How to convince your mother to let you shave your legs

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 23 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Shaving can be quite a sensitive topic. Hair in new places can be embarrassing, but for your parents it is a sign that you are growing. There are conflicting opinions about body hair removal, and many people don't get rid of them at all. However, if you prefer to shave your hair, you will most likely have to convince your parents of this.


Method 1 of 3: Casting a Fishing Rod

  1. 1 Start from afar. No need to be cunning and evasive, just make hints from time to time. Chances are, your mom will notice that you are growing up, just like your peers.
    • A subtle hint might sound like this: "My friend [insert name] started shaving her legs."
    • Don't be too embarrassed. It's not as difficult as you think. Incidentally, mention what is happening to you and your classmates.
  2. 2 Challenge her to answer. Your mom may take the hints, but she chooses not to respond to them. The best way to start a conversation is to hold her accountable.
    • Ask a question that needs an answer. For example: “Some of my friends started shaving their legs. Mom, at what age did you start doing this? "
    • By asking direct questions (“When do you think it's time to start shaving your legs?”), You can get your mom's opinion. The main thing is to smoothly approach this topic.
  3. 3 Be straightforward. If you think your mom will agree, and if she didn’t behave strangely during your careful questioning, try talking more openly.
    • The most direct way is to ask the store to buy you razors.
    • You might say, “I think it's time for me to start shaving my legs. In gym, I'm the only girl with hairy legs. ”

Method 2 of 3: Talking to Mom

  1. 1 Plan out your arguments. If your mom says no or doesn't get your hints, try other strategies. Make a list of reasons why you want to shave your legs, and think about how to voice them to your mom.
    • List the reasons. For example, the first is the feeling of awkwardness in public places. The second reason is that you like the feeling of smooth legs. And the third - you are quite adult and responsible, which means you can start shaving your legs.
  2. 2 Write down your arguments. Once you've put together a numbered list of reasons, frame them into full sentences so you can be ready when the time comes.
    • For example, you could write, "My friends noticed that I still have hairy legs, which confuses me. If I can shave my legs, I will not stand out and feel more confident."
  3. 3 Choose the right time. Make sure you have enough time for a meaningful conversation. A long car ride, cooking dinner together, or free time on the weekend are all great moments to strike up a conversation. Don't bring up the topic when one of you is busy or about to leave.
    • Start by saying, “Mom, I have something to discuss with you. And I want you to listen to me completely before you answer. " This will give you the opportunity to have a calm conversation.
  4. 4 Use your arguments. This is where your notes will come in handy. List the reasons in a calm and restrained manner.
    • Use the list you made earlier. You might say, “There are several reasons why I want to shave my legs. First, my hairy legs confuse me. Secondly, my friends notice that my legs are hairy. And thirdly, I think I'm old enough and responsible enough to start shaving my legs. "

Method 3 of 3: Dealing with rejection

  1. 1 Listen to your mom. After you have spoken, let your mom answer. Don't interrupt her.
    • Try to maintain eye contact and nod to indicate that you are listening.
    • Pay attention to her words so that you can answer them later.You need to convince her, not argue with her.
  2. 2 Give your answer calmly. If you have listened carefully to your mother's words, you should have a couple of arguments in response.
    • If she thinks you are too young for that, you can say, “People start shaving their hair at different ages. This decision should be based on my level of maturity. ”
    • Try to emphasize that it is you must make a decision of this kind. If you're under peer pressure or want to shave your legs just because others tell you to do it, this may not be the best idea right now.
  3. 3 Be prepared to compromise. Mom may want you to gradually begin this process. Be prepared to meet her.
    • The compromise might be to shave your legs below the knee, or to do it under the supervision of your mom.
    • A compromise offer can help you convince your mom. You might say, "What if we make a decision that works for both of us?"
  4. 4 Be patient. Perhaps your mom will say no at first. Wait a while before approaching her again with this question.
    • After a month or so, again offer to compromise. Remind her that you reacted maturely to a past rejection.
    • You may need to make more than one or two attempts to get an agreement. Stay low-key and calm, and eventually Mom will know that you are ready for this.

Of the Council

  • Don't beg or be too stubborn.


  • Don't shave your legs behind your mom's back.