How to convince your parents to let you go to a friend's house for a sleepover

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The SECRET Parent HACK!! | Getting PARENTS to say YES!!!
Video: The SECRET Parent HACK!! | Getting PARENTS to say YES!!!


Sleeping with a friend can give you hours of great time. You can take a break from the routine of your home life and hang out with a friend for some fun activity without worrying about someone giving you a ride home. However, your parents will not always be willing to let you spend the night away from home. This can disrupt your plans, especially in situations where your parents quite often refuse your requests. However, if you prove to them that you can be trusted and work on your negotiating skills, you can convince your parents to give you permission to spend the night with a friend.


Part 1 of 3: Building Parental Trust

  1. 1 Become a responsible person in your daily life. Responsibility means doing things that need to be done on your part. It also implies that a person must be honest and reliable. All this determines the response of your parents to your request to allow you to spend the night with a friend. If you want to be treated like an adult, behave like an adult.
  2. 2 Plan your sleepover wisely. Whether your parents trust you or not, permission also depends on the day you choose to spend the night. If you decide to host this activity in the middle of the school week, your parents will most likely refuse you. On the other hand, during your summer vacation, you will have a much better chance of success. If you want to improve your chances, then you should plan an overnight stay when you will not have any important events the next day.
    • Sleeping is usually more difficult if you are going to sleep with a friend of the opposite sex. Parents are very uncomfortable with the possible sexual contact of children, so they can set more stringent rules, depending on their moral values.
  3. 3 Be open with your parents. Trust is not won overnight, and its restoration after the loss is given with great difficulty. To build trust with your parents, you must communicate with them on a daily basis. Tell them everything that happens in your life. It's a good idea to make this a normal part of your relationship. Doing so can improve your chances of getting an Overnight Overnight Permit.
  4. 4 Remember to do your homework and do household chores. In the adult world, entertainment must be balanced by the work done. In your case, the homework and homework you complete will serve as proof that you deserve some rest and fun. If you haven't done something yet, try to do it before trying to ask a friend for permission to sleep.Don't give your parents the chance to rebuke you for unfinished business when you need permission.

Part 2 of 3: Persuading Parents

  1. 1 The first step is to make sure your parents are in good spirits. As unfair as it may seem, parental permission depends in part on their mood at the time of your request. If they are already upset about something, they are almost guaranteed to refuse you. This is due to the fact that they do not want to impose additional stress on themselves.
    • Before approaching your parents with a request, try asking them how you can help them. This can improve your parents' mood and prove to them that you deserve permission.
  2. 2 Raise a question that interests you. Asking your parents, depending on the relationship you have with them, can be stressful for you, but it should be approached calmly. Moreover, you need to conduct the conversation in a positive way. If you get negative when talking to your parents, then most likely they will refuse you.
    • Before asking the question, it's a good idea to talk about some of the details of the upcoming event. This can prevent a quick failure. Say something like, "My friend has a birthday tomorrow and he wanted to celebrate with a pizza night. Can I spend the night with him tomorrow?"
    • A useful trick when asking a question is to be close to your parents, so they feel less anxious about making a decision.
    • If possible, it would be good to ask the question a couple of days earlier. Parents are usually more likely to make positive decisions when asked ahead of time rather than at the last minute.
  3. 3 Tell us your plans in detail. If the parents are nervous that the child will be spending the night in a different house, a detailed description of the event can calm them down. A detailed story about the plans and those things that interest the parents can be of great help. Being honest and straightforward with your parents will give you the highest chance of getting permission from them. The following is a list of things you should definitely talk about.
    • Where exactly will you be located?
    • Are you planning to leave your friend's house at some point in the evening?
    • Will a parent look after you? This plays an important role.
    • Will someone else be present? This includes your friend's siblings or other relatives.
    • What is the environment in your friend's family?
  4. 4 Inform that the overnight stay is not bad. Even if the main purpose of spending the night is entertainment, it is usually accompanied by a number of other positive aspects. Listing all the advantages of such an event to parents will be a good help to get a positive answer. If your parents are having trouble making a decision, try mentioning the following positive aspects of such activities to them.
    • While spending the night with friends, children learn new social skills. They learn to be flexible in a new environment.
    • An overnight stay with a friend gives the child the opportunity to take a fresh look at the family relationships of another family. Try to do this delicately so that it doesn't sound like you want to escape your own home!
    • The absence of a child at home gives parents a chance to rest.
    • Sleeping with a friend from time to time can be a pleasant reward for the child.
  5. 5 If you receive a refusal, ask to explain the reason. If you are having trouble convincing your parents to let you go, it is helpful to turn the conversation round to address the issue. Ask the parents what they are most concerned about and ask what you can do to fix it. Try to find a suitable solution and not get angry when rejected.
    • The posing of this question should also be straightforward and calm. Say something like, "I understand that you are worried about me. But what exactly is bothering you? Maybe we can fix it."
  6. 6 Leave your parents contact details. Contact information is important for both parents and children. Parents will want to be able to reach you in any situation. Even if they never call the phone number you left, its presence will reassure them if you forget to let them know. The phone you provide must be either the home phone number of the house you will be staying in or the cell phone number of your friend's parents.
    • Don't give false phone numbers. Even if it works the first time, in the end, lying to your parents will undermine their trust in you and deprive you of your chances of getting permission to sleep again in the future.
  7. 7 Offer to organize an overnight stay at your home. Parents feel helpless if the child sleeps somewhere else. If you change your plans and offer to spend the night at your place, it might work. This way you can spend time with your friend, and your parents will be calm, as they will be able to control the situation.
    • Be aware that some parents strongly oppose their children's friends staying overnight, so you shouldn't consider this idea as a win-win alternative.
  8. 8 If you are already with a friend, ask your parents for permission to stay with him. It can be risky, but no one is immune from spontaneous plans. If you want to cheat, you can first ask your parents for permission to have dinner at a friend's house, this is usually easier. After dinner, when you are relaxing, you can call your parents with a basic question. Sometimes parents are more willing to give permission for something that is already happening. If you have chosen this approach, then you should mentally prepare for a possible rejection. Some parents don't like this kind of cheating right under their noses.
    • It's a good idea to have your sleepover stuff right away in case you are allowed to.
    • For such an idea to work, it is advisable that your parents know well the family with which you decide to spend the night. It will also be nice if you have already successfully spent the night in this place before.
  9. 9 Schedule a time when you need to be picked up and picked up by a friend's house. Parents love specifics. Let them know the approximate time when you can return home. This way they will worry less. Having clear plans is not a bad thing to avoid unnecessary stress and anxiety.
    • At the same time, you must be flexible about what time your parents want to pick you up. Adults are full of important things and hassle, so let them decide for themselves when it is more convenient for them to pick you up the next day.

Part 3 of 3: Taking a Responsible Sleep at a Friend's House

  1. 1 Be honest about your plans. If you inform your parents that you are going to do something, and the parents agree with this, then please, try to do what you were going to do. If you say one thing, but in fact do another, then you risk losing confidence. If you already rarely spend the night with friends, it is especially important to show your parents that you can be trusted.
  2. 2 Introduce your parents to your friend's parents. Part of your parents' permission depends on what they think of your friend you are spending the night with. However, in most cases, the most important issue of concern to parents is the safety of the child. It is important for them to know that you will be well looked after. And that is what depends on the parents of the friend. If your parents know these people by sight, it will be easier for them to agree to your overnight stay.
  3. 3 Give your parents a chance to get to know your friend better. If your parents don't know your friend yet, it might be a good idea to introduce them. A personal acquaintance will let your parents know that your friend is not at all as bad as they might think. Even eccentric friends try to behave well in the presence of other people's parents.
    • Your parents are likely to try to protect you from possible dangers that your friend might drag you into. If he is known to be pugnacious and irresponsible, it will be very difficult for you to convince your parents to give you permission to sleep at his house.
  4. 4 If you don't feel like staying with a friend any longer, ask your parents to pick you up. Leaving the parental home, you shift all the responsibility onto yourself. Part of that responsibility is to be honest with yourself if you don't feel like staying with a friend anymore. If you are already tired of a friend's company or you are uncomfortable staying at his home longer, call your parents. Even if it's already very late, they will probably be glad that you turned to them and did not force yourself to do something unpleasant. For that matter, it will prove to your parents that you can be trusted, and you will always call if you find yourself in a bad situation.
  5. 5 Tell your parents about your sleepover. Keeping your parents informed will help them feel more comfortable with these situations. When you are picked up or when you return home yourself, talk to your parents about the event. What did you do? Did you have fun? How did you like your friend's family? All this can demonstrate to your parents that there is nothing wrong with a friend's sleepover.
    • Remember: you need permission not for one specific overnight stay with a friend, but permission for similar events in the future. Making your first overnight stay is an enjoyable experience for everyone, you can maximize your chances of getting permits in the future.


  • Parents prefer to keep their children under control, while spending the night in someone else's house deprives them of this opportunity. Keep this in mind and try to give your parents the impression that they are still in control when you sleep with a friend.


  • Regardless of your efforts, you will not be able to get permission from your parents for everything every time. It's sad, but you can always try your luck a little later at another, more opportune moment.
  • Don't try to sneak out without parental permission. This can make your situation extremely difficult, and spending the night with a friend won't be worth all the unwanted consequences you face.

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