How to Choose a Partner

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How To Choose A Partner Wisely
Video: How To Choose A Partner Wisely


Choosing a partner - who you want to spend your life with - is one of the most important decisions in your life. Living most of your life with someone you love is a fun and satisfying experience for both parties, but finding and choosing the right person can be a huge undertaking. Luckily it is something many people have to go through so you are not alone. In the US, unmarried and never-married people make up only 5% of the total population. Having a clear definition of the right person for you, determination to find that person, and a commitment to your relationship, you can completely share your life with someone you love.


Part 1 of 4: Determining Your Ideal Spouse

  1. Recognize reality about yourself. The journey to find a mate begins with the main friend! To know who is best for you, you must know exactly who you are. What I like and dislike, what I am good at and what I am bad at. Determine what you want your life to be like and what you want from your partner. Be realistic and be honest with yourself. If you find it difficult to get to know yourself, try to ask close friends for help.
    • The most important thing, Love yourself, the downsides and all you have. You cannot expect someone to love you if you cannot love yourself. If you are trying to have a lifelong relationship while you look negatively on yourself, then you will only destroy yourself and hurt those close to you, so take this as The first priority should be made before you continue looking for a mate.

  2. Determine your life goals. Two people live together need go in the same direction in most of the major decisions of life (if not all of them). Disagreement on a major issue, as well as a life's non-negotiable problems can deviate from that relationship even when the two are still in perfect harmony.Be open and honest about your goals - trying to deceive yourself can lead to long-term disappointment and also not be fair to your partner. For more discussion on this topic, see the section Priorities under. Here are a few important questions you will need to answer before choosing a mate:
    • Do I want to have children?
    • Where do I want to live?
    • Do I want to work or take care of the house (or both)?
    • Do I want my relationship to be unique?
    • What do I want to achieve before I die?
    • What kind of lifestyle do I want?

  3. Learn from your past relationships. If you have trouble determining what you want from your partner or what you want out of your life, rethink the relationships you used to have. The choices you make in your relationship, consciously or unconsciously, can help hint at the qualities you're looking for in your partner and even those you are. should work hard to maintain a long-term relationship. Here are some questions to consider about your past relationships:
    • What did you like about the other party?
    • What did you enjoy doing the most with the other party?
    • What disagreements have you had with the other person?
    • What have you criticized the other person about?
    • What has the person criticized you about?
    • Why did that relationship fail?

  4. Ask as many questions as you are in the early stages of the relationship. When you meet and start dating new people, tell them about themselves. Ask them what they like about a spouse, what their goals in life are, and what their long-term plans are. Ethnicity, preferences, spiritual attitudes and even diet are so important to long-term harmony, so don't be afraid to ask about any of them!
    • You will have to consider asking questions about all the aspects of choosing your lifestyle. For example, do they smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs? Do they have any horrible malice? Are they supportive and knowledgeable if you want to change or grow your career?
    • Be clear, these types of questions are not you need to ask right from your first appointment. Asking personal questions from the get-go can make a big difference, ruining your efforts to start a relationship. However, lifestyle questions are questions you should know about for the first six months after dating.

Part 2 of 4: Setting Your Priorities

  1. Decide if you want to have children. This decision extremely Important - perhaps the most important decision you make to your partner. Surprisingly, though, a growing number of couples do not discuss the matter thoroughly before attempting to commit to a lifelong relationship. Raising a child may be the happiest thing you'll ever do, but it's also a huge responsibility, a solid financial commitment, a decision to spend at least 18 years (or more) in direct responsibility With the child, therefore, this is not an issue to be taken lightly.
    • In America most people want to have children, but that doesn't mean that the world is, so never assert your spouse's decision until you know for sure.
  2. Decide how important culture and religion are to you. For many people cultural and religious traditions are an important part of their lives - others are incomprehensible or atheists or have followed unorthodox traditions or cultures. The lifestyles of two people are equal, but for some partners, having a relationship with someone who has the opposite view is not a viable option in the long run. Before you make a commitment to someone, you need to genuinely determine if your partner values ​​having someone who shares the same culture and religion.
    • Be clear, people from different religious and cultural backgrounds can still have a happy lifetime relationship. In the US, for example, more racial couples are now more common than ever.
  3. Decide how you want to spend your money. Money is a difficult topic to talk about, but it is very important in their shared life. Money can play an important role in couples' lifestyles - it can determine how long each person has been working, what is a career, what a lifestyle, and more. Talking frankly about your savings and spending plans is important to anyone considering a lifelong relationship.
    • Consider examples of financial decisions couples will have to make: a couple, someone who wants to spend their late 20s and early 30s traveling and exploring the world, and the other. Want to spend this time building a successful career and save money to buy a house, both of them can hardly fulfill their plans.
  4. Decide how you want your spouse to adapt to your family (and vice versa). Our families shape the way we think and behave throughout life. Having a clear view of how you want your spouse to adjust to your family is one thing Obligatory to anyone thinking of sticking their whole life with someone. You will want to know the role of your partner and yourself in your extended family (for example, your parents, siblings, relatives, etc.). Conversely, your partner should also have a clear direction for you.
    • For example, for couples who already have children, it is very important to have a parent responsible for taking care of the child all day. For many other couples, hiring a maid is an ACCEPTABLE idea. Likewise, some people may want to live with their parents and visit regularly while others may want more freedom.
  5. Decide what style of life you want. This is an important decision, but luckily your spouse will quickly define their lifestyle once you have begun to spend considerable time with them. You and your partner should have compatible ideas about how to use your free time, how you want to socialize with friends, and pursue activities that make you feel comfortable. You don't have to like it total everything is like your partner, but you shouldn't disagree over things that require consensus or great commitment.
    • For example, if there is a couple in which one person likes to watch professional wrestling shows on Monday nights and the other likes to watch nature documentaries at the same time, then there is a solution to problem solving (especially if they agree to buy a camera recorder). But what if one person wants to buy a house while the other does not want it or who wants to be generous and the other person does not like it, which is a major obstacle to long-term happiness.
  6. Decide where you want to live. Sometimes, place is the key to their happiness. People often want to live close to friends and close relatives or to live in places where they can participate in certain activities. If both of you are dissatisfied with living in the same place, it is likely that (at least) they will have to spend a lot of traveling time. advertisement

Part 3 of 4: Creating Pathways for Relationships

  1. Let go of all expectations. When trying to maintain a relationship, don't expect the other person to be someone other than themselves. Some people may compromise on many important matters and even change themselves a little for the other, but deep down, most people are still themselves. Avoid delusions about your partner or attribute them qualities they lack.Likewise, don't expect them to change the qualities inherent in the person that those qualities have captured you.
    • For example, ACCEPTABLE if you ask the other person (of course in a polite way) to dump the trash - this is a good time to reach compromise. However, it is NOT OK if you expect your partner to suddenly decide to have children if they are not yet ready - this is a purely personal decision that cannot be left out in a sensible way.
  2. Be honest about who you really are. As long as you don't try to hide or change any of the other person's inherent qualities, you need to treat yourself as well. When you are on a date, you may want to enlarge the facts about your past or current state to attract the other person. However, that only brings feelings of guilt to you and can also cause many problems. When others unknowingly learn the truth, the level of trust in the relationship can be seriously affected.
    • For example, IS ACCEPTABLE if you dress better than you normally would for the first few dates, but you shouldn't pretend you're an unknowable when in fact you follow a specific religion only. let my date be fun. Confusing someone about yourself - whether by lying or not revealing enough about yourself - is a deceitful act that is hard to ignore for many people.
  3. Spend a lot of time with your potential spouse. This is the best way to determine if you should spend a lot of time with someone. Try it out To know if a relationship can last a long time, you need to spend a lot of time with them (ideally in a variety of settings). If you can tolerate being with that person for days, weeks or months, you may have chosen the right person to keep in life.
    • You may also want to see if the person can get along well with your loved ones (and vice versa). Take the person to appointments and refer him or her to your friends and family. If the other person can get along well with those people, you will have one more reason to worry.
  4. Please take the time to spend more time. You are looking for someone to be with you for the rest of your life, so there is no reason to be in a hurry. Give your relationship a chance to naturally mature. Don't depend on arbitrary plans of progress through events that mark your relationship like fast progression, continue to be together and get married. If you are in a hurry to make a decision, you may end up in a situation where you do not prepare in advance, where you will have to be with someone who may or may not be like you in many life priorities. friend.
    • You won't want to get involved too much with your potential partner until you really get to know him or her. While it is still possible that a normal relationship turns into a serious one, physical intimacy is not the foundation for lasting happiness. While sexual attraction and harmony are key to a good long-term relationship, waiting allows you to better understand if you and your partner get along.
  5. Notice how you behave when you are with the other person. If you find yourself to act, pretending to show emotions different from what you really feel, or laughing at what you think isn't funny, can be a sign that you're not really comfortable with the person. However, if you feel relaxed and completely natural in your partner's presence, then you've chosen the right person. Feeling like yourself when you're with the other person is extremely important. Final, everybody all feel tired when right to act - You never want that to happen to you after 5 years of marriage.
  6. Be ready to make sacrifices. No relationship is perfect. There will come a time when you may feel like you have to sacrifice your own needs for the benefit of the other person. It all depends on how much you are willing to make sacrifices - most good relationships have fair give-and-take sacrifices on both sides.
    • When it's time to make sacrifices for a good relationship, small things like small personal habits should be sacrifices. However, you should not sacrifice your important life goals, because when there is a serious disagreement over one of your life goals, it is a sign that you two. not get along with. For example, the decision to cut back on drinking less with friends is a good sacrifice if you already have a wife and children. On the other hand, deciding not to have a baby when you really want to have one is not something you should sacrifice.

Part 4 of 4: Find The Right Person

  1. Always take the initiative. There's always someone out there for you - and all you need to do is find that person. If you are not trying to meet new people, experience new things or even move house, there is a very hard chance you will find the right person. So if you're looking for a partner, start by waking up and walking outside! Try to spend at least some of your break taking part in exciting community events, getting to know new people, generally getting out of your own world.
    • Almost expert Dating will recommend that you take the initiative in dating. Some even rank it on the same level as a career, which requires a great deal of time and effort!
  2. Meet people who enjoy doing activities you enjoy. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to spend every Friday night in a noisy, expensive club to meet someone who's good at dating, or you don't need to wear a set. great stuff, free-spirited, Hollywood-style. These ways can work with some People, but most people can still successfully find a partner simply by engaging in activities they enjoy. When you participate in activities you enjoy, you will meet people who share your interests and views, leading to a natural harmony between the two.
    • Even isolated hobbies offer opportunities to meet new people! Do you like reading comic books and playing video games? Join a group association! Do you like to draw? Open an exhibition! Do you love writing? Join a writer's workshop! There are plenty of fun activities for each interest, so start your search now!
  3. Be yourself. You are looking for someone who can live your whole life ahead of you, so it makes sense that if you two consider the other a potential partner, you should both open up as yourself when you're with the other person. In fact, a lot of people aren't quite ready open until they have fully understood the other person. If you disagree, try to be yourself at every stage of the relationship: invite them out, date, get to know each other better, commit to the other, and beyond. ! This way, you give your partner the chance to fall in love who you really are, not arrest them wait until you feel comfortable being yourself.
  4. Do not be afraid. The road to finding a mate can be difficult. There may seem to be times when you feel hopeless about finding someone who is right for you, especially if you are just going through a difficult relationship. Whatever you do, never give up hope or fear that you won't find anyone. Everyone in the world faces the same difficulties in the love story you are going through. Everyone sometimes has their own sadness. Have no plan absolute help you find a partner for you, so never judge yourself against other people or couples. Don't let negative thoughts divert you on the path of finding your own mate. Confidence, fearlessness and consistency are the keys to finding the right person for you!
    • Plus, confidence is also seen as a charm! Fearless confidence is an outstanding quality that helps you attract more to potential people: the more confident you are on your appointments, the more comfortable you are while with them, the more comfortable you will have, and you will become more confident with your appointments next.


  • Find out what I like, what I don't like, what my priorities are and what my greatest values ​​are. Your spouse may not be able to take exactly the same views as you, but make sure at least they will respect & accept them.
  • The key to a successful relationship is easy - humor and sincerity. Without those things, you have nothing.
  • Never allow anyone to abuse you, verbally or verbally ... it is an unacceptable act and you must stay away as quickly as possible.