How to entertain guests

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 18 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Entertain Guests In Your Home
Video: How To Entertain Guests In Your Home


Entertaining guests is challenging but challenging. Prepare ahead to welcome extended family or guests at your own party with confidence. Show yourself a good and caring host: prepare the house for receiving guests and try to ensure the maximum level of comfort, as well as think over an interesting entertainment program.


Method 1 of 3: How to Prepare Your Home

  1. 1 Clean up. Start preparing your home by cleaning. It's always a pleasure to go to a clean house. It is important to pay special attention to the rooms where guests will drop in, including a toilet with shower, kitchen, common room and hallway. Collect dust, vacuum floors and furniture, remove stains, and fold scattered items.
    • If guests intend to stay overnight, change the bed linen in the guest bed.
    • Bring clean towels to the bathroom.
  2. 2 Replenish your supplies. Make sure your home has everything you need to receive guests. Buy food, drinks, and other essentials like napkins. If everything is enough, then you simply will not have a reason to worry.
    • Check your supplies of toilet paper, soap, tissues, and other supplies.
    • Make a shopping list based on the menu you selected and the items you need to replenish so you don't forget anything in the store.
  3. 3 Check the details. If you are expecting guests, you need to check every little thing. For the party, be sure to check that the music equipment and amplifiers are working, and that each board game is complete. If guests are staying overnight, check all the lights, the time on all clocks and the batteries in the control panels.
    • This is a great excuse to eliminate serious shortcomings, for example, to clear a blockage in a drain pipe or to fix a porch step, which is long overdue to be repaired. If problems cannot be resolved in time, at least warn guests about them and make a backup plan.
  4. 4 Prepare the place. Guests will arrive with gifts for the hosts, outerwear, bags and personal belongings if they intend to stay overnight. Think about where you can put all these things and have fun. As soon as guests enter the house, immediately take care of their things so that everyone feels your hospitality and cordiality.
    • Allocate space for bags and suitcases, for example, offer to put them in the closet or in the corner of the room. You can even buy a dedicated fold-out luggage rack so guests know where their belongings are.
    • Prepare a free wardrobe space for overnight guests.
  5. 5 Make a guest list. If you are planning a party, then invite people who get along with each other, will be grateful for the invitation and will be happy to come. Make a list so that everyone is comfortable. For example, if you decide to host a dinner party, decide in advance where each guest will sit and if you have enough chairs. Invite as many people for the night as they can comfortably accommodate.
    • If you have a small house and a large guest list, it is best to organize multiple dinners.
  6. 6 Please advise immediately how long guests can stay. So, if you are worried that guests might be overusing their hospitality, let them know right away how long they can stay. For example, provide specific dates for overnight guests. For a party, specify the start and end times of the party.
    • If you expect that guests will stay with you no longer than Saturday and Sunday, then say: “We are very pleased with your arrival. We will be happy to welcome you all weekend from 10 to 12 July and look forward to welcoming you. ”
  7. 7 Identify areas that are open and closed for guests. It also helps to decide which rooms guests should not enter. For example, you don't want party guests to walk into your bedroom. If you live with relatives or share an apartment with other people, agree on where guests should not go and think about how to politely inform them about it.
    • Say that some rooms are not ready to receive guests, for example: “The bedroom and the nursery are not cleaned, so please do not enter these rooms. Thank you for understanding".
    • Invite guests to look into open spaces, for example: “The bedroom and the nursery are at the end of the hallway. Now I want to show you the veranda and the garden. I'm sure you will like it. "

Method 2 of 3: How to Think About Entertainment

  1. 1 Make a menu. Choose the dishes you will be serving your guests. For example, you can serve full meat dishes or party snacks. Then choose a national cuisine or theme, especially for a dinner party. If guests do not come for one day, plan the menu for all days. Meals and snacks should be simple enough to keep your entertainment focused.
    • In addition to food, you should decide on drinks.
    • If you are on a budget, then choose interesting dishes at a reasonable price.
    • If guests are staying overnight, arrange snacks and drinks in the guest room so they don't have to go to the kitchen in the middle of the night.
    • Inquire about possible food allergies and dietary restrictions of guests to consider these aspects. Warn guests in advance about foods that may trigger allergies.
  2. 2 Consider musical accompaniment. Make a list of songs for the party. Use apps like Deezer, iTunes, Google Play Music, or YouTube on your computer, phone, or tablet. Choose the music that will set the right mood for the party. When everyone is assembled, connect the device to your audio system or music center.
    • The song list should be large enough so that the music doesn't stop in the middle of the party.
    • Mix different genres and styles. For example, at the beginning of a party, you can include quite energetic songs, and towards the end of the evening, switch to more relaxed music so that guests do not get tired.
    • Use an app that lets guests choose songs from your list.
    • Take advantage of the services of a DJ if you have a big party and an adequate budget.
  3. 3 Have an entertainment plan. It is important that guests have a great time. Help people find common ground through games or dancing. Come up with interesting questions or topics for conversation, especially at dinner. If guests are staying overnight, they do not need to be entertained every minute, but still make a plan for joint activities.
    • Always be prepared to arrange dances or offer different games.
    • Suggest playing board games for dessert after the dinner party.
    • Ask guests to dress according to the theme of the party (such as a beach party or detective night).
    • If guests are visiting for a few days, make a list of local entertainment and attractions. Be sure to arrange a joint excursion to the zoo or market.
    • It is also possible to arrange a movie night for guests staying overnight.

Method 3 of 3: How to Ensure Comfort

  1. 1 Welcome guests warmly. Greet each guest and say how happy you are to meet. Also, do not forget to place guests' personal belongings and offer drinks. Even if you cannot meet every guest at the entrance to the house, be sure to say hello when you meet and say: “Welcome”.
  2. 2 Make time for each guest. Take a few minutes for each guest to show your hospitality. Introduce the guests to each other early in the evening. Notice timid guests and help them get comfortable: ask for help with food or music.
  3. 3 Help the guests to settle down. Arrange a tour of the house if guests are visiting you for the first time. If you want, invite them to look around the house on their own and feel at home. Don't forget to mention the limitations and possible features like a creaky door or weak water pressure.
    • Guests who are staying for a few days can be provided with a map of the area (even if you have to draw it by hand), spare keys to the house, important phone numbers, and directions around the house such as how the alarm works.
  4. 4 Be a fun and flexible host. It is very important that you have a good time. Show guests by example how you can relax and have fun. Try to think positively and be flexible if things don't go according to plan.
    • Don't be afraid to ask guests for help in case of problems. Most people will be happy to help and be involved.