How to dress for playing football

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Eddie the Dino dresses for playing football | Learn how to dress up as football player
Video: Eddie the Dino dresses for playing football | Learn how to dress up as football player


Football is an extremely fun sport played on a wide variety of levels, from professional to recreational. Different levels of play have different equipment requirements, but there are some general rules that must be followed to play anywhere, anytime. This article will help you choose the right football clothing.


Part 1 of 2: Dressing up for an entertaining game

  1. 1 Wear comfortable clothing. The most important part of a soccer kit is to provide freedom of movement so that you can play without having to think too much about your clothes. Since friendlies are generally not tied to a player's uniform requirements, you don’t have to worry about the kind of restrictions you might find in official games or league matches.
  2. 2 Find out about the weather conditions. If you just play with friends, you can wear whatever you want, as long as it is comfortable. So, if it's hot outside, put on something lighter, and vice versa, while the weather is cool, choose a little warmer clothes (however, keep in mind that you will get hot as soon as you start running in the field).
  3. 3 Find the right clothes. If it's warm outside, then you should probably go for shorts and a jersey or a jersey. If it's cold, you can take sweatpants and a long sleeve T-shirt. You may or may not need to insert shields. If you do, then wear short socks under your shin guards and long leg warmers on top to hold them in place.
    • Add a layer of clothing as needed. If it's cold at first, remember to wear shorts under your sweatpants so you can take them off when it gets too hot. You can also wear a jersey under a long-sleeved sweatshirt or sweatshirt for the same purpose.
  4. 4 Choose the right shoes. Again, the most important thing is comfort and functionality. If you own a boot, you can wear it. However, most recreational soccer games can be played with tennis or running shoes, or no shoes at all. Get in touch with other players to decide what type of footwear is right for this particular game. Due to the fact that football requires kicking the ball, you should wear tennis shoes or boots to avoid damaging or hurting your feet when wearing sandals or being left barefoot.
  5. 5 Add some style of your own. You can spice up your outfit by purchasing a jersey or shorts with the name of your favorite player or the name of your favorite team.It can also be fun to wear headbands or other accessories to make you feel like a famous football player on TV, and also to secure hair that gets in the way.

Part 2 of 2: Dressing for an Official League Match

  1. 1 Find out the rules of your league. When playing for a team or in a league, be aware that there may be more stringent clothing requirements than recreational matches. Learn the rules so you can stay within the rules.
  2. 2 Wear white socks under your team's official color scheme.
  3. 3 Wear your leg warmers over your shin guards.
  4. 4 Put on your boots.
    • Sports shoes with a convex pattern on the soles are only suitable for playing on grass.
    • The cleats must not have metal cleats, front pointed cleats or anything similar that could harm another player.
  5. 5 Ponytail your hair if it reaches shoulder height.
    • This will make it easier to follow the game.
    • You can use tight, soft headbands to keep them from falling on your face.
  6. 6 Wear a jersey with your team logo over your clothes.
    • Jackets and insulated jerseys should not be worn over your team jersey because they will hide your team affiliation, which is considered a scam.
    • Sweatshirts without zippers, hoodies (with a hood) can be worn under your T-shirt.
    • All types and colors of undershirts are acceptable as long as they are worn under your shirt.
  7. 7 Put on your shorts.
    • Leggings worn under shorts are an option.
    • The goalkeepers are allowed to wear trousers.
  8. 8 Insert the mouthguards.
    • This is especially recommended for those with orthodontic braces or any other dental appliance.
    • Gel inserts are great.
  9. 9 Use your goalkeeper supplies if you are a goalkeeper.
    • You will need a good pair of gloves.
    • Wear different colors of T-shirts.


  • If you are a goalkeeper, remember to choose gloves that fit snugly in your palms for maximum control of the ball in your hands.
  • Go to the game in clothes that match your team's colors when choosing your undershirt (black and white looks good with anything).
    • The goalkeeper must wear a different colored jersey than the rest of his team in order to stand out.
  • Make sure your boots are snug.
  • Don't wear jeans or sweatpants. You will get too hot.
  • Each team must choose their own design for their jerseys.
  • Shin guards are recommended for use and are often required when playing football. The decision to leave your shins unprotected can completely ruin a good day.
  • It is recommended that you purchase a new pair of boots for each season.
  • Ask the judge or refer to the league rules if you have any questions about how to dress.
  • Most people choose Adidas or NIKE. But some people prefer Puma and other brands.


  • Do not tell anyone on the opposing team that they are wearing inappropriate equipment. The judge or coach will tell them about it.
  • Do not wear jewelry, as metal hooks and other objects can harm other players, and a simple necklace can even act as a stranglehold for you.
    • The Laws of the Game states: no decorations. The referees serving matches within the United States Football Federation (USSF) or the American Youth Football Organization (AYSO) do not even allow players to wear earrings.
  • If you decide not to follow the football dress code, then choose something that is not dangerous for you or those around you.

What do you need

  • Undershirts
  • Shorts
  • Game T-shirt
  • Cleats
  • Shields
  • Leg warmers (socks)
  • Goalkeeper gloves (for the goalkeeper)
  • Goalkeeper pants and jersey (for the goalkeeper)
  • Hair band / hoop (if long hair)
  • Mouthguards (optional)
  • Headbands (optional)
  • Energy
  • Speed
  • Your best effort
  • Love for the game
  • Believe in yourself