How to become a busy person

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
9 ways to keep yourself busy at home! 🏠
Video: 9 ways to keep yourself busy at home! 🏠


Do you feel guilty when you hear from family members and / or other people about how busy they are? Do you sometimes get bored of being idle? If so, then you need to become a busier person. This guide will reveal the secrets of employment for you.


  1. 1 Get your skills. You need to maximize the number of opportunities available to you. Set goals for yourself! The more you know about how something can be done, the more busy you can become. College, technical classes at school, and on-the-job training give you the opportunity to improve your skills. Skills that are in demand are always valuable: for example, computer skills, the ability to repair cars, repair and home improvement, do electrical wiring, and the ability to understand plumbing and medicine.
  2. 2 Focus on what services may be required from you. Try to find opportunities that will allow you to contribute to something positive and help other people. This will require attention to what is happening around you, at your work, with your friends and family. In this case, you don't just have to be curious: you have to look and understand how you can help. When you notice that there is an opportunity to help, then offer help!
  3. 3 Get involved in the community. Take part in a meeting of a board or committee. If you take part in several such events and prove yourself well, then you will be offered to continue your work in many other similar events.
  4. 4 Try doing something new. For example, even if you have never been involved in site management before, but still take on such a project, it will be a great way to learn more about web design, as well as contribute to the development of the project, and most importantly - stay “in business”. Don't limit yourself to just the skills you already have; learn what you would like to know, as well as the ways that will allow you to learn all this in practice.
  5. 5 When planning something, opt for an optimistic outcome. When you are thinking about whether you should take on a new task, it is best if you assume that it will not take too long. For example, if you need to take someone to the airport, then you should not think that you will spend more than 20 minutes on this. And if you need to send a letter to someone, then assume that it should take a maximum of two minutes.
  6. 6 Strive to reach your full potential. You have skills, intelligence, common sense, and possibly good personality traits. You must look for ways to live and work to reach your full potential. If others ever think of you that you are doing great, then you must make choices that will allow you to do it successfully. This means taking advantage of as many opportunities as you come across in your path. If you have the opportunity to do something that gives you pleasure, or something that helps someone else, then do it!


  • Walk around your home and make a list of tasks to be done in each room. Start completing the items on your list by crossing out completed tasks.
  • Resist the temptation to become a lazy person. Turn off the TV, get up and do something.
  • Read and then solve problems. Reading is a good way to learn, and you can hone your skills by solving specific problems.
  • Just be open to a new culture and some new activities.
  • Make a list. Walk around and take notes of any projects and tasks that you would like to accomplish. Then implement them. Chances are, there are many such tasks that you could or should have done, but you simply did not do them. We often forget about something, and then spend a lot of time to regret what we would not have done. If your house or your desk is a mess, or if energetic and disruptive people just walk by you, there are plenty of things to do. However, you just don't.
  • Start working more on wikiHow. Yes, it's just fun, but it can get you really excited.
  • Try something new! Take a chance, try something that you fear. Perhaps you will be surprised what changes can occur in your life, or maybe you even ...
  • If you make a list of all the things you do every day, you will see that in fact you are able to do more than you yourself thought.
  • Schedule time for different projects. Being organized will allow you to get more done, and if you do things step by step, you won't be impressed by the big picture of unfulfilled things.
  • When you cross off completed items from your list, you will have a sense of accomplishment.
  • Stop ignoring the things you don't want to do. If you finish all those things that you previously avoided, then you will feel like a very busy person. Dust under electrical appliances, tidy up your desk, ring out a long list of ignored contacts from collected business cards.
  • Take part in the life of a political party. In such organizations, there are many things that you can usefully spend a lot of time on!


  • If you overload yourself with business, you will soon realize that too much busy and you don't have enough time to just relax. Therefore, you shouldn't take on more than you can do.
  • Some people feel happier when they are not busy. This does not mean that you have to be a lazy person; it simply means that you would like to be more relaxed.
  • After multiple immersion in business, many people get bored. Therefore, it is always good to periodically think about what gives your heart and soul the greatest pleasure for the longest possible time! It's even better if you think about how to help as many people as possible. This can keep you engaged, even if you feel lonely.