words, killing, disabling, or harming another person is an unacceptable act that can lead to self-destruction. Live and let others live. Also, if you thought life was troublesome, you are not going to jail now. If you do find your life more meaningful when you went through the hardships, then ignore this advice and go on living as usual. Surely you will find a very profound meaning in it.