How to dance in high school dance

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
3 Easy Dance Moves - I WISH I Knew for SCHOOL DANCES
Video: 3 Easy Dance Moves - I WISH I Knew for SCHOOL DANCES


Dancing can be extremely unnerving. You think about who will ask you to dance and then worry about what to do if no one asks. Then you are concerned about what to wear and wonder how you should dance.


  1. 1 In the evening before dancing, style your hair, put on a cute blouse, jeans or a skirt, and a pair of matching shoes. This is your first dance and you should feel comfortable. Guys, just put on a cute graphic tee and jeans. If it's a formal event, wear just a matching white button-down shirt and a pair of black slacks / pants with black boots. Remember, white socks are not worn with black shoes. Don't forget to style your hair and use conditioner.
  2. 2 Don't wear a cocktail dress, and depending on your school, if it's not a semi-formal event, don't wear a dress at all. Don't act unnatural be yourself... If you want someone to dance with you, don't be afraid to jump up from your seat and invite whoever you want to dance with. If the one you invite refuses you, they should be ashamed, not you.
  3. 3 Check out the songs. Listen to the radio and learn most of the words in popular music. Also, learn dance songs such as Teach Me How to Dougie, You’re A Jerk, Wobble, Wop, Single Ladies, Cat daddy, Cupid shuffle, Cha cha slide, Macerana, Like the bernie and Crank that... The DJ will most likely play these songs, and if you know them, it will make you feel like you are part of the “crowd”.
  4. 4 Also, don't be afraid not to dance with anyone at all. Sometimes it’s just much more enjoyable to dance with your best friends. Just don't make your dance group too big, there should be enough room for everyone!
  5. 5 Dance as if there are practically no people there, just try to put the rhythm right through you. Or other people can look at you, with thoughts: “what are they doing ?!... No one can resist a crazy girl or guy. Dance and have fun. The girl who dances and has the most fun is the most gorgeous girl in the room. Just try your best, jump up and down and have fun! People don't envy people with beautiful hair; they envy the people who have the most fun!
  6. 6 Make sure you don't sit on benches or chairs against the wall, being careful not to draw attention to yourself when you really want to dance. People may look at you and wonder, “Why isn't he / she on the dancefloor?” Just be less concerned with what others think of you. If you really want to dance, get on the dancefloor and have fun.
  7. 7 When you are dancing merrily to techno beats or R&B / hip-hop mixes, the DJ will suddenly say something like: “Hey you doves, get ready for a slow dance.” Then he will put on slow music, and you will need to find someone to dance with (since we live in the 21st century, it's okay to dance with anyone! With a girl or a boy !) Some will be too shy to dance with someone unfamiliar, so it's okay to dance with your girlfriends.But those who have a partner, be ready to slow dance; or if you don't want to or think you won't be invited , go to the restroom or grab something to eat or drink.Get some rest because you are probably tired during the faster songs. Listen to beautiful music and slow dance words. The guy will put his hands on your hips (or higher if you guys want to get comfortable) and you will put your hands on his shoulders. Just swing and move your feet from side to side. It may seem awkward at first, but everyone feels a little awkward, so just relax!
  8. 8 If you can't find a friend with whom to go there, find him there. A lot of people from your school go dancing, so try to find someone new. But make sure it's not weird because you will burn yourself later.
  9. 9 Beware of the tough guys! Many of them go to school dances, so you have to be careful. Make sure you are not in a big pile of copycats next to their friends, because you will annoy them. Many of them take pictures with their phones for social networks (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), and you don't want to be the person in the background in a crazy pose, so that people call you "Disco Girl"! Thus, we conclude that if you are not one of them, do not stand next to them!


  • If you have no one to dance with during slow songs, then this is the right time to take a break. Grab a drink or chat with friends!
  • Remember, relax and have fun.
  • Be yourself and just have a good time. This is the best advice!
  • Don't be afraid to invite someone to dance. Who knows, maybe they'll like you too! If not, don't take it personally.
  • Chat with people. Most of them are your friends, whom you see every day at school. If not, make some new friends! There is no harm in meeting new people!
  • In a normal high school dance, you won't see many real dances. There may be dances like "jerk", which everyone seems to know (and you have to learn it so you don't look stupid), but during most songs people will just bounce up and down. If the song says "she came out on the dance floor" or "shake her buttocks" or something like that, people will squat and go back up.
  • Confidence is key. Just step onto the dance floor and dance like there's no tomorrow!
  • If you can't find a slow dance partner and don't want to miss it, dance with a friend! There is nothing shameful or embarrassing about this.
  • Don't be silly, but don't be in constant fear of saying something silly.
  • If you are being laughed at or bullied, don't think about it. You may be dancing like a nerd, but you have fun, and that’s the only thing that matters. Eventually, you will forget about it.
  • During slow songs, if you don't have friends or someone to dance with, just wiggle a little to the beat of the music.


  • If you are dancing with a boyfriend or girlfriend and people are laughing at you, just ignore it as long as you are both happy - it shouldn't matter.
  • Just because you are not dancing with your courtship does not mean that you should just stand in the corner. Dance with anyone. Don't refuse if someone invites you. It will increase your confidence just about dancing in general. In addition, you can invite someone to dance, even if they are not your target of courtship. You can have fun while you dance.
  • When choosing a dance partner, do not hesitate. Talk to your target of courtship and invite him / her.