Pass for a woman

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Pass As A Woman | Mia Mulder
Video: How To Pass As A Woman | Mia Mulder


What does it mean to be a woman? Our appearance is not always determined by our gender. Some men have typically feminine characteristics, and there are also women with masculine characteristics. Our gender consists of all kinds of beliefs, traits and behaviors. Passing off for a woman doesn't mean just putting on some makeup and tights. You have to take into account all kinds of complex characteristics. If you were born a man, it can be difficult or even scary to pass off as a woman. Whether you're transgender or just fancy playing a female for fun, this article can help you become convincingly feminine.

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Part 1 of 3: Looking like a woman

  1. Think of the whole picture. Take the time to determine what type of woman you want to be. This has a huge impact on the next steps. How old are you? What kind of figure do you have? What style do you like? Imagine the woman you want to become. You can be stylish, trendy, provocative or just angelic. How you want to look can change over time, and the choice of outfit can be different every day.
    • Remember to always dress appropriately for the occasion and keep your daily life in mind. If you want to look like a woman every day and work in a professional environment, provocative or eye-catching clothing may not be appreciated. If you're going out to a club, it's okay to wear more daring clothes.
    • If you want to look like a woman for a party or special occasion, go all the way. Overdo it nicely with your choice of clothing.
    • Use the style of your friends as a source of inspiration. Pay attention to what aspects of their clothing you like the most.
  2. Take a shower. Showering is the first step to looking like a woman. A lot happens in the shower, such as shaving, washing your hair and cleaning your body. Women often have soft skin, clean, shiny hair and a clean body, so take your time. You may also need to spend some money for this step.
    • Buy a good razor. A cheap razor will irritate your skin and hair will grow back faster.
    • Buy shampoo and conditioner that smell good. Products for women smell different from those for men.
    • Buy a loofah and shower gel. This allows you to exfoliate your skin so that you become smooth and clean.
  3. Remove stubble. After you have washed your body and hair, you need to get a good shave if you want to pass for a woman. Use a new razor and take your time. Also be careful; you shouldn't irritate your skin. Use enough shaving cream and a razor with three or more blades to minimize irritation to your skin. If you really want to get rid of your stubble for a longer period of time, you can get waxed, or try electrolysis or laser treatments, but consult a professional beautician.
    • Shave your entire body. If you've never done this, or if it's been a while, prepare to spend a long time in the shower. You may need several razors, so have them on hand.
    • For the more sensitive areas such as your stomach or armpits, you should make as few movements as possible with your knife. Do a few long, even strokes against the direction of hair growth.
    • Use moisturizer after shaving. It makes your skin feel soft and feminine, and it soothes irritation from shaving. If you want, choose a lotion with a nice scent.
  4. Epilate your eyebrows. Women usually have thinner eyebrows than men. Get rid of stray hairs by pulling them out by the root. If you want shapely eyebrows, it might be better to have it done by a beautician, but basically you can pluck your own eyebrows at home.
    • Your eyebrows should start about an inch above the inner corner of the eye. Remove the loose hairs in between.
    • Your eyebrows should end about an inch above the outer corner of your eye. Get rid of any hairs that run further past this corner.
    • Remove hair from under your eyebrow until you have a natural arch. The arch should be highest above the outside of the iris. Remove any loose hair from the bottom of your brow arch. Do this very slowly, making sure that both eyebrows have the same thickness.
    • It is normal for your skin to turn red and swell a little after pulling out hairs. That quickly disappears.
  5. Take care of your nails. Make sure they are clean and cut. Your nails will usually get clean in the shower, but sometimes you need a nail cleaner to remove dirt and grease. File your nails to get them in shape.
    • Paint your nails if you wish. Clear nail polish is always stylish, but there are many possibilities. If you are in a cheeky mood, you can choose bright red or a neon color; if you like more subtle colors, go for beige or silver.
    • Get a manicure if you have a lot of hangnails, stubborn dirt or unsightly calluses. A professional manicure can cut, file and polish your nails.
  6. Style your hair. A simple head with clean hair is all you need to pass off as a woman, but if you have curly, coarse or long hair, it will take a little more time. Make sure your hair is brushed, and that you use styling products if your hair is very frizzy or stubborn.
    • It can be good to go to the hairdresser. A good hairdresser not only tells you which style is trendy, but also what looks good on you. He / she can also recommend products for your hair type. Make sure you know roughly what you want, but also be open to tips.
    • Keep your hairstyle simple unless you have a lot of experience in styling your hair. There are hundreds of articles and YouTube videos about simple hairstyles.
    • Start practicing with different hairstyles well in advance of the occasion. Nothing is more stressful than trying out a new haircut while under time pressure!
    • If you want to pass as a woman for an extended period of time, let your hair grow to the desired length.
    • A wig can also be a good idea. Wigs come in all shapes, colors, textures and lengths, so choose a wig that suits your style.
  7. Apply foundation. This step varies greatly from person to person, but in general foundation is one of the most important things if you want to pass as a woman. It hides blemishes and conceals an emerging stubble. Find a liquid foundation or cover cream that is closest to your own skin tone and buy matching powder to keep the foundation looking good for longer, making you look truly feminine.
    • Go to a store like Douglas where employees can point you in the right direction. This is very important if you have never used foundation. They will tell you which brands best suit your skin and your budget.
    • If you want to order something on the internet, read reviews before buying foundation. Pay attention to which types completely cover your skin.
    • Use a moisturizer and primer before applying foundation. The rest of your make-up will be much easier to apply and will look nicer. Use your fingers or a sponge to blend the foundation well so you don't see a difference between makeup and skin.
  8. Apply makeup. Decide whether you want a natural look or full make-up. Either way, don't overdo it. You shouldn't start looking like a clown. Lipstick, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara are all options to choose from.
    • For a natural look, a little mascara and some eyeliner is sufficient.
    • For complete makeup, apply eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick.
    • The temptation to overdo it with makeup is common for most beginners. Remember to adjust the makeup according to the occasion. Keep it stylish, then you are always in the right place.
    • Applying make-up is very difficult for many people; have patience and ask friends to help you. You will eventually learn.
    • Watch videos on YouTube about how to apply smokey eyes and eyeliner that runs up on the outside.

Part 2 of 3: Dress like a woman

  1. Choose an outfit. Dressing as a woman requires planning your style from head to toe, starting with your blouse, shirt or dress. The choice of color depends on your personal style. If you're going for a corporate style, choose neutral colors. But if you're going to a club for the night, go for bright colors and patterns. It is also important to choose a top or dress that fits your figure well.
    • Choose a top or dress that best suits your curves. A deep neckline takes the attention away from broad shoulders, so this is often a good choice if you want to pass for a woman. It is important to know your body so that you know what to work with.
    • If you have a fuller figure and a wider waist, don't get a shirt that shows your belly. Fabrics that stretch such as polyester can be very comfortable to wear.
    • If you have sturdy arms, cover them with a scarf if you're wearing something with short sleeves.
    • There are also corsets, padded bras and other figure-correcting garments.
  2. Choose pants or skirt. Thinner men can find flattering jeans more easily, and a long skirt can accentuate the shapes nicely. You may need to visit different stores several times to find the right pants or skirt. Be careful when buying this on the internet, because the dimensions are difficult to predict.
    • Start with a high-waisted skirt or dress. That looks great with narrow hips and flat buttocks.
    • Ask a friend to come with you when you go shopping so she can share her opinion.
    • Hide any bumps in the pubic area. Otherwise you certainly cannot pass for a woman.
  3. Choose accessories. There are thousands of beautiful accessories for sale, such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and hair decoration. Make sure it goes well with your outfit.
    • Matching accessories are always good. For example, if you are wearing a green skirt with a white top, put a white flower in your hair, or wear a green bracelet.
    • Don't wear too many accessories. Three accessories at the same time is more than enough.
    • Jewelry can be expensive, but you can always find cheaper ones.
  4. Choose shoes. Your shoes should be comfortable and yet stylish. Women don't always wear heels, so you don't have to abuse your poor feet. Flat shoes can look even better, because men are often taller than women, so heels stand out from the crowd. Again, keep the opportunity in mind. If you have to walk all day, heels won't be very comfortable.
    • Walking in heels tightens your calf muscles more, making them appear thicker. This is especially true if your legs are muscular anyway.
    • Ballerinas are cheap, girly and come in all kinds of colors and patterns.
    • If you do put on heels, wear them at home first to get used to them.
  5. Think again about your style. Stand in front of the mirror and turn around so you can see yourself from every angle. Determine if there are any parts to your outfit that aren't flattering or out of style. If that is, change it! If you want to pass off as a woman, it just takes a little more time. Take an extra 20-30 minutes in case you need to make a last minute change.

Part 3 of 3: Acting like a woman

  1. Be sensitive. Acting as a woman means getting in touch with your feminine qualities, such as empathy, honesty, affection and caring. Watching movies and reading books about strong female characters can help you understand these traits better. Remember, women are best known for being gentle and caring.
    • One of the easiest ways to get to know feminine traits is to spend a lot of time with women. Call your friends and start a book club, wine night or other weekly gathering.
    • Empathize with others and be kind to those around you.
    • Women aren't usually aggressive, so try to accept things in a friendly way and be assertive.
  2. Be graceful. Improve your posture and realize that feminine gestures - also very subtle - are very important. Women are known to make many gestures when they speak, which can add femininity and character to your conversations. Pay attention to the gestures and facial expressions of women around you and try to imitate how they move.
    • Smiling and playing with your hair are two very feminine gestures. Practice it in the mirror until it looks natural.
    • Try to make smaller, more graceful movements, instead of big steps and clumsy movements.
    • Standing upright makes you look balanced and your body appears more feminine.
  3. Practice your voice. It's important not only to look like a woman, but to sound like one too. Women not only have a higher voice, but often also speak more melodically. Women often adopt the voice patterns of other women they associate with a lot, so find a girlfriend to imitate.
    • Be active! The best practice is to speak to real people in public. That will help you move forward, so don't be shy or embarrassed.
    • There are also sound clips, articles and manuals on the Internet. Spend a few hours researching some practice methods.
    • If you feel that you are not progressing well enough, make an appointment with a speech therapist.


  • If you have a friend who supports you, ask her for help. Most girls are happy to give you advice and can judge how convincing you are as a woman.
  • It won't work 100% of the time for anyone. Deal with embarrassing situations with a sense of humor, then it's no problem.
  • If you want to become a woman for good, consider taking hormones and having surgery to permanently make your body more feminine. Your doctor can give you more information about this.
  • Self-confidence is the most important thing.
  • Buying fashion magazines like Vogue can give you ideas. Websites like Omiru, Style Bakery and StreetPeeper also keep you informed of the latest trends.
  • Wear a padded bra to round out your figure.


  • This article is aimed at a Western audience. Different cultures have different conceptions of gender!