Preparing for a sports test

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Inside Training: Players take the dreaded lactate test on day one of pre-season
Video: Inside Training: Players take the dreaded lactate test on day one of pre-season


If you are preparing for specific types of jobs or are simply looking for a way to test your overall fitness and well-being, you can prepare for some type of sports test that will help show your overall physical ability and other elements of general fitness . When it comes time to participate in these types of physical examinations or assessments, good preparation can go a long way. You can start months in advance to make sure you don't hurt yourself or accidentally get injured as a result of training too hard.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Enforce success

  1. Find out what it takes. Most sports tests require a combination of evaluations to assess aerobic fitness, strength, flexibility, and possibly physique. Determine exactly which exercises will be tested and what the minimum requirements are to pass.
    • If your upcoming test is an annual school exam, ask the teacher for requirements.
    • If you are applying to the police or military, ask a recruiter or check online for the requirements of the test. All branches of the military and many local police and fire departments provide a list of physical sport test requirements online. Most fire departments in the US use the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT), which consists of stair climbing, carrying fire hose, lifting ladder, rescue towing, force entry and crawling through a maze.
    • If you are testing through your employer, find out if your potential employer has contracts with the National Testing Network, and visit their website for testing and preparation information.
    • If you can't figure out what the test will consist of, put together a routine test consisting of the most important parts of most physical sports tests: push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and running.
  2. Determine your current skills. To find out if you can pass your test, you need to know what you can do right now in each of the categories being tested. Pretend to take the test today and perform each exercise. Notice how close you have come to the goal and how far you still have to go.
    • If you are not physically active at the moment, make sure you are healthy enough to take the test before attempting to take the test. Both the American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine have information online to determine if you are healthy enough.
    • Basically, you shouldn't feel any pain in your chest, shoulder, or neck while you are exercising or right after. If you do, talk to a doctor first. You should also speak to a doctor if you have a heart condition, become dizzy enough to lose consciousness, or become extremely breathless after exercise.
  3. Calculate the time you have to prepare. You need enough time to prepare for the test. In fact, if you don't get enough exercise and have to take a very tough physical test, such as the one for the military branches or the police academies, it will likely take you months to prepare. In fact, a police department recommends that you complete a three-month workout before getting tested.
    • Make sure your planning and expectations are realistic and healthy. If you cannot safely meet the goals in the time you have left, you may be able to discuss the problem with your teacher or recruiter and ask to take the test at a later date.
  4. Create a weekly routine that alternates between cardio and strength training. You need a day between similar activities to rest the body and rebuild muscles. Plan to exercise six days a week, alternating between cardio on the even days and strength exercises on odd days, or vice versa. Rest on day seven.
    • If you are not used to exercising regularly, you may want to start more slowly. Start with four days a week and work your way up. Always consult a doctor before starting a new fitness routine.
    • Include time in your daily schedule for a warm-up and cool-down. Five minutes before a warm-up and five minutes after the workout to cool down is usually enough. Include stretching exercises in your training schedule as well. You don't necessarily have to stretch before you exercise. You can actually do this afterwards. It's about increasing flexibility by moving all muscle groups.
    • Check online for guidelines for preparing for your specific physical fitness test. For example, the United States military publishes a pamphlet with general guidelines, nutritional information, and specific training activities.
    • Practice types of exercises in the same order as on the test, if possible.
  5. Control your pace. Maintaining a steady pace is crucial for completing long and repetitive exercises, such as crunches and long runs. If you go too fast at the beginning of the exercise, you can tire quickly. It is more effective to maintain a steady pace throughout the exercise.
  6. Eat a healthy diet. While training for an upcoming test, it is extremely important to keep an eye on what you put into your body. Avoid processed foods, such as fast foods and fried foods. Your daily diet should consist of 2/3 grains (usually whole grains) and vegetables and 1/3 lean protein from dairy or meat. Limit fatty foods, sugar, alcohol and caffeine.
  7. Make sure you have the right clothes. Exercise routines are usually more effective if you have the right fitness equipment to prepare for improving your muscle tone and cardio. Inappropriate clothing can hinder your performance or, worse, cause injury.
    • Shoes are extremely important for running or any other similar aerobic exercise. Make sure you get shoes made for the specific activity you are focusing on. Running shoes, for example, are made differently from elliptical trainers, which can affect your performance.
    • Choose clothes that are comfortable, but not too baggy or loose, as the latter can become entangled in exercise equipment or otherwise interfere with your fitness regime. Choose moisture-wicking fabrics such as Coolmax, Dri-Fit and Supplex. Don't forget to look for socks that keep your feet dry.

Part 2 of 3: Prepare the week before the test

  1. Start to taper your workout four days before the test. You don't want to overexert your body just before the test. Exercising vigorously during the three days prior to a strenuous test can significantly reduce your performance. Take one day off three days in advance. Do a workout the next day, but don't make it too strenuous. For example, run 1.5-3 km instead of a full workout.
  2. Do not exercise the day before the test. You should usually rest your muscles the day before training to avoid overuse or muscle fatigue. However, you will need to do some light exercise, such as cycling or walking (about 20 minutes).
    • Instead of your regular training, spend that time mentally preparing for your test by visualizing yourself as you pass with flying colors.
  3. Sleep 7-8 hours a night. Go to bed 45-60 minutes before you plan to fall asleep to relax, especially the night before the test. Make sure you stop eating at least two hours before bed each night, as eating too late can disrupt sleep.
  4. Make sure you get enough fluids. Your body cannot perform optimally if you are dehydrated, so drink a little extra the week before the test. Aim for ten or more glasses of water per day. Drink two or three glasses of water with breakfast on the day of the test, and another glass 15 minutes before the test.
  5. Eat a balanced meal the night before the test. Don't eat anything overweight the night before your test, but a hearty meal with vegetables and lean protein will help you prepare. Don't forget to include a source of complex carbohydrates as well.
    • For example, the night before, eat a salad with lots of fruits and vegetables, tuna, a whole grain (such as quinoa), and a light one.
    • Especially avoid fatty foods the night before your test.

Part 3 of 3: Prepare for the day of the test

  1. Get up early. You should get up at least three hours before the test to give yourself time to wake up and have breakfast. Do not eat right before your test. You also need time to warm up and travel to your test site. You certainly don't want to be late or rushed on the day of your test. Think about the extra time you need to plan the day before so you can go to bed early enough to get eight hours of sleep.
  2. Have a healthy breakfast at least two hours before your test. Include fruit and cereal or oatmeal for carbohydrates. Stick to complex carbohydrates so that you maintain the energy throughout the test. Also eat a protein such as egg white or Greek yogurt. If necessary, you can also eat a small snack one hour before your test, such as a handful of raisins or a few pretzels.
    • Assume 20% or less fat, 30% protein and 50% carbohydrates. However, avoid foods with a high fiber content.
    • The added carbohydrates will add glycogen to your muscles to help give yourself that little bit more.
    • Stick to the things you know your stomach can handle. It is better not to try something new on the morning of the test.

    Avoid alcohol and extra caffeine on the day of your test. Don't drink more caffeine than you normally do as it can make you nervous and nauseous. Energy drinks high in sugar and caffeine can cause a dip in the middle of your test because they contain simple sugars instead of complex carbohydrates.

  3. Warm up for the test. Warming up before a physical test is essential because it keeps your blood flowing. The purpose of a warm-up is what it sounds like. The job is to literally make your muscles warmer. If you try to move from a standing position to vigorous effort without warming up, you could seriously injure yourself.
    • The best warm-up exercises are light exercises that don't put too much strain on you. For example, about five minutes of walking, swimming, or cycling is all you need to warm up.
  4. Skip the stretching. Warming up is very different from stretching. If you warmed up while preparing for your test, you should skip stretching before the test. While it may seem counterintuitive, stretching can actually reduce your performance if done right before a challenging exercise, such as a sports test.
  5. Remind yourself to keep a steady pace. When your adrenaline is pumping you may be tempted to start much faster than you normally would. Control yourself, and make sure to maintain a steady pace so that you are not tired halfway through the test.


  • Anticipate muscle pain. People preparing for a fitness test or other challenges may not understand their body's initial response. In the first few physical fitness sessions after a period of inactivity, the body will respond with aches and pains. This reaction is natural, and in most cases you have to work through the pain on a reasonable schedule as provided by experienced and professional fitness trainers. Always seek the advice of your doctor before changing or starting any fitness routine to make sure it supports your overall medical condition.