Prune a weeping fig

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Pruning Ficus Benjamina | Pruning | Propagation
Video: Pruning Ficus Benjamina | Pruning | Propagation


Whether you have it indoors or outdoors, a weeping fig is a beautiful plant that requires little maintenance. Regular pruning is a good way to keep your plant strong and robust. By thinning out overgrown areas, cutting away diseased and damaged branches, and encouraging fuller foliage, pruning can improve both the health and appearance of your plant. With the right pruning techniques, the foliage of your plant will become fuller and more beautiful.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Determining when to prune

  1. Weeping figs grown outdoors can be pruned in late summer, fall or spring. The plant is adaptable quite well and can be pruned in most seasons. A time between late summer and early spring is ideal, as that is the weeping fig's dormancy period.
    • Try not to prune your plant in early summer when it is outside, as this can encourage an out-of-season growth spurt, making your plant more susceptible to frost damage.
  2. Prune an indoor weeping fig in the summer, fall or early spring. When the plant is indoors, it should be pruned regularly to remove old leaves and mold the plant to its living space. However, avoid pruning the plant in mid-spring, especially when it is forming new foliage and buds.
  3. Shape weeping figs in winter. For extensive shaping, wait until the plant is in its dormancy period, in winter. It is then the least likely that your plant will get a shock and you can then, in plants that are outside, see the branch structure better.
  4. Prune out sick, broken, and dead tasks at any time. Dying or dead branches can weaken your plant and make it susceptible to further damage. To avoid this, remove damaged branches as soon as you see them.
    • If your plant is weak, avoid pruning, except for cutting back damaged areas.
  5. Prune the weeping fig in early spring if you want it to grow fuller. If you see very sparse areas on your plant, you can prune to encourage branch formation. Try to prune your plant in early spring to encourage the growth of branches and leaves in the following season.
    • If you've noticed your plant thinning in the summer or early fall, wait until the next season before pruning.

Part 2 of 3: Prune regularly

  1. Before handling the weeping fig, put on gardening gloves. Most ficus species secrete a poisonous, milky sap that can cause skin irritation. To avoid a rash, wear thick gloves when pruning your weeping fig.
    • Latex or thin fabric gloves will not protect your skin from the sap. You can find thick gardening gloves at most plant nurseries and garden centers.
  2. Inspect your plant for dying and dead branches. If you see any diseased, damaged or dead branches, prune them at a downward angle with your garden shears. Cut the damaged branch back to a healthy part to help the plant heal and direct its energy to the healthy branches.
    • Dying and dead branches usually take their bark and have gray or rotting wood.
  3. Prune above leaf scars to encourage fuller growth. If your plant has thinned out more than usual, inspect it for scars where leaves were once. Cut directly above these scars to encourage thicker foliage as your plant grows.
    • Leaf scars are small, round marks where the plant originally had leaves. They are usually lighter in color than the branch.
    • Pruning over leaf scars is best done in the spring.
  4. Apply tree paste to heavily pruned areas. If you're pruning back large branches or making lots of cuts, apply tree paste to the cut. Since pruning for the plant is akin to many small cuts, you can apply tree paste to help heal the plant and protect it from disease and pests while it recovers.
    • You can buy tree paste online and at most garden centers.
  5. Discard any pruned branches of your weeping fig immediately after pruning. Since these plants are poisonous, you cannot use the pruned branches as mulch or compost. Collect the branches in a garbage bag and dispose of it when you are done pruning.
    • For an eco-friendly alternative, ask local recycling centers if they are of any use to these branches.
  6. Never prune more than 30% of your plant at a time. Pruning too much can put your plant in shock, making it susceptible to disease. During a pruning, limit yourself to removing less than 30% of the foliage and branches.
    • If your plant is more than 30% damaged, hire a professional horticulturist to determine the best treatment.

Part 3 of 3: Shaping the plant

  1. Work with the natural shape of your plant. Weeping figs are not ideal for extensive shaping. Therefore, when shaping, keep the natural shape of the plant in mind and aim for a neater, better-maintained version of the original pattern.
    • Weeping figs are generally round and widest at the bottom of the trunk.
  2. Thin out overgrown areas. Inspect the plant for branches protruding from its natural shape or crossing other branches. Cut away these overgrown branches with loppers or shears, depending on the thickness of the branches. Cut directly above an eye or where there is a branch to minimize damage.
    • Thinning the foliage helps to allow light to penetrate, which can make the plant appear fuller and give it better airflow.
  3. Prune vertical branches. Vertical branches can give your plant a thick, unattractive shape. Inspect your plant for branches that are growing upward and cut them away with loppers or shears.
  4. Avoid removing low growing branches and leaves. The low-growing leaves and branches provide essential nutrients to the trunk, and a strong trunk is essential for maintaining the foliage of your weeping fig. Thin or slightly shape the lower branches to keep your plant strong.
    • This is especially the case with smaller ficus species, such as the rubber tree and the fiddle leaf plant.
  5. Transplant or repot your plant if it grows too big. If you've pruned about 30% of your plant and it's still too big for its pot or your backyard, try repotting or transplanting it to another area. This gives your plant more room to grow without putting it in shock from excessive pruning.
    • Avoid transplanting plants with a trunk wider than 5 cm. Hire a gardener or other planting professional to transplant large weeping figs.


  • If your plant loses foliage after extensive pruning or a transplant, don't worry. Ficus plants often lose foliage after such events, and your plant should get new ones after a few weeks.
  • Disinfect tools you use before and after pruning an individual plant. This helps prevent the spread of disease.


  • Do not use kitchen scissors or a knife to prune your weeping fig as this can damage the tissue of the plant. Use garden shears to keep your plant healthy and strong.
  • Never prune more than 30% of the plant at one time, as too much pruning can weaken the plant.