How to care for pearls

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How To Care For And Clean Your Pearl Jewelry | Jill Maurer
Video: How To Care For And Clean Your Pearl Jewelry | Jill Maurer


1 Wear your pearls last and take off first. As an organic stone composed of calcium carbonate, pearls are more vulnerable to substances found in cosmetics, hairspray, and perfume. Dress up, do your hair, put on makeup, and perfume before wearing any pearl jewelry.
  • 2 Limit the use of pearl rings and bracelets. These jewelry are more prone to scratches as they are on your hands. Never wear jewelry like this when you know you will be working with your hands, and limit their use on special occasions.
  • 3 Wipe your pearls gently with a soft cloth after wearing them for a day. The luster of a pearl can be damaged by even the smallest amount of perspiration. Wipe your sweat off the pearls after each use to help keep them shiny.
  • 4 Wipe the pearls immediately with a clean, soft cloth if acidic. The acid can be in the form of sweat, perfume, fruit juice, vinegar, or a number of other substances. The acid damages the crystallized calcium of the pearl, destroying its luster and causing long-term damage.
  • Method 2 of 4: Cleaning

    You can clean the pearls with a soft cloth to remove any dirt. Avoid damaging chemicals or brushes that can damage the pearl's surface.

    1. 1 Gently apply baby shampoo or other mild soap and use a manicure brush. Hardened cleaners can damage pearls, and a hard brush can scratch the pearl's surface.
    2. 2 Attach the hook that holds the pearl to your bracelet or necklace. Do not stretch the thread when brushing.
    3. 3 Use only mineral water to rinse your pearls. Regular tap water contains chlorine and other chemicals that can damage the pearl's surface.
    4. 4 Place the pearls gently in soap and water, then dry them with a dry, soft cloth. Do not leave pearls in water to avoid chemical damage.
    5. 5 Polish the pearls with a soft cloth to make them shine.
    6. 6 Avoid jewelry cleaners or ultrasonic cleaners. They are too rough and will only damage your pearls.

    Method 3 of 4: Storage

    Store pearls in such a place to prevent scratching. Keep it separate from other jewelry, avoid too dry conditions.

    1. 1 Remove all bobby pins and bobby pins before placing pearls in there. These sharp metal objects can damage and scratch pearls. Unbuttoned paper clips can also become tangled.
    2. 2 Keep your pearls in a separate compartment away from other jewelry. Other gemstones can scratch the surface of the pearls if they come into contact with them. Even other pearls may have metallic elements that can scratch the pearls on a separate segment; store each pearl piece in a dedicated compartment.
    3. 3 Store your pearls in a silk pouch, velvet cardboard box, or satin lining. Taking these extra precautions will ensure that your pearls won't get scratched.
    4. 4 Never store pearls in a plastic container. Some plastics contain chemicals that can damage pearls.
    5. 5 Store pearls without hanging them by the string. Don't hang pearls at all.
    6. 6 Do not store pearls in a safe place or in a safe deposit box for an extended period of time. These dry conditions will dehydrate your pearls and may crack the surface.
    7. 7 Keep a glass of water inside the vault if you want to store your pearls here. This will help humidify the air, slowing down the dehydration process.
    8. 8 Store your pearls in a jewelry box or other box. Avoid boxes with holes that allow light to enter. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause pearls to turn yellow.

    Method 4 of 4: Long-term care

    Pearl jewelry naturally weakens over time. Replace the loose hooks that hold your pearls and keep your pearls away from harsh environments to prolong their beauty.

    1. 1 Avoid prolonged use at temperatures over 60 degrees. This temperature can dry out and crack your pearls.
    2. 2 Check all hooks and threads. If the thread starts to break, you need to replace it.
    3. 3 Change the thread every one to two years, especially if you wear it all the time. Even if you don't notice any visible signs of wear on the strand, chances are it's already starting to tear.
    4. 4 Ask your jeweler to tie a knot between the pearls to provide extra protection. Thus, if the thread breaks, you will only lose one pearl. Plus, the tied string keeps your pearls from rubbing against each other, which helps reduce the possibility of scratches.


    • Pearls naturally darken with age and wear. You can remove plaque with a cream mask or professional cleaning.
    • If you do not like the way the thread looks in the knots, consider with the jeweler, make a knot only near the first three or four beads on either side of the clasp. This is where the strands break most often.

    What do you need

    • Pearl
    • Baby shampoo or liquid soap
    • Distilled water
    • Soft fabric
    • Jewelry box
    • Corduroy pouch or lining