Winning a shy guy to you

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get The Shy Guy
Video: How To Get The Shy Guy


Do you like shy guys? Yes, it may be difficult to talk to them at first, but remember that they too are just human beings. However, they sometimes hide behind a proverbial wall of silence. You have to get past the proverbial wall and you might find something you like. Remember that shy people will not be very open right away. With the steps outlined below, you probably won't get results in a few days, so it will probably take some effort for the shy person to open up.

To step

  1. Approach the boy in a relaxed manner to start a short conversation with him. Remember that shy people are the same as any other person, but they have built a proverbial wall around themselves. As has already been said: they do not run when you make fast movements. Short conversations are usually somewhat impersonal and generally involve homework, the weather, the teachers, a news item, or a similar topic. If the boy really likes you, he will keep thinking about you.
    • If you're not in school with him, ask him what he likes to do instead of doing homework or going to school. You could even ask him for his phone number. Don't take it too hard if he's not the first to send you a message. If he is shy in front of you, he will be shy with you in any situation!
  2. Contact him through social media. This will seem less intimidating to him, and will allow him to think about his answer. If you don't have social media, try to score his phone number.
  3. Try to talk to him several times a week. Talking to him several times a week will bond with him and may help him get out of his proverbial wall. After the short conversations about less relevant topics, you could move on to more personal topics. This includes family, vacations, summer vacation plans, hobbies and other light-hearted, personal topics.
  4. Gauge his feelings and give small hints that indicate you like him. After talking to him for a while, try to make the conversations more personal. You may be able to discuss what both of you are looking for in a person, and somewhat hint that he is the person you are looking for.
  5. Make physical contact at some point, but make sure he is open to this. Don't ask him if he's open to this, just do it once and see how he reacts to it. A touch or pat on the shoulder is fine. If he seems to be dismissive of this, stop making physical contact until he is more comfortable around you. However, if he doesn't seem to have a problem with it, feel free to touch him from time to time. Don't go too far in this. A hug or hug (if needed), light touches of his arm and a pat on his shoulder is all it takes.
  6. Ask if he wants to go out with you. Do this when you are alone and not in front of others. So don't ask in front of close friends either, as he might feel uncomfortable and feel compelled to say yes. You want him to say yes because he wants to, not because he thinks he has to. He may also feel compelled to say no, so be careful.
  7. Keep the date simple if he agrees to go out with you. He probably prefers not to be in public places. Suggest watching a movie at your place (although he may fear meeting your parents) or doing something else away from other people. You could also suggest buying food from a restaurant with a “drive-thru” and then eating it in the car while you talk quietly.
  8. Every person has an ego. If necessary, find a way to boost his self-esteem. Make him feel comfortable when he's with you.
  9. Make him feel competent by letting him help you with something. For example, this could be a problem with your homework or where you can buy the latest gadgets. Whatever works.
  10. Be genuinely interested in him. Since shy guys are guys too! Find out about his hobbies and passions. You could also talk about a common interest. DON'T Pretend YOU LIKE SOMETHING IF YOU DON'T! But ask open questions about it. This will make you a good listener, you will get to know him better, and you will reduce the chance that you will say something stupid. (Should this happen, as 99% of us do, you should forgive yourself.)
  11. Be approachable and fun, but not too over the top and clear that might put you off. Most guys would rather approach a nice girl than a very pretty girl, as they often feel that they have no chance with very pretty girls. Shy guys especially have this idea, as they suffer from a lack of self-confidence. It's not that you can't be very, very, very beautiful, but try not to draw too much attention to you. Now is not the time to look like a supermodel with beautiful clothes and make-up.
  12. Throw a small party and invite a few people he will feel comfortable with. Try to create a pleasant atmosphere by playing some ice-breaking games.


  • You don't have to put on a layer of makeup to impress him. A good conversation and bond will probably impress him more, but if you think a coat of makeup is necessary, then he's not worth it. The guys you want to go out with have to take you just the way you are.
  • Find something you can genuinely compliment him on. Flattery works wonders. Give him a subtle and genuine compliment.
  • Being surrounded by a group of friends can seem intimidating to him and less likely to approach you. If you approach him, do this when you are alone. He will feel this way a lot of feel more comfortable.
  • A shy guy may not seem interested when you try to talk to him, but just keep trying.
  • With one well-placed and truly genuine compliment, you can make a lot of progress with him.
  • Make sure he is as comfortable as possible. Switching from general topics to personal questions too quickly may make him uncomfortable. Only move on to the more personal topics and questions when you learn that he is comfortable.
  • If you want him to be the one asking you out, try to make friends with him and make sure he is comfortable while keeping him close, but not too close. He wants you to appear mysterious, so he'll ask you out to get to know you better.
  • Try to befriend the boy first. Shy guys are more likely to like a girl they know well than the unattainable girl they meet every now and then in the hallway of the school.
  • Always remember that a shy boy may have been hurt in the past. That's why shy guys prefer to be approached instead of approaching someone themselves. In reality, most shy guys want a girl who shows that she's genuinely interested. In other words, if you like him, don't be afraid to be the first to say hello.
  • Make sure you think about what you are going to say before you start talking.


  • Don't be surprised if you get little or no response; shy people are often people of few words.
  • It is very important that you do NOT flirt with other guys or go out with other guys without him knowing about it. This will further damage his confidence and he will feel rejected. Shy guys are often very sensitive emotionally.
  • Don't be too pushy or clingy.
  • A shy boy may lack self-confidence. Don't put him aside immediately after you become friends to avoid taking an even bigger dent in his confidence. You don't want him to lose faith in his fellow man when they try to be nice to him.
  • Shy people can quickly become anxious in social situations.
  • After you become friends, you can start a conversation with him. Talk about the things he likes, such as a computer game, sports, etc.
  • Don't expect intimacy right away.
  • Do not play "party games" as a shy boy will most likely not listen to them and may even slam them completely.


  • A place where you can isolate yourself for a while to talk
  • Patience