How to block in volleyball

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Master Class by David Lee. How to block in volleyball
Video: Master Class by David Lee. How to block in volleyball


Blocking a shot in volleyball is a very important skill, but not easy to learn. This is the main method of defending against the opposing team's attack, eliminating the need for back row players to take the hit.


  1. 1 You should be tall, long arms, large palms, and strong leg muscles. In volleyball, blocking players (especially in the middle line) must be able to act quickly, as the game is very dynamic and the situation is constantly changing.
  2. 2 Always approach the net as soon as the ball is on the opponent's side.
  3. 3 Stand with your team-mate in front of the net so as to form a square with the receiving and serving players of the opposing team.
  4. 4 Raise your arms up and slightly bend your knees, watching the receiving and serving players of the opposing team and trying to guess the direction of the ball.
  5. 5 Jump in front of the serving player, spreading your fingers wide and straining them. It is best to block the punch with a firm part of your hand, so extend your thumbs and spread the rest.
  6. 6 Your hands should be directly above the net, not behind it, otherwise the ball may bounce on your half between you and the net.
  7. 7 Do not lean too far forward, otherwise you may lose your balance and fall.


  • Train your arms constantly to keep their muscles strong, and practice sharp and high jumps.
  • Flank players tend to block a single block with the hand closest to the center of the field, and an organized block with the other hand. At the same time, the central players tend to use the outside (the one closer to the edge of the field) hand for the single block, and the inside (the one closer to the center of the field) hand for the organized one.
  • Jump high enough to securely block the ball with your hands.
  • When jumping, always push off the ground with both feet and then land on both feet - this way you will jump vertically up, not to the side, and not injure yourself.
  • Keep an eye on the ball, and if the opportunity presents itself, block your opponent's kick with your hands.


  • Be careful not to touch the net when setting up the unit. If the referee notices that you have touched the net, he will give a point to the opposing team.