How to convince your parents to let you do your makeup

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to CONVINCE your PARENTS to let you wear MAKEUP | Somaya Layla
Video: How to CONVINCE your PARENTS to let you wear MAKEUP | Somaya Layla


You want to put on makeup, but you need parental permission to try it out. Of course, you need to explain why you think makeup will work for you. However, it is also important to be sensitive to your parents' concerns. They may be worried that you are growing up too quickly, but if your arguments sound convincing, you can win them over to your side.


Part 1 of 2: Explain why you want to wear makeup

  1. 1 Choose the right time to talk. Don't start talking about makeup when your parents are busy or in a bad mood. Wait for the moment when they are in a good mood to state their desire - to start applying makeup. Make sure they have enough time to have a long conversation with you. If you catch them in a bad moment more than once, your parents may think they are just annoying you. This will not lead you to win the argument.
  2. 2 Maintain a mature tone. Acting childishly will only give them more reason to think it's too early for you to put on your makeup. Instead, show how mature and responsible you are. Never raise your tone and try to keep your voice from sounding whiny.If the conversation isn't going well for you, control your emotions instead of crying or screaming.
  3. 3 Explain that makeup will hide skin imperfections. During adolescence, your skin goes through many changes. Hormonal changes can cause skin irritation, which can lead to significant stress. Explain to your parents that makeup isn't always about attracting guys. Hiding your skin imperfections until you outgrow them will help you feel more comfortable in your body.
  4. 4 Describe how a little makeup can help you feel more confident. Research shows that women who view makeup positively feel stronger and more confident with it. You are now at a very delicate age and self-confidence is very important. Without it, you may find it difficult to make the right decisions for you. Your parents want the best for you, and self-confidence is the best for you.
  5. 5 Explain that makeup can help you express yourself. Your parents may think that makeup is your way of attracting guys. You have to convince them that you need makeup to express yourself, not to match what the guys like. Just like clothes and hair, makeup gives a little bit of who you are to the people around you: boys and girls, young and old. It's a way to share who you are with the world around you. You do it for yourself, not for the guys.
    • Makeup is part of your daily look. Convince your parents to treat makeup as a part of who you are and not as a complement.
    • You are at the age when self-expression is very important to you. You shape yourself! Try to convince your parents that a little makeup can help you reveal your personality.
  6. 6 Talk to them about how the right makeup can benefit. Right or wrong, society judges women based on their physical appearance. Knowing how to apply makeup correctly will help you thrive in your profession as an adult. Adolescence is a time to hone the skills you will need in the future. You need to make some mistakes like smudging eyeliner or unsightly colors at an early age when the stakes aren't that high. However, as an adult, when a lot depends on your appearance, you definitely should not make these mistakes.

Part 2 of 2: Take Care of Your Parents' Concerns

  1. 1 Ask them to clarify their concerns. Don't just let your parents talk, but actively ask their opinion on your decision. The better you understand the reasons why your parents are against your decision, the better you can prove to them that their concerns are unfounded. ...
    • “I know why I think that with makeup I will feel better. Why do you think it won't do me any good? "
    • Pay attention to what they say. Be specific to each of their arguments.
  2. 2 Start small. Your parents may be concerned that in an instant, you can turn from their little daughter into an independent girl. Let them know they don't need to worry by starting small.
    • Say that first you are going to use foundation and blush to hide the pimples.
    • Over time, as you grow older, you can ask for more freedom. After a year, you can ask to start using eyeshadow or eyeliner in your daily makeup.
  3. 3 Ask only about makeup that is appropriate for your age. If your parents think you're growing up too quickly, they might be right.Think about how silly your mom would look if she wore bright pink lipstick! She looks good because she uses makeup that is appropriate for her age. Explain to your parents that you will do the same.
    • Ask for a light-colored lip balm or lip gloss instead of a sexy red lipstick.
    • Keep your makeup light and natural. You want to highlight your natural beauty, not change your face. Maybelline Baby Lips is a great light lip balm to start with.
  4. 4 Discuss the proposal with your parents. Your parents shouldn't think that you just want something. Be prepared to give something in return for a make-up privilege. Some examples might include:
    • You can only wear makeup if you maintain good school performance.
    • You will take on extra housework.
  5. 5 Turn makeup into a bonding experience. Makeup doesn't have to mean growing up and growing apart from your parents. He can even bring you closer. Go to local makeup stores with your mom, or watch YouTube makeup tutorials, you can look at the products and determine if they are right for you or not. Makeup tutorials on YouTube will help you figure out which makeup is right for you and which is not. Local store staff can help you find what works for you and your parents. Ask your mom to go shopping with you the first time so she can teach you about makeup. When you return home, ask her to help you apply it.
    • Ask her for advice on how to match your makeup to your skin color.
    • Ask her for advice on the color that suits you best.
    • Maintain a good attitude at all times. By making the process pleasant for your mom, you increase your chances that she will allow you to use it more often.


  • Do not beg or complain if you are refused. Accept this, and try again another day.
  • Don't wear anything flashy or eye-catching, or your parents might change their minds.
  • Keep calm. If your parents turned it down the first time, accept it. In the meantime, in your free time, think of other ways that might convince them.
  • Wear makeup that looks natural and not dramatic, especially at an early age.
  • Don't go too far; Your parents may think that you are abusing your permission and may even forbid you to wear makeup.
  • Do not overdo it. You can tell your parents that you will apply blush first, and then you can try mascara. Remember never to beg: parents hate it.
  • Start with something light like lip gloss.
  • If you are still waiting for a response from your parents, experiment with makeup in your room so that when you get permission, you already have an idea of ​​how to do it. Check out YouTube makeup tutorials.
  • Start with a little foundation and powder, or add some light blush. Always use a little, as too much can clog pores and cause breakouts.
  • There is no specific age at which to start painting. Some people think 13 or 14 is okay, while others think it's too early. You should probably wait until 15 or 16 to seriously ask about makeup.