How to cure gum disease with home remedies

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 1 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Bleedings Gums | Causes & Best Home Remedies
Video: Bleedings Gums | Causes & Best Home Remedies


You can treat gum disease with home remedies. Home remedies can help cure a variety of gum problems such as gingivitis, periodontal disease, and many other conditions that require careful care. If left untreated, gum disease can cause many problems that affect the health of the mouth as well as the whole body. There are several ingredients you can try to treat your gum yourself. However, if your symptoms become more severe, persistent bleeding gums or loose teeth, you should see your dentist immediately.


Method 1 of 2: Treat with home remedies

  1. Reduce stress. According to the American Academy of Dentistry (AGD), stress can affect oral health. People who are stressed often have a weakened immune system, making it not only difficult to fight the bacteria that cause periodontal disease and are susceptible to gum infections, but also at risk of some common problems like diabetes or cardiovascular disease. .
    • Not all stress is created equal, researchers say. According to studies conducted at three different universities in the US, participants in financial difficulty have the highest risk of periodontal disease.

  2. Make a sea salt solution. Dissolve some sea salt in a glass of warm water. Swish the saline solution in your mouth for 30 seconds, then spit it out. Repeatedly. Salt water not only reduces swollen and bleeding gums, but also reduces swelling caused by infection. However, if the infection has developed into an abscess, you will need to take antibiotics. You should make a habit of rinsing with sea salt water 2 times a day.

  3. Put on tea bags. Leave the tea bags in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then take out the tea bags and let cool until you are comfortable to touch. Place the tea bag cool on the sore gum area and hold for 5 minutes. Tannic acid in tea bags can effectively reduce gum infections.
    • Applying tea bags directly to your gums is usually more effective than drinking tea. Additionally, drinking too much tea can cause tooth defects such as discoloration or tea-tinged teeth. Teeth can change color from yellow to brown and these stains are difficult to remove, even with specialist cleaning.

  4. Rub honey. Honey has natural antimicrobial and antiseptic properties thanks to its propolis content, so you can use honey to treat gum infections. When brushing your teeth, rub some honey over the affected gum area.
    • Honey is high in sugar, so don't rub too much and try to massage your gums instead of your teeth.
  5. Drink cranberry juice. Blueberry juice can prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth. Try drinking 120 ml of cranberry juice no sugar everyday.
  6. Mix the lemon mixture. Make a mixture of lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Mix well and apply the mixture to your teeth. Let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse your mouth with warm water to rinse it off.
    • Lemon is an effective remedy for gum disease. First, because of its anti-inflammatory properties, lemons are very helpful in treating gum infections. In addition, lemons also contain vitamin C which helps fight gum infections and reduces colonies that create an alkaline pH.
  7. Eat more foods rich in vitamin C. Not only lemons but also many other vitamin C rich foods that help reduce gum disease such as oranges, grapes, guava, kiwi, mangoes, papaya, bell peppers and strawberries. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that strengthens and regenerates two areas susceptible to gum disease, connective tissue and bone.
  8. Increase your vitamin D intake. Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory properties, so make sure to consume adequate amounts of your gums and prevent gum disease from recurring. Older adults should pay special attention to this vitamin.According to the National Institutes of Health (USA), higher levels of vitamin D in the blood seem to help reduce the risk of gum disease in people 50 years of age and older.
    • Get more Vitamin D by sunbathing for 15-20 minutes twice a week and eating D-rich foods like salmon, whole eggs, sunflower seeds, and cod liver oil.
  9. Brush your teeth with baking soda. Baking soda can neutralize the acid in the mouth, helping to reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, so baking soda is more effective at preventing gum disease than treating it. Add a little baking soda to warm water and mix well. Use a mixture and a soft brush to gently brush your teeth.
  10. Quitting smoking. Tobacco reduces your ability to fight infections and inhibits healing. Smokers often have more serious gum disease, are harder to cure and lose their teeth more easily than non-smokers. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Use ingredients purchased from a pharmacy

  1. Use probiotics for oral health. Liquids containing Lactobacillus Reuteri Prodentis - "good bacteria" that live in the gut - have been shown to help treat gingivitis effectively by restoring the natural balance in the mouth after using mouth disinfectants, rinses Mouth and gel contain antibacterial ingredients.
  2. Use CoQ10. Co-enzyme Q10 (also known as Ubiquinone) is a vitamin-like substance that helps the body convert sugars and fats into energy. According to early studies at Mayo Clinic (USA), drinking or applying CoQ10 to the skin or gums can help treat periodontitis.
  3. Gargle with Listerine or a generic form of medicine. As a special prescription mouthwash, Listerine has been shown to be one of the most effective formulas for reducing plaque and gingivitis.
    • You should use Listerine to rinse your mouth for 30 seconds, 2 times daily after diluting with water at a 1: 1 ratio.
    • Listerine-forming essential oils can cause a burning sensation in the mouth, but you should settle in after a few days of regular use.
  4. Spray the medicine on your gums. You can incorporate a spray containing chlorhexidine (CHX) (a powerful antibacterial agent with plaque inhibitory properties) in your oral care routine. According to a study in elderly patients susceptible to periodontal disease, spray CHX 0.2% per day reduced plaque buildup and gingivitis.
  5. Use Gengigel. This product contains hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the body's connective tissues. Studies have shown that hyaluronate has anti-inflammatory, anti-edema and antibacterial properties, thereby helping to treat gingivitis and periodontitis effectively. Ging on Gengigel stimulates the production of new, healthy tissue. In trials at the University of Rostock (Germany), scientists found that this substance helps promote the process of healing twice as fast, increase blood flow and reduce inflammation.
  6. Use tea tree oil toothpaste. Tea tree oil can kill bacteria. Plaque was a bacterium. Therefore, tea tree oil toothpaste can help remove plaque and relieve gum pain.
    • You can also add a drop of tea tree oil to your regular toothpaste each time you brush your teeth. If you use tea tree oil extract, be sure not to swallow it to avoid stomach irritating problems such as diarrhea.


  • Gum disease occurs when plaque develops on a tooth. Plaque is a white bacterial sticky substance that forms when the bacteria mix with saliva, starches, and debris from other ingredients in the diet. Oral health care is one of the major concerns globally, as minor dental problems lead to more serious and incurable diseases as well. As a result, home remedies for gum disease have become a major health problem worldwide, enabling people to adopt simple and effective ways to better care for their oral health. .
  • Using a salt-lemon ingredient often makes your teeth more sensitive for a while afterwards because the high acidity in lemons can cause enamel wear on your teeth, especially when you brush hard on your teeth.