How to burn calories at work

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Burn Calories At Work?
Video: How to Burn Calories At Work?


Sedentary work, such that it forces you to sit in one place, looking at the computer 5 days a week, is not only boring, but also unhealthy. Sitting for a long time every day can lead to various health problems, including obesity, high cholesterol, heart problems, and even cancer. Fortunately, there are certain remedies available that can help you maintain blood pressure and burn calories while doing your job. Explore the steps below to start burning calories at work.


Method 1 of 2: Burn Calories Outside Your Workplace

  1. 1 Discuss work issues outdoors instead of sitting in a stuffy office or conference room discussing important business issues when you have the perfect chance to take a walk outside. This practice is far more stimulating and enjoyable than the usual tedious presence at meetings, and it is not clear why it is so rarely used. Walking around during discussions gives you a great opportunity to burn calories without compromising your work. You can take walks while chatting with partners (colleagues), during meetings regarding relevant work issues, or discussing plans for the future. Walking can energize you, allowing you to take on work with more enthusiasm than usual!
  2. 2 Use your path from home to work for exercise. Treat the distance from home to work as a great opportunity for your daily workout, not something you have to overcome before getting to your office.This is one of the best methods to bring exercise into your daily routine and start burning calories. Do whatever you can to avoid sitting in your car during morning traffic jams. Walk or bike to work if you live close enough. If not, select a convenient distance for walking or cycling and use it on your commute to work.
    • Over time, your abandonment of the car can actually save you a large amount of money. Cycling and walking are almost cost-free. The only thing you still need to spend money on from time to time is new shoes and / or replacement bike parts. Public transport can be expensive, but compared to regularly visiting a gas station (not to mention the cost of maintaining a car), driving on public transport is often a more profitable alternative to a private car.
  3. 3 Create a small workout club in your office. During any workout, it is more convenient to have people nearby who support and stimulate you. If possible, try organizing a workout group in your office with you and some of your colleagues. This has become a fairly common practice in small and new companies. As an option, you can dilute your daily routine with small 15-minute workouts before lunch aimed at training different muscle groups. For example, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday you can focus on your arms and start a so-called "push-up club", and on Tuesday and Thursday you can focus on your abs and start a "abdominal club." Alternatively, you can agree to play basketball with your coworkers every day after work. The options are endless and limited only by your personal preferences and the personal preferences of your colleagues.
    • If management permits, you can try advertising your workout club for recreational areas like work, lunch breaks, etc.
  4. 4 Go outside at lunchtime. Depending on your office routine, your lunch break can last up to an hour. If you have time, use this break as an exercise opportunity. That being said, try brisk walking, jogging, or possibly cycling to your destination. If you're ordering takeout, you can try eating on the go.
  5. 5 Walk briskly at work. Make the most of every opportunity to get up and move! When you need to move around the office, try to do it at a fast pace. To benefit from this, you do not have to rush around the office, risking bumping into someone. To burn calories, it is enough to move at a speed slightly higher than usual. You may be surprised how amazing this exercise is to constantly move at a fast pace, especially when your job requires you to be on your feet all day.
  6. 6 Plan business trips to meet your exercise needs. While business travel allows you to move around the country, it can also limit your ability to move in the truest sense of the word. Endless hours spent on planes, buses, cars, trains can minimize your calorie-burning efforts. To make matters worse, many important business meetings can take place in places that serve fatty and high-calorie foods. So plan ahead if possible. Bring exercise equipment (such as a hand clamp or exercise band) with you so you can exercise in your hotel room or at your place when traveling.Or try to book a hotel room with a gym or workout room available to guests. While traveling, you will be away from your usual comforts, but this should not be an excuse for neglecting your body.
  7. 7 Use exercises that involve lifting weights to speed up your metabolism, which in turn allows you to burn more calories at work. Muscle burns more calories than fat (73 calories / kilogram more daily, to be exact) The more muscle you build, the higher your resting metabolic rate will be. Think of every muscle cell as a plant that continually burns your calories even while you sleep, and the rate of burning increases dramatically during exercise. If you pump muscles by lifting weights, doing strength exercises and the like outside of work, then this is guaranteed to allow you to burn as many calories as you could burn "at work", even on those rare occasions when you need to stay fit. rest.
  8. 8 Take caffeine without added sugar or cream. There is "somewhat" evidence to support the theory that caffeine contributes to weight loss, although there is no specific link. Caffeine can increase the number of calories you burn by stimulating thermogenesis (i.e. the body's production of heat and energy). Caffeine can also suppress your appetite, which can lead to a decrease in your regular meals. However, the main aspect of caffeine is that it gives you the energy to focus - for example, doing another run on the treadmill or doing another hand-held set.
    • Either way, don't overdo it on caffeine as an exercise or weight loss aid. It is not a substitute for real exercise. Excessive consumption of caffeine can make you a nervous and anxious person, which will reduce the efficiency of burning calories.

Method 2 of 2: burn calories in the workplace

  1. 1 Design (or buy) a work table that allows you to work while standing. The best way to burn calories in the workplace is to eliminate the factors that cause you to be sedentary, in other words, to sit still. Instead of sitting in one place all day, try walking towards the nearest table, counter or closet, and if your desk is high enough, set up your computer and work while standing. If it's too low, stack several sturdy boxes on top of each other to hold your computer in a position that allows you to work while standing. Standing will burn more calories than sitting. The exact difference varies from person to person, but averages around 50 calories per hour.
    • In fact, 50 calories isn't that much, but over time, this little difference will give you a good result. Let's say you stand in the office 4 hours a day - which means minus 200 calories. In 5 working days, you burn 1000 calories. This figure is enough for a smooth weight loss (we assume that all other factors are equal); Of course, weight loss may not be as fast as you might want, since in order to lose 1 kg of weight, you need to burn about 7000 calories.
  2. 2 Work at a table equipped with a treadmill. A work desk equipped with a treadmill is even better for your physical health than a desk that allows you to work on your feet. Running on a treadmill will allow you to do gentle exercise while you work. That being said, working on the move, in addition to burning calories, will help you increase your energy and motivation levels. Treadmill workbenches are available on the market, although they may not be cheap.If you already have access to a regular treadmill, then you can save money by purchasing (creating or making) only a special stand that will allow you to hold the computer on the incline that most treadmills have.
    • You don't have to be sweating on the treadmill to get results. But remember, the higher the speed, the more calories you burn.
  3. 3 Invest in a rubber ball chair instead of a seat. Believe it or not, there is a real opportunity to start burning calories and stay on top by simply changing the type of work chair you use. If the company you work for does not provide for the issuance of such chairs, consider buying it. Sitting in such a chair forces your body to lock the core (end) muscles to maintain balance and upright posture. Over time, you will begin to feel a mild "burning" in your midsection, indicating that you are using your muscles (and burning calories).
    • An additional feature of this chair is the ability to moderately balance up and down while you sit, while using up a little energy and burning more calories in the process.
  4. 4 Use a hand clamp, small dumbbell, or exercise band. If you don't have the ability to do any specific exercise in the workplace, you still have the ability to burn calories with your upper body. There are various aids for training the upper body while working - the most used are hand clamps, small dumbbells, exercise bands, and the like. All of the above products are inexpensive, small in size and light in weight. Often, using these aids is a great way to exercise while reading paper or electronic documents, as you don't have to use your hands too often while reading. Use this opportunity for hand-clamping, biceps workouts, or using a rubber band for exercise. The more often (and more vigorously) you exercise, the more calories you burn.
  5. 5 Bustle. Some studies show that even low activity (tapping your feet and toes, curling your hair, gesturing while talking, etc.) can help you burn extra calories and improve your overall fitness. What's more, one study found that if overweight people adopted the leaner daily routines, including the hustle and bustle, they could burn up to 300 extra calories daily. If all other factors are the same, it will help you to reduce weight up to 14 kg per year!
    • Hustling is one of several calorie-burning behaviors classified as Daily Activity Thermogenesis, or any movement that is not considered exercise. You can burn an additional 100-150 calories per day, depending on how often (and vigorously) you increase your Daily Activity Thermogenesis.


  • Before beginning any type of exercise, check with your doctor about your physical condition to make sure you are healthy enough to do so.