How to improve your learning productivity

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Ways To Improve Productivity
Video: 15 Ways To Improve Productivity


A person needs to be able to learn effectively in order to quickly adapt to the changing environment of our life. In this article, we will give you basic information about meta-learning (teaching about learning), thanks to which you can find and put into practice methods that will help improve the quality and speed of self-learning. This approach is applicable to any task in life that requires us to acquire new knowledge, including basic tasks aimed at the effective use of intellectual abilities. Train your brain to absorb information accurately and quickly by taking proper care of your body. Meta-learning methods (teaching about learning) will show you how to keep your body in optimal condition.


Part 1 of 4: How to Prepare Your Body

  1. 1 Healthy sleep. In most cases, we use the correct approach to learning, but we fail: the brain is simply not able to retain information, since the body does not receive the necessary nourishment. Healthy sleep is often such a boost. A person needs to sleep enough time for the brain to remain alert and absorb information. Drinking another cup of coffee is not enough. Stop reading late into the night. Go to bed early so you can get some sleep and start your studies in the morning.
    • Researchers have found that during sleep, the brain is flushed with fluid, which removes toxins from it. With a lack of sleep, the brain is so clogged up that it becomes difficult for it to function normally.
    • The amount of sleep required is individual and depends on the body's work. For most adults, seven to eight hours of rest is recommended, but many sleep more or less. It is necessary to keep you awake and alert throughout the day without the aid of coffee. If a person feels tired at four to five o'clock in the evening, then he does not sleep enough time (or vice versa too much).
  2. 2 Proper nutrition. If you are hungry, it will be extremely difficult for your brain to absorb any information. It is difficult to concentrate when the whole body is trying to remind of an empty stomach. Proper portions should be used during main meals. You can also grab a healthy snack during preparation, class, or school exams.
    • Eating a healthy diet is extremely beneficial. Junk food does not provide the body with essential nutrients. Snack on almonds or carrots to stay active and focused, not sluggish and tired.
  3. 3 The required amount of liquid. The body requires a certain amount of fluid to function. It is difficult to concentrate if there is not enough moisture in the body. Thirst interferes with learning and is constantly distracting, even if it happens unconsciously. Headaches occur when dehydrated and complicate the learning process.
    • Different people need different amounts of fluid.The popular recommendation "eight glasses of water a day" is just a rough estimate. Examine the color of your urine to assess the situation. If it is pale and clear, then you are drinking enough water. If the color is dark, then you need to drink more water.
  4. 4 Physical exercise. Surely you know about the benefits of physical education, but did you know that physical activity helps you learn better? Studies have shown that light stress while studying the material increases the efficiency of the process. It is difficult for people who lead an active lifestyle to maintain concentration while trying to study motionlessly for an extended amount of time, so physical education will bring extremely tangible benefits.
    • For example, try walking around a large room while reading a textbook. Record all lectures on a voice recorder and listen to the recording while exercising on the simulators. There are a lot of options. It is important to remember that the load should be moderate.
  5. 5 Train your brain to learn. The ability to learn quickly is a habit, so you need to train your brain in good habits, not bad habits. Complete challenging tasks without interruption to improve concentration (even when tasks are not related). Set aside time and space for learning and do not do other things in that space. Find a way to make learning fun, so your brain wants to remember more and doesn't turn work into hard labor.
    • For example, spend more time on subjects that you enjoy first. The brain will acquire the necessary skills and will be able to effectively apply them even for less enjoyable tasks.

Part 2 of 4: Learning the Right Way

  1. 1 Choose a target. Evaluate the desired changes that are needed to significantly improve your life. For what purposes do you need to learn in order to confidently make such a change? First, choose a goal that doesn't take too long to complete. In our case, we choose the goal of taking care of the body correctly. Next, we need to divide the goal into subtasks. What items will the plan consist of?
    • start studying as early as possible;
    • sleep the required amount of time;
    • eat healthy foods;
    • drink enough water;
    • do physical education.
  2. 2 Explore training options.
    • Consider criteria for suitable and inappropriate options... Are you interested in studying the issue on the Internet? Want to talk to a nutritionist or fitness instructor? If you often find it difficult to concentrate on reading, how effective is working with magazine articles?
    • Trust your intuition... If you think that a certain path will not bring success, then there is no need to tread on this path! Have you started reading the material on ways to improve your sleep quality, but the information in the article is not relevant to you? Stop reading and find another source. There is no need to waste time just because the article was written by a “specialist” or “everyone does it”. The information should be useful specifically to you.
    • Adjust the goal as you study the question... As you explore, you may find that you only need to focus on one aspect. This will narrow the goal from “I want to take better care of my body” to “I want to take better care of my body through a healthy diet.”
    • Find someone who has already fulfilled your goal to learn from them.... If you have acquaintances who have managed to change their lifestyle (for example, exercise more often or eat right), then talk to such people. Find out what exactly they did, how they did it and how they got this information.
    • Research the topic online, take courses, ask others and find a mentor... Try different teaching methods to find the one that's right for you.
  3. 3 Choose the best option.
    • Choose an option that can be implemented in your conditions, on which you can work very constructively within an affordable timeframe, and which can be realistically implemented with the energy and attention available to you.... You don't need to sign up for nutritional classes if you're already busy and can't make time for courses. Better to scale it down and just follow the diet. Choose a goal that has a place and time in your life.
    • Consider time and geographic constraints as well as your mental health... There is no need to increase stress and take on more than circumstances allow. Learning should improve the quality of life, not make it unbearable.
    • Set aside time for study and practice... The allotted time will motivate you not to drop out.
    • Form a habit of paying attention to the aspects you want to learn or just improve your skills... "Emotions help to attract attention. Attention helps to learn." Remember to pay attention to your emotional reactions. If you are researching exercise options and feel a sense of internal resistance, then figure out the reasons. What causes this reaction in you? Any reluctance is due to a specific reason.
    • Try not to drown in the ocean of options available... Sometimes we get distracted and tired when trying to make the “right” choice. Forget the categories “right” and “wrong”; there is only what is right for you. Find the right one by trial and error.
  4. 4 Experiment with learning. An effective experiment requires a plan and methodology for evaluating the success of the experiment, as well as time to analyze the process and results. The learning process has similar mechanics.
    • Establish clear criteria for assessing success... When choosing a diet, should you focus on the need to eat 3 times a day or several smaller portions during the day?
    • Choose a way to track your progress... Use any tools available! Notepads, phone, applications, computer, internet, calendar or blogs.
    • Analyze your progress... Need more information or do you already know everything you need to know to stay on with your new sleep routine?
    • Set intermediate goals... I want to find three new healthy lunch recipes to incorporate into my diet.
  5. 5 Evaluate results and subtotals.
    • Have they been achieved? Have you learned enough to implement your new workout plan? Have you found an effective way to change your sleep patterns?
    • The event in the calendar will remind you of the need to analyze the situation... Choose “milestones” for evaluating the information learned, evaluate the effectiveness of the information, as well as the extent of the acquired knowledge. What worked and what didn't? Why?
  6. 6 Change your approach. If the chosen learning approach works, then nothing needs to be changed. If not, go back to the beginning and choose another option!

Part 3 of 4: How to Study in an School

  1. 1 Be careful when first reading the information. The best way to learn faster is to be extremely alert when first encountering new information. Even a very brief loss of concentration can lead to the fact that information is incorrectly deposited in your memory. Alas, in such a situation, you cannot get out with tricks: mainly you need to learn how to exert willpower.
    • Try to listen with the thought that you will immediately need to answer a question on the topic, as if the teacher called you, or repeat the information to yourself. If you are studying alone, then repeating information to yourself (in your own words) will help the information to be deposited in memory.
  2. 2 Take notes. Recordings are another way to focus on information that you first encountered. So you will not only be forced to think about the material, but also immediately prepare the basis for further study.
    • You don't need to write down everything you hear. It is necessary to outline a detailed plan along with important information. Write down key facts and explanations that are difficult for you to understand or remember.
  3. 3 Participate in the activity. Be active in your studies.So it will be easier for you not only to maintain concentration, but also to memorize information thanks to a versatile perception, and not just by ear. There are different ways to be active, be it working in a group or asking questions during class.
    • Try to answer the teacher's questions. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process.
    • If you are divided into groups for reading or discussion, then actively participate in the work. There is no point in being silent and lazy. Work with fellow students, ask questions, share opinions, and memorize new information.
    • Ask questions if you don't understand or want to know more. Questions are another way to focus on learning and get the message right. If you could not understand the teacher's words or he raised an interesting topic, then ask questions to find out more.
  4. 4 Create a work environment. If your laboratory partner does not want to study or you study in front of the TV at home, then there is nothing surprising in the low efficiency of such work. Create a calm learning environment so that your brain can receive and remember information as efficiently as possible. A quiet place without distractions will help you focus on your studies. A dedicated study room or corner will tune your brain and help you stay focused.
    • If you find it difficult to concentrate in the classroom, talk to your instructor. For example, you can change seats or change your partner. If you find it difficult to study at home, then choose another place. You can head to the nearest library, study in an unusual place like the bathroom, or get up early if noisy neighbors bother you.
  5. 5 Define your learning style. Learning style depends on how the brain is best at absorbing information. There are different learning styles, of which one or two is best suited for a person, although everyone can learn using all the styles available. You can take the test online or ask the teacher to define your learning style. You might even ask the teacher to change the lesson plan slightly to suit this style.
    • For example, if it is most convenient for you to memorize information on diagrams and graphs, then the visual style is suitable for you. Create your own diagrams to better remember the information.
    • Is it easier for you to perceive information by ear, or do you remember the facts read well when you listen to a certain song? In this case, the auditory style is close to you. Try recording lectures on a tape recorder to listen to before and after class, or even during the lesson if the information matches.
    • During the lessons, you do not sit still and want to run? In lectures, do you absentmindedly tap your leg with your palm? The kinesthetic style suits you. Try fiddling with a small object in class or taking a walk while reading to help you remember the information better.
  6. 6 Choose a teaching method according to the type of material. Different subjects should be taught in different ways. It is very likely that you are simply not using the best approach. Change your teaching method so that you acquire new skills in the most appropriate way.
    • For example, the brain is more comfortable learning languages ​​through interaction, listening, and practice. It is much easier for a person to learn English if they immerse themselves in the language environment and speak it regularly, rather than just looking at flashcards or a textbook. If you want to know other tips, then check out the feature article.
    • Let's take a look at the math in the following example. Instead of solving the same problems and examples over and over again, try different examples on the topic to build the skill you need. Tasks and examples of different types within the same topic will allow you to gain in-depth knowledge.
  7. 7 Learning impairment. If you cannot concentrate on the subject or your brain does not want to remember information even when using different approaches, then you can go to the doctor's office to rule out the possibility of learning disabilities. There are various types of difficulties, many of which are very common (one in five students face such problems). You should not consider yourself a stupid or unworthy person, because such a situation only says that you should learn a little differently. The most common problems are:
    • Dyslexia in which reading problems occur. If you find it difficult to keep track of words and lines of text on a page, then dyslexia may be the cause.
    • Dyslexia-related disorders like dysgraphia and dyscalculia, in which there are similar problems with writing and math. If you find it difficult to write words that you can easily pronounce out loud, then the problem may lie in dysgraphia. If you find it difficult to distinguish numbers or estimate the number of objects, then the root of the problem may lie in dyscalculia.
    • Also, a common problem in learning is impaired auditory perception, in which it is difficult for a person to perceive and analyze sounds. This situation can be called deafness without actual hearing loss, since people with this problem have difficulty following the conversation and concentrating in the presence of background noise.

Part 4 of 4: How to effectively review the material you have covered

  1. 1 Start learning as early as possible and repeat as often as possible. The more we learn, the more we remember, so we should practice regularly. The sooner you start learning or repeating, the easier it will be for you to remember all the information. You should not wait until the last and start preparing a couple of days before the exam. Get down to business at least a week in advance, although it's even better to study the whole semester.
    • Review old information as you review over the past week to revisit previous ideas and skills as they are likely to be used in new topics.
  2. 2 Ask your tutor or teacher for help. It's okay to ask for help and get good advice from a specialist. This will help you study the material. Forget about your shyness or pride and talk to your teacher. If he doesn't have time to help you, then ask for a tutor's advice.
    • If you do not have funds for a tutor, then the teacher will tell you which of the classmates is well versed in the material and will be able to help you.
    • Some educational institutions offer free consultations and electives.
  3. 3 Create a mind map to speed up the process. A mind map is a great way to help your brain process any amount of information. Such a map is a visual representation of the material. Write facts, explanations and patterns on sheets of paper in the form of diagrams or draw sketches. Secure the sheets to the wall or spread them out on the floor. Similar ideas should be placed next to each other. Related concepts and facts can be linked by threads. Learn from the map and don't waste time on textbooks.
    • If you have an exam or an essay, then you can remember a visual map and all the information indicated in it on location in space and physical connections (just like on a geographic map).
  4. 4 Memorize effectively to memorize information quickly. This approach will not always be reliable, but it allows you to quickly remember certain types of information. The best way to memorize is lists like a sequence of actions or foreign words. Systematic memorization of more complex materials is unlikely to be successful.
    • Use mnemonic techniques to memorize information better and faster. Usually these are phrases or words that are kind of the key to a large amount of information.Famous examples include the phrase "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits," where the first letter of each word helps to remember the colors of the rainbow.
    • Concentrate on small volumes one at a time. Try to divide information into small blocks that are easy to remember. It may seem that this method slows down the whole process, but in fact it allows you to remember faster, because in this case you do not need to repeat the material covered often. This is especially useful when you need to memorize new words, lists, and similar information. Divide the entire list into groups of 5-8 words and study them one at a time.
  5. 5 Find the context that interests you. Putting information in context makes it much easier to understand. If the context is interesting to you, then the information is easier to remember. Do your own research and find ways to link information and material to engaging context.
    • Let's say you are learning English. Watch a movie that is interesting to you, which uses a lot of words on the topic under study. For example, useful travel words can be found in the movie Lost in Translation.
    • As an example, let's say you're preparing for a history lesson. Find a documentary on a specific topic or about the country you are studying. Visual imagery combined with the storyteller's stories will help you remember information better through associations.


  • Don't grab the first convenient option. Explore all the options and methods and make your choice.
  • Among the interesting definitions of "learning" can be cited the words of the famous psychologist Robert Bjork: "Learning is the ability to use information after a long period during which it has not been used, as well as the ability to use information to solve problems that arise in a context that is not very similar ( or not at all similar) to the one in which the information was initially assimilated. "
  • Read a section on a specific topic and try to retell it out loud in simple words without looking at the textbook, as if you are explaining the information to another person. This will help you remember all the facts for a longer period of time.
  • Mindfulness during class allows you to remember 60 percent of the information you hear. If you come home and reread the material again, then you will remember the remaining 40 percent, so be careful in the lessons and do not forget to repeat the information.
  • Try to get closer to your goal every day, and make it a habit to take lesson notes for future reference.
  • Before studying or repeating the material, clean up the rooms, on the tables, and open the windows to let in fresh air (if you are out of town). Open windows in front of a garden, park, or other landscape that gives you a sense of confidence. Before class, you can drink tea or coffee, refresh yourself with vegetables and fruits and take all the necessary stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, sharpener, ruler). Highlight all important information with a fluorescent marker.


  • Put the information into practice so you don't forget it! Find a way to put knowledge into practice. Take every opportunity. If you want to explore the issue of healthy eating, then tell a friend or relative how to choose the right foods and plan a diet.