Provide a sansevieria

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
SANSEVERIA, fa a pezzetti una fogliolina e moltiplicala all’infinito, SNAKE PLANT
Video: SANSEVERIA, fa a pezzetti una fogliolina e moltiplicala all’infinito, SNAKE PLANT


The sansevieria trifasciata has long, pointed leaves that are upright and dark green with a pattern of stripes in a lighter color. The stripes give the plant the nickname "snake plant". It is also called woman's tongue or womans tongue, perhaps because of the sharp point on the leaves. There are also sansevierias with shorter leaves in the shape of a rosette. All sansevierias are very easy to care for. Here are some tips for caring for the sansevieria.

To step

Part 1 of 5: Plants

  1. Place your sansevieria properly in a pot.
    • Use good potting soil for indoor plants, not garden soil.
    • Only repot the plant if the pot breaks due to the growing roots.

Part 2 of 5: Placement

  1. Place the sansevieria in the right light.
    • Place the sansevieria near an east, west or north window all year round. If you have a south-facing window, place the plant about 12 inches from the window, on the side.
    • Place the plant in fluorescent or other lighting. Then the sansevieria gets enough light to grow properly.
  2. Hang net curtains to filter out the bright sunlight during the day.
  3. Turn the pot a quarter of a turn every week so that the plant gets the same amount of light everywhere.
  4. Place the plant in a place where it is between 5º and 29ºC.

Part 3 of 5: Watering

  1. Use a hydrometer with a probe to check the soil every week. Do not water the plant until the gauge indicates that the water level is close to 0, or when the soil is completely dry to the touch, to prevent root rotting.
    • By hand: Make sure the surface of the soil is completely dry to the touch before watering the plant in spring or summer.
  2. Only water the plant very little during winter or if you have air conditioning in the room. Wait until the pot is almost completely dry before watering.
    • Water the plant when you see the leaves hanging and when the pot is dry to the touch.
  3. Water your sansevieria plant properly.
    • Use room temperature water.
    • Preferably use distilled water or rainwater. If you are giving tap water, let it sit for 48 hours first so that chemicals can evaporate in it. Leaving it for a week is even better.
  4. Pour the water on the side of the plant. Do not try to pour water in the center of the leaves. Water until the water runs through the bottom of the pot, then pour the water out of the bowl you have under the pot.

Part 4 of 5: Fertilizing

  1. Fertilize the sansevieria once in the spring with food for indoor plants, following the directions that come with the product.
    • In the spring, give the plant plant food at a ratio of 20-20-20 that you mixed with water in a watering can.

Part 5 of 5: General care

  1. Wipe the leaves of your sansevieria with a damp cloth if they are dusty.
  2. Repot the plant if it gets too big for the pot. Other signs that it is time to repot your plant are if the roots are coming out of the drainage holes or if the pot breaks.
    • Water the plant a lot if you have repotted it.
    • Add potting soil if it settles after repotting.


  • Sansevierias come in all kinds of colors. Some have gold edges or beige stripes. The sansevieria that grows in a rosette is also sometimes a bit pink.
  • Sansevierias are one of the oldest houseplants, they were already brought into the house by the ancient Chinese.
  • The sansevieria only needs a small dose of Pokon green plant food in summer or spring. Do not give the plant more than half of the recommended nutrition.
  • Sansevierias grow stems with small white and strong smelling flowers in the summer, if they have had the right amount of light and water.


  • Never give a sansevieria Miracle Gro. Then your plant will probably die. This is because the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in this agent is not good, causing the roots to die.
  • Sansevierias are poisonous to pets, especially cats. Not much documentation exists, but swallowing the juice of the sansevieria can also cause people to develop a rash and strep throat.


  • Potting soil for indoor plants
  • Plant food for green plants