How to train your body

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What happens inside your body when you exercise?
Video: What happens inside your body when you exercise?


Want to start exercising your body but have no idea where to start? Below are some tips on where and how to start a wellness exercise routine (consult your doctor about heavy exercise).


  1. 1 Make sure you have time to exercise.
  2. 2 Drink plenty of water while exercising. But don't drink too much water, or you risk getting cramps.
  3. 3 Always warm up 5-10 minutes before starting your workout. You can just run or jump in place, swing your arms, lunges, and squats. If you enjoy exercising outdoors, put on your gym clothes and go for a walk or light jog. Jogging will not help build your upper torso, but it will significantly improve your endurance and strength in your leg and core muscles, and it will also improve your overall health! So jogging will be a great find for people who decide to go in for sports. You can gradually start jogging a little bit every day, but at least 3 times a week. Jogging is free, and if you calculate how much you save on medications and treatment for a healthy lifestyle, then you can even make money.
  4. 4 Push up. Push-ups, like running, are also a simple exercise without any equipment. Floor push-ups strengthen the muscles of the trunk, back, arms and shoulders, depending on the placement of the arms on the floor.
  5. 5 Add floor lifts to your workout routine. Lying torso raises are a basic abdominal exercise. There are many variations of this exercise. Doing 3 to 5 sets of this exercise for maximum reps will give you good results (once you can do more than 20 reps per set, make it harder for yourself by doing upper twists or adding dumbbells or barbell discs).
  6. 6 Your legs carry your entire body on them, so it is very important to train this area of ​​the body as well. If you cannot run because of the gas pollution in the city, then just jump in place or do squats. if you have an exercise bike at home, use that too.
  7. 7 It is also important to pump in your back muscles. Exercises "Superman", "Cat and Camel" will have a positive effect on strengthening the muscles of the back.
  8. 8 Try dumbbell curls if you are interested in developing that muscle group as well.
  9. 9 Know what you need to train. And here are the main areas of your body that need regular training: legs, abs, chest, back, shoulders and arms. There are many videos and written materials on the Internet regarding exercise for these types of muscles.
  10. 10 Relax. Rest is just as important as your workout, so be sure to pay attention to this part of your recovery as well.
  11. 11 Remember to stretch after you finish your strength training. Stay 15 seconds in each exercise, and if you want to be flexible, stay for a minute or so.


  • Exercise regularly. The results do not come in a day, but after a while.
  • Exercise with other people or to music to keep you motivated.
  • Train in moderation at the beginning; master the correct technique first.
  • Don't compare yourself to others. Each of us was once a beginner.
  • To burn fat compartments, do 15-30 minutes of cardio every day.
  • Decide for yourself what you want to develop the most: strength, endurance, flexibility or speed. This way, you can be more productive in scheduling your workouts.
  • Eat healthy foods like fish, fruits, and vegetables instead of pills and powders. Eat fewer sweets.
  • On the Internet, you will find many exercises suitable for YOU.
  • Try to gain muscle mass. Start with 50 push-ups, then work up to 55, 60, and so on. Combine strength training with cardio.
  • Exercise every day if you want to make positive changes.


  • If you sweat too much, you can drink electrolyte water, otherwise you risk getting hyponatremia due to a lack of salts in the body. If electrolytes are not available, add some salt to the water.